Irna Miftarul Janah P (RSA1C316019)

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Irna Miftarul Janah P (RSA1C316019)

Dosen Pengampu :
Drs. Maison, M.Si., Phd.


What is
the hail?

Hail is precipitation which consists of ice balls. One process of

its formation is through condensation of water vapor through cooling
in the atmosphere in the layer above the frozen level. Ice that occurs
with this process is usually large. Because of its size, although it has
dropped to a lower direction with relatively warm temperatures, not all
ice is melting. Hail does not only occur in subtropical countries, but
can also occur in the equator.
This hail usually only takes a few minutes, then after that
the rain will return to normal as usual. Hail is an extreme
weather event caused by weather anomalies (deviant
conditions) in the form of falling ice grains / small diameter
crystals to the surface of the earth. Unlike rainwater, this hail is
dangerous on a large scale, can cause damage to roofs of
houses, farms, and even flights. This hail usually occurs in extra
tropical regions but can also occur in tropical regions such as
How does
Hail happen?

The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said

the decline in ice that resembled snow was caused by clouds
that were close to the surface of the earth. If the clump near the
surface of the earth will cause the cloud to not melt properly so
that it descends to the earth in a state still in the form of
condensation (clots). The ice grains are bursts of condensation
of rainwater that clot on the surface of the earth called dark
If we observe the process of rain of water, then we will know that rain water
can occur because of the evaporation of seawater which then becomes a cloud
containing water, and then the water falls into a drop of water called rain. But is this
the same thing that caused the hail to fall? Yes, this turns out to be not too different
which causes hail. One that causes hail is freezing. Where in this condition, cold
water vapor is attracted to the surface of the ice seeds. Then because of sudden
condensation, there is a very large size of ice forming. Actually this hail is not a
strange and rare natural phenomenon. This hail has often happened. And the
occurrence of this hailstorm can befall the tropics not even during the rainy season.
Ice grains that fall during hail are condensation from rainwater that clots on the
surface of the earth called dark clouds.
How is the
process of Hail ?
This Is The Process Of Hailing

1. Much of the water is stored in a container called the ocean, sea, river, lake,
swamp, and so on. Then the water will experience evaporation or called
evaporation through the help of sunlight. It also includes water that is in
plant leaves or on the surface of the ground.
2. The process of evaporation of water (especially from plants) is called
transpiration. The water vapor produced from evaporation will experience
compaction or condensation which then becomes clouds. Then the clouds
move individually to different places with the help of wind, both winds that
blow vertically and horizontally.
3. Then the cloud containing moisture is blown and comes to a place where
the temperature is colder and reaches the dew point, then condenses, and
because of the weight of this dew, it drops into raindrops.
4. When it has condensed, it has become water, and is blown by the rising
thermal wind, to a height that has a temperature below freezing, the dew
will turn to ice which will fall down. This bond between ice molecules is
stronger than between water molecules, because ice is a solid object. That
caused the ice to fall down in an irregularly arranged form, it could be the
size of a pebble, but some were up to the size of a fist.
Signs Of Hail

This hail comes usually accompanied by strong land winds or sometimes tornadoes.
The fall of hail can be predicted from the nature or circumstances that are around us. This
becomes very important for us to know outside the house.
Signs Of Hail:

1. Hail is accompanied by strong winds that usually occur during

climate transition in Indonesia during the dry season to the rainy
season. So that during this transition, the potential for hail is
greater than other times.
2. Hail is more common in the afternoon or evening. But it does not
rule out the possibility of this hail happening at night. It's just
that at noon or evening there is more potential for this hail.
3. One day before the hail falls, the air in the morning to night feels
very hot, and stuffy. This is what is likely to cause cloud clumping
to form layers of clouds that will cause this hailstorm.
4. If at around 10:00 a cloud that is layered or cumulus is visible,
and in the clouds there is a type of cloud with a clear gray border
and towering like a cauliflower, then the cloud will turn dark black
with a fast duration. If there is an indication like this, it can be
predicted that hail will occur and be accompanied by strong
5. Look at the plants or trees that are around us. If the branches
and twigs start to sway in the wind, then the signs of rain and
strong winds will arrive soon.
6. The air around us starts to feel cold which makes goose bumps.
7. Hail usually when the first rain comes is sudden heavy rain. If
the rain falls first with drizzle, then it indicates that the wind has
moved away from where we are.
8. If we hear of a lightning strike that is loud enough, it is possible
that heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds will
9. If when it enters the rainy season, there is no rain for 1 to 3
days, so the possibility of the first rain coming down is heavy
rain and accompanied by strong winds.
Example of Dangerous Hailstones :

If a hailstorm occurs long enough it can damage

he roof of the house, cars and planes

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