Aesthetic Presentation

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Sr no Subtopic
(A) Aesthetics

(B) Role of aesthetics

(C) Elements of aesthetics

(D) Principle of aesthetics

(E) Applications

(F) References
(A) Aesthetics
• What does aesthetics mean?
The root of aesthetics comes from ancient Greek:
aisthetikos meaning perception. Aesthetics has to do
with human perception. This meaning is clarified by
considering its negation: anaesthetic. An anaesthetic
is something that blocks sense perception and makes
a person unable to feel anything. This meaning is
more appropriate for non technical purpose or we can
say that the root of aesthetics is within human science
• Technically it means the art of design which
completes the technical aspect of a design.
All humans, including engineers, use aesthetic
distinctions to understand the world around them or
to be more accurate to build a better world.

• Aesthetics have lost its value in various designing

field with a few exceptions of designing products and
buildings etc.
• The fine arts are governed by aesthetic values and thus
constitute the proper realm of aesthetics, whereas the
useful arts, i.e. technology, are governed by functional
values, such as product performance, durability, cost,
safety, and so on, as well as by epistemic values in so
far as they produce technological knowledge.

• It plays a major role in fields such as product design, in

order to please consumers and increase sales.

• Whenever aesthetic values contribute to preferences in

engineering decisions, there is evidence that they
inform the engineering activity which shows the
dependency of engineering on aesthetics
(B)The Role of Aesthetics and its
importance in engineering
“Engineering involvement with aesthetics is vital for
the creation of innovative and successful products in
today’s fast changing world”
• The focus should be on how aesthetic values inform
the process of functional engineering design rather
than looking at how the engineering products are
aesthetically received by consumers, we look at how
they are designed by engineers and what role
aesthetic values play in the research and design
Relationship between engineering and
industrial design

• In today’s cost competitive global markets industrial design

and aesthetics is a significant lever in distinguishing
products from others to potential customers. The market
success of industrial products strongly depends on their
aesthetic character, i.e. the emotional reaction that the
product is able to evoke.

• The “relationship” between aesthetics and engineering in

design is found to be dependant on several factors: cost
reduction needs, manufacturing processes, technology,
customer requirements, customer satisfaction, to the value
placed one motional influence of product design, and even
philosophical issues about the human condition.
• Aesthetic awareness allows one to see an issue where
none existed before, this can be seen prove to be correct
by an example- " When Toshihiko Hirai of Mazda was
designing the Miata, he realized that the sound of the
car was an important issue in the perception of
sportiness. Exhaust notes could then be categorized and
measured, and an appropriate sound could then be
designed. In making this into an issue, Hirai was
making a quality judgment based on aesthetic
• This shows us that aesthetics should be valued in
engineering: Insights based on the raw material of the
senses are the key to creativity. Not only do aesthetics
play a key role in the perception and acceptance of
commercial products, but aesthetics play a central role
in the creative process itself.
• Thus, if engineers are involved in the creation of
products, or if they wish to become more creative, it is
important that they be sensitive to the aesthetic
implications of their work and also to their personal
aesthetic capabilities.
(C) Elements of design

• Line
• Shape
• Colour
• Texture
• Space
• Proportion
They are like building blocks
(D)Principle of design
• The Principles of Design are concepts that refer to the
relationships of the elements of design to each other and to the
total composition. These are as follows:
• Balance
• Unity
• Variety
• Harmony
• Movement
• Rhythm
• Emphasis
(E)Applications of aesthetics in Design

• Aesthetics are a part of product designs and design

philosophies. A design cannot just be a thought; it
must be expressed in some material form, kind of, art,
sketch, drawing, blueprint, graphics, artifact, article,
fashion, clothing, game, music, text, product,
building, skyscraper, engineering, plant, machines,
mine, science, computer, management, corporate,
business, process, method, service, system,
application, etc.
(1) A mechanical arm bridge
for e.g.- A Bridge in the Netherlands - An Elegant Architectural &
Engineering Marvel Constructed by Merging Creative Art with High
End Technology to Produce a Modern Classical Design
(2) Cycloidal drive: A Cycloidal drive or cycloidal
speed reducer is a mechanism for reducing the speed
of an input shaft by a certain ratio.
(3) Curta mechanical calculator: The Curta is a small mechanical
calculator developed by Curt Herzstark. The Curta's design is a
descendant of Gottfried Leibniz's Stepped Reckoner and
Charles Thomas' Arithmometer, accumulating values on cogs,
which are added or complemented by a stepped drum
mechanism. It has an extremely compact design: a small
cylinder that fits in the palm of the hand.
(4)Mechanical bin
(5) In Neuroesthetics
Neuroesthetics seeks to explain the prominence of
great art as an embodiment of biological principles of
the brain, namely that great works of art capture the
essence of things just as vision and the brain capture
the essentials of the world from the ever-changing
stream of sensory input. It is a crucial field since it is
related to human science.
• Also various other fields such as in landscape,
making maps etc. Aesthetics have roots in almost
every fields every tasks whether it is related to
technical or non technical. Everything that looks
pretty or "Beautiful" which fulfil or need technically,
nontechnically or philosophically is made possible
by Aesthetics and its importance in life.
(F) References

• 1.) Preprint article from Philosophy of

Technology and Engineering Sciences


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