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Writing a Paragraph




Lenka is a famous singer and song
writer. She was born on 19 march 1978.
Her full name is Lenka Kripac. She is
from Australia. Lenka was raised in the
Australian bush of New South Wales
until age seven, when her family
moved to Sydney, where she received
her schooling and music training, and
started to work as a musician. Lenka is
well-known for her song, The Show.
Lenka has beautiful face. her hair
is long. she is very feminine. she has
also beautiful dimple. you can see her
dimple clearly when she smiles. Lenka
is very creative person. We can see her
creativity on her video clips. She is also
multi-talented artist. She can play some
music instruments, dance, and act.
• Is the descriptive text always about person?
• Can we describe animal on descriptive text?
• Can we describe things on descriptive text?
• Can we describe place on descriptive text
Observe your partner and write his/her
physical appearance

Name Physical Appearance

Descriptive Text
Social Function:
To describe a particular person, place or
Generic Structure:
- Identification: identifies phenomenon
to be described.
- Description: describes parts, qualities,
and characteristics.
Language Feature:
- Focus on specific participant
- Use of adjectives
- Use of simple present tense
Emma Watson
Emma Charlotte Watson was born in Paris,
France, 15 April 1990. Her nickname is Emma. She
is the daughter of Chris Watson and Jacqueline
Luesby. She lived in Paris until the age of five Tense
before she moved with her mother and younger
brother Alexander to Oxford, England.

Emma has wavy brown hair. Her height is

165 cm. She is a generous, friendly, and
determined person. She also said that she is a little
bit stubborn. Emma loves dancing, singing, tennis
and art.

Make a simple description text of your
friend based on the data that you have
collected on previous activity.
Make a simple description text of
favourite tourism resort. You may browse
the reference from the internet
Procedure Text
• Procedure is a factual text designed to describe
how something is accomplished through a
sequence of actions or steps
• The generic structure of procedure text:
1. goal/purpose
2. step 1, step 2....step n (a series steps oriented to
achieving the goal)
• The language features of procedure:
first, second, third....last
• The use of simple present tense, often imperatives
Exercise on Procedure
This is how you can set about making a bottle
garden. You can buy bottle garden in shops of
course, but it’s much more fun to make your own. To
start with you need a large bottle. Big jars you can
use for wine making or goldfish bowls are ideal
examples. The bowl does have to let in light, so
green glass isn’t suitable.
After that, the next stage is to make sure that
the water produced by plants can drain away. So
you need to put some lumps of charcoal in the
bottom of the bottle to let water escape and keep the
garden “sweet”.
Exercise on Procedure
Then you pour some fine soil into the
bottle. You can get really fine soil in special
mixtures from gardening shops if you want
to save yourself some trouble. Then you put
in your plants. Here’s your chance to grow
colorful sub-tropical plant which wouldn’t
survive outdoors during winter.
Exercise on Procedure
Well, you might wonder how you get the plants
into the bottle. In fact, you can do this quite easily by
fixing an ordinary fork and spoon to long sticks and
using these to lower the plants into position in the
bottle. So you’re, as it were, working at arms lenght.
Then cover up the roots and firm down the soil.
Usually you put tall plants in the middle and small
plants round the side, but if you’re only going to view
the garden from one side, then make a slope and put
your tallest plants at the back. Finally, when you’ve
got all the plants in position, give them some water.
And that’s the only time you’ll ever need to do it.
Speaking or writing about past events.
Some Examples of RECOUNT text are:

• Newspaper reports
• Conversations
• Speeches
• Television interviews
• Eyewitness accounts
• Letters
The Generic Structure
(Kerangka Karangan)
• Orientation
The first paragraph that gives background
information about who, what, where and when.
• Series of Events
The 2nd (third-…) paragraph that retells the events in
the order in which they happened.
• Re-orientation
A concluding paragraph (Impression, suggestion,
Language Features
(Bentuk Bahasa)

• Use past tense to retell the events.

• Use words that shows the order of events. Such as:
first, next, then, ….
• Use descriptive words to give details about who,
what, when, where and how.
One day, I had to teach a new English
class. I read the list of new students’ name. It
was Kiddies’ group since they were about 9
and 10 years old.
That was the first day of the Spanish carnival, so
I wanted to wear the most appropriate suit for the
children’s class. Most kids usually dress up at carnival, I
thought. It would be more interesting if their teacher was
also in carnival spirit. That was why I decided to wear my
Series of teddy bear suit and bring cuddly toys in my box.
Events And that was what I did. I walked through the
door happily. The director watched me completely
astonished. I smile and looked straight at her. With a man
beside her, he said, ”Good Afternoon. I’d like to introduce
you to Mr. Mendez, the director of Delta Company. He is
one of the participants of the English course that you will
teach today.”
Reorientation Oh my god! I nearly died! The secretary apologized to
me for the wrong details of my new class.
For Special Attention: Simple Past Tense
• I had to teach a new English class.
• I read a list of students’ names.
• It was kiddies’ group since they were
about 9 and 10 years old.
• That was the first day of Spanish carnival.
• I wanted to wear ...
• That was I decided to wear ...
• I walked through the door happily.
• etc
Generic structure
• Reports are factual genres used to
describe generic living and non living
• General classification
• Describing parts and function, behavior,
habitat, uses (non living)
The language features
• Spatial relation (moving from parts to
• Temporal relation
• Logical relation
• Verb phrase(adverb + verb)
Explanation text
• Explanation are factual genres used to
explain the processes involved in natural
and social phenomena  answer the
question “why”, “how”, “what causes”,
“what happens when/if”
The generic structure
• A generalized statement of the
phenomenon to be explained
• The details of how and why set out in a
series of logical steps, in paragraphs until
the explanation is completed
The social function
• Exposition is a factual text used to put
forward a point of view argument
• Social function  to persuade the reader
or listener that the fact is the case
The generic structure of
• Thesis  position and perview
• Argument  point and elaboration
• Reiteration  restatement of thesis

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