Protected Areas in Pakistan

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Protected Areas in Pakistan

Pakistan has 29 national parks. Only some of these are under the
conservation scope of IUCN. Protection and conservation of the
environment of Pakistan was included in the
concurrent constitution of 1973. A new system of 'Modern Protected
Areas' legislation began at the provincial level which assigned the
protected areas with designations such as national parks, wildlife
sanctuaries and game reserves. Nevertheless, the development of
national parks was mainly carried out by National Conservation
Strategy of 1992. Due to more awareness about their importance in
conservation of biodiversity, 10 national parks have been established
during the time period from 1993 to 2005.
According to the 'Modern Protected Areas' legislation, a national park
is a protected area set aside by the government for the protection and
conservation of its outstanding scenery and wildlife in a natural state.
It is accessible to public for research, education and recreation. In
order to promote public use, construction of roads and rest houses is
permitted. Use of firearms, polluting water, cleaning of land for
cultivation, destruction of wildlife is banned in these areas.
Protected Areas in Pakistan
Province/Territory National Park Wildlife Sanctuary Game Reserve CCHA Total
KP 6 8 38 89 141
Punjab 6 36 20 0 62
Sindh 1 35 14 0 50
Baluchistan 3 15 8 2 28
Federal Territory 1 1 1 0 3
Gilgit Baltistan 5 3 9 24 41
AJ&K 7 0 12 0 19
Total 29 98 102 115 344
List of National Parks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(KP)
S.No NP of KP Province District Area (ha) Established
1 Ayubia NP KP Abt 3312 1984
2 Broghil Valley NP KP Chitral 134744 2010
3 Chitral Gol NP KP Chitral 7750 1984
4 Lulu Sar Dadipat NP KP Mansehra 30375 2003
5 Saif ul Malook NP KP Mansehra 4867 2003
6 Shiekh Buddin NP KP Dik 15540 1993
List of National Parks in Punjab
S.No NP of Punjab Province District Area (ha) Established
1 Kala chitta NP Punjab Attock 36965 2009
2 Murree-KotliSattian-Kahuata NP Punjab Rwp 7581 2009
3 Margalla Hills NP Punjab Islamabad 17386 1980
4 Ayub Punjab Rwp 931 -
5 Chinji NP Punjab Chakwal 6095 1987
6 Lal Sunhanra NP Punjab Bahawalpur 4426 1972
List of National Parks in Balochistan
S.No NP of Balochistan Province District Area (ha) Established
1 Hazar Ganji-Chiltan NP Balochistan Quetta 15555 1980
2 Hingol NP Balochistan Lasbela 165004 1988
3 Dhrun Balochistan Awaran 167700 1988
List of National Parks in Gilgit-Baltistan(GB)
S.No NP of GB Province District Area (ha) Established
1 Central Karakorum NP GB Gilgit 1396100 1993
2 K2 GB Gilgit 233418 -
3 Deosai NP GB Skardu 358400 1993
4 Shandur-Hundrub NP GB Ghizer 164000 1993
5 Khunjrab NP GB Gilgit 226913 1975
6 Qaramber NP GB Ghizer 74000 2010
List of National Parks in AJ & K
S.No NP of AJ & K Province District Area (ha) Established
1 Deva Vitala NP AJ & K Bhimber 2993 2009
2 Ghamot NP AJ & K Neelum 27271 2004
3 Musk Deer NP AJ & K Neelum 25815 2009
4 Mashiara AJ & K Muzaffarabad 13532 1996
5 Pir Lasora NP AJ & K Kotli 5625 2005
6 Toli Pir NP AJ & K Kotli Mirpur 4500 2010
7 Mahasheer NP AJ & K Punch 5045 2005
List of National Parks in Sindh
S.No NP of Sindh Province District Area (ha) Established

1 Kirther NP Sindh Dadu 308733 1974

Central Karakorum NP
Chitral Gol NP Deosai NP
Shandur-Hundrub NP
Ayubia NP Khunjrab NP
Broghil Valley NP Qaramber NP
Lulu Sar Dadipat NP
Saif ul Malook NP
Shiekh Buddin NP
Deva Vitala NP
Ghamot NP
Musk Deer NP
Shiekh Buddin NP Mashiara
Pir Lasora NP
Toli Pir NP
Mahasheer NP
Hazar Ganji-Chiltan NP

Lal Sunhanra NP

Kirther NP

Hingol NP
Basic Terminologies about Protected Areas
1. National Park
2. Wildlife sanctuary
3. Game reserve
4. Community control Hunting Area
5. Biodiversity Reserve
6. Biosphere Reserve
7. Closed Area declared closed for betterment of biological diversity
8. National Natural Heritage Site
9. Site of special scientific interest research and education
10. Wildlife Refuge preserved habitat of wl, to view in natural setting
11. Conservancy wildlife and habitat protection under ordinance
12. Core zone interference prohibited
13. Buffer zone transition b/t core and multiple zone
14. Wildlife safari park ordinance special wl under captive and samicaptive
15. Multiple use zone human use to facilitate wildlife
16. Zoological garden or Zoo
List of Ramsar Wetland sites in Pakistan
The Ramsar Convention on Wetland protection
has been signed in Ramsar, Iran in 1971. As of
March 2013, there are nineteen Ramsar sites,
covering an area of 1,343,627 hectares
(3,320,170 acres) in Pakistan.
Forestry in Pakistan
• The forestry sector of Pakistan is a main
source of lumber, paper, fuelwood, latex,
• medicine as well as food and provide
ecotourism and wildlife conservation
• Less than 4% of land in Pakistan is covered
with forests
Wildlife of Pakistan
Ayubia National Park
The area supports temperate coniferous forest and temperate broadleaf and
mixed forest ecoregion habitats, with an average elevation of 8,000 feet
(2,400 m) above the sea level.
Rainfall: 1,244 cm
Temperature: 3 °C - 11 °C
About 757 vascular Plants species.
Plants Blue pine, silver Fir, Chir pine, Oak, Yew (has high medicinal value for
 birds 203 spp, 31 mammals, 16 reptiles and 3 amphibians spp. Many species
of birds, including the golden eagle, the vulture, Eurasian sparrowhawk and
the hill pigeon among others can be found here. It is also home to some of the
rarer Himalayan pheasant species like the kalij and koklass pheasants. Ayubia
National Park supports 31 species of mammals. Animals such as the
Asiatic leopard, hill fox and flying squirrel can be found here.
Common animals
Asiatic Leopard, Asiatic Black Bear, Yellow throated marten hill Fox, Himalayan
palm civet, Masked civet and Rhesus Macaque and Red Flying Squirrel can be
found here. At Ghora Daka a chair-lift operates during summer months.
Margalla Hills National Park

Margalla Hills National Park located in Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan. The
park includes the Margalla Hills, which form's the foothills of the Himalayas, along
with Shakarparian Park and Rawal Lake. Established in 1980, Margalla Hills National
Park covers approximately 17,386 hectares (67.13 sq mi). Tilla Charouni with a height
of 1604m is tallest peak in the park. Margalla Hills are a popular tourist destination,
with Daman-e-Koh and Pir Sohawa serving as popular hill stations,
while Shakarparian Cultutal Complex and Lake View Park are popular picnic
spots.The park is rich in biodiversity, especially rich in Sino-Himalayan fauna, most
notably gray goral, barking deer and the Leopard. Combined MHNP is home to
around 600 plant species, 250 bird varieties, 38 mammals and
13 species of reptiles.

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