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 Visible Consequences in oil and gas production

• Uneven distribution of marine life

• Affects the concentration of marine life in shelf and costal zones(90% organism habitat is in this
• Visible and serious ecological disturbance

 Trends an oil and gas resources

• Hifh dynamics in demend
• Rapid technology progress
• Wide geography of exploration
• Wide production activities

Source of energy 1990 Optimal in 2030

Oil 33% 14
Coal 24 8
Gas 18 20
Renewable 40 - 45 60
Nuclear 0
 Anthropogenic impact of hydrosphere
• It refers to accessing the state of hydrosphere and water ecosystem
Depends on may factors
• Change in temp regimes
• Discharge of toxic effluents
• Inflow of nutrients
• Irretrievable water consumption
• Damage of water organism during seismic surveys
• Destruction of shoreline
Impact on Hygienic Ecological fisheries
Liq and solid waste Locally-weak weak
discharge Regional-weak
Subsea pipeline locally-considerable Regionally- high
-cause chemical
Offshore str.- Considerable on
abandoned local and fisheries
Accident Local-high Local-high Regional and local-
 Anthropogenic impact of hydrosphere on onland oil gas production

Impact on-> Hygienic Ecological Fisheries

Oil pollution Local-high Local-high Local-high
Subsea pipeline- Local-high Local-high Local-high
chemical pollution
Drilling operation consequences-1

 Marine pollutnats
• Group -1(most hazardous)
Substances causing mechanical impact which can damage respiratory organds, digestive systems etc.
Eg respiratory organ damage

• Group 2
Substances that propose eutrophic effects which results in rapid growth of phytoplankton
Eg—mineral compounds,organic subtances

• Group 3
Substances that has saprogenic properties(High probab of sewage mixity units decomposed oranic matter)
-results dec in oxygen

• Group 4-Causinf toxity effect-irreversible damage to physological process

• Group-5-Causes carcigomic effects-mutagrnic effects-cetrogenic effects

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