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Choose Kindness

By: Claire Thompson, Natalie Williams, Jim Emory, Itzel Navarrete

Introduction to the Problem
Bullying is a problem in almost all schools however the scale of the bullying varies,
it still doesn't change that any form should be stopped. There are several factors
that can push start bullying such as, jealousy, outside personal issues, victim
showing weakness, or cultural differences. It seems that a presence of any of
these factors encourage bullying. The biggest part is the problem that younger
people have showing empathy towards others and just assuming the person just
wants attention. These forms of bullying can either be physical or emotional
sometimes both.
● Bullying is a form of behavior in which an aggressor purposely causes another person grief or

● The different forms of bullying include: physical, sexual, verbal, racial, social, and cyber

● Bullying
Other School Discipline Violations against Persons

1. Assault/fighting and/or battery

2. Weapons or other dangerous objects (any knife)
3. Hazing, harassment (includes sexual harassment)
4. Interference/obstruction of staff member
5. Verbal abuse
6. Racial or ethnic slurs
7. Defiance of authority
● Physical
○ Hitting, Elbowing, Kicking, Shoving
● Verbal
○ Name Calling, Put Downs, Rumors
● Social
○ Rumors, Excluding, Shunning
● Cyber
○ Through Social Media Like SnapChat or InstaGram
● Racial
○ Ethnicity, Race, Diversity, Culture or Religion
● Sexual
○ Gender or Sexual Orientation
(Types of bullying)
How To Respond
● Speak Up
○ Adults can’t do anything if you don’t say anything… Make your voice heard to those who went
through the same thing.
● Make Groups
○ Great way to make friends and identify the injustice.
● Fight Back
○ Look them in the eye and stand straight, show them it bothers you.
● Walk Away
○ Don’t let them get to you or use you as a mat. YOU DON’T CARE!!!!

(Bullying Resources)
Bullying has become a major problem in modern society. Before it was
something that only occurs physically, and verbally, but with recent development
of new technology, bullying has become more common, but is also hidden more.
Everyone as a society must come together to help bring light to this situation, and
come up with a solution to this. By bringing awareness to it, we can help make
sure that, not only is our school a safe place where students will feel comfortable
studying in, but also that social media becomes a source of enjoyment for
Work Cited
brandontim11. “VII Examples That Illustrate the Nature of Bullying in Schools Including MHS.”
VII Examples That Illustrate the Nature of Bullying in Schools Including MHS,

Chester, Kayleigh. “Bullying Isn't Just Verbal or Physical – It Can Also Be Social, and This Can
Have the Worst Effects.” The Conversation, 14 Oct. 2018,

“Diversity, Race & Religion.”,

“El Dorado High School.” El Dorado High School - Mission/Vision,

“Physical Bully.” Bullying Statistics, 21 July 2015,

Work Cited Continued...
“RELATIONAL BULLYING.” Relational Bullying | Recongnize Bullying,

“Sexual Harassment and Sexual Bullying (for Teens).” Edited by Michelle J. New, KidsHealth,
The Nemours Foundation, Oct. 2014,

“Types Of Bullying | National Centre Against Bullying.” NCAB,

“Understanding the Nature of Bullies and Bullying.” HealthGuidance,

“What Is Cyberbullying.”,

“Bullying Resources.” Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta,

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