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Biochemical Engineering


Protist Kingdom

Prokaryotes Eucaryotes

Bacteria Blue green Fungi Algae Protozoa


Eubacteria Archaeobacteria Molds Yeast

 They do not have a nucleus
 They have no membrane-bound
 The parts are
– Cell wall
– Plasma membrane
– Ribosomes
– Flagella
– Pili
The Bacterial Cell
 Plant Cell
 Animal Cell
 Parts
– Nucleus
– Plasma membrane
– Organelles
 Endoplasmic recticulum
– Rough
– Smooth
 Golgi Complex
 Mitochondrion
 Lysosome
 Chloroplast
An Animal Cell
A Plant Cell
 It houses the chromatin, which is a mass of
DNA and protein.
 During cell division the chromatin coils up into
recognizable chromosomes.
 The nuclear envelope is a double membrane
perforated with pores that allow transport of
materials back and forth to the cyotplasm.
 The nucleus is the site of DNA replication and
RNA synthesis (transcription). It is the site of
the control of gene expression.
 It is rough because imbedded in the membrane are
 It is the site of the synthesis of secretory proteins.
 It is the site for the synthesis of membrane. Enzymes
synthesize phospholipid that forms all the
membranes of the cell.
 Ribosomes in the rough ER synthesize protein that
are then converted to glycoprotein and packaged in
transport vesicles for secretion.

 The smooth ER is the site for the synthesis of

lipids, phospholipids, and steroids.
 The production of steriod hormones is tissue
– For example, it is the smooth ER of the cells of the
ovaries and testes that synthesize the sex
 The smooth ER of the liver has several additional
functions. Enzymes in the smooth ER regulate the
release of sugar into the bloodstream while other
enzymes break down toxic chemicals. As the liver is
exposed to additional doses of a drug the liver
increases the amount of smooth ER to handle it. It
then takes more drug to get past the detoxifiying
ability of the liver. We become more tolerant of the

 Finally the smooth ER functions to store calcium ions.

Ca+ ions are required for muscle contraction.
 The Golgi apparatus, like the ER, is a series of
folded membranes.

 It functions in processing enzymes and other

products of the ER to a finished product.

 It is the source of the production of

 These organelles are the sites of respiration
and convert the chemical energy of sugars
and other organic compounds into the high-
energy phosphate bonds of an ATP molecule.

 These are also bound by a double

membrane. The inner membrane is the
folded (the folds are called cristae) and is the
site of the electron transport system.
 These are membrane bound vesicles that
harbor digestive enzymes.

 The membrane of a lysosome will fuse with

the membrane of vacuoles and releases these
digestive enzymes to the interior of the
vacuole to digest the material inside the
 These are membrane bound sacs that have
many different functions.

– The central vacuole of a plant cell serves as a large


– It may also function in absorbing water.

– The central vacuoles of flower petal cells may hold

the pigments that give the flower its color.

– The contractile vacuoles of protists collect and

excrete water.
Lysosome Formation and Function
 These are found on cells, such as protists, that are

 Cilia are short and numerous.

 Flagella are longer and less numerous appendages

 These are composed of a core of microtubules wrapped

in an extension of the plasma membrane.

 It is sufficient to know that Energy is required to move

the cilia or flagella in a whip-like motion to propel the
1 – 5 m in length 10 – 30 m in length
Genetic material is a nucleoid, a poorly Possess a nucleus, a region bounded by a
demarcated region of the cell that lacks a complex membranous structure called
boundary membrane to separate it from nuclear envelop.
surrounding cytoplasm.
Contain relatively small amount of DNA Contain several orders of magnitude of
Length of DNA ranges from 0.25mm to more genetic information
3mm. Length of DNA is about 4.6mm (yeast)
Single chromosome consists of essentially Chromosome consists of fibers containing
naked DNA both DNA and protein

Cytoplasm is essentially devoid of Cytoplasm is filled with a great diversity of

membranous structure structures
No condensation of chromosomes and no Divide by a complex process of mitosis in
spindle apparatus. The DNA is duplicated which duplicated chromosomes condense
and the two copies are simply separated into compact structures that are separated
by the growth of an intervening cell by an elaborate microtubule-containing
membrane apparatus
Simple locomotion mechanism Possess complex loco motor mechanism
The Chemistry of Life
The elements of life:
 Stars (with assistance from the Big bang) have formed
83 stable chemical elements in the universe

 ~95% of the mass of all terrestrial organisms composed

of just 4 of them
– Hydrogen (61% in humans)
– Oxygen (26% in humans)
– Carbon (10.5% in humans)
– Nitrogen (2.4% in humans)
 Polymers composed of sugars /
 Uses include energy source, component of
extra cellular matrix
Monosaccharide / Disaccharide


Lactose = -D-galactose + glucose

What is Starch?
The term starch is used to describe a biopolymer system
comprising predominantly of two polysaccharides - amylose
and amylopectin.
The smaller of the two polysaccharides which make up starch, amylose is a linear
molecule comprising of (1-4) linked alpha-D-glucopyranosyl units.

Figure 2 : Amylose molecule

The larger of the two components, amylopectin is highly branched with a much
greater molecular weight. This structure contains alpha-D-glucopyranosyl units
linked mainly by (1-4) linkages (as amylose) but with a greater proportion of (1-6)
linkages, which gives a large highly branched structure.

Amylopectin has been found to form the basis of the structure of starch granules.
This is because the short branched (1-4) chains are able to form helical structures
which crystallise.
Cellulose : the major structural component of woody
plants and natural fibers such as cotton, wood, and cork, is a
ß-D-glucose polymer found in vegetable matter.

The ß-glycoside linkages in cellulose give the glucose rings a different relative
orientation than is found in starch. Although this difference may seem minor, it
has very important consequences : human being are not able to digest them !
Lipids and Phospholipids
 Long hydrocarbon chains with active
group on one end
– Fatty acids
– Neutral fats
– Phospholipids (fatty acid derivatives found in
cell membranes)
 Structure formation is analogous to
surfactant, block copolymer
Lipid Classes
simple: FA’s esterified with glycerol
compound: same as simple, but with other compounds
also attached
phospholipids: fats containing phosphoric acid and
nitrogen (lecithin)
glycolipids: FA’s compounded with CHO, but no N
derived lipids: substances from the above derived by
sterols:large molecular wt. alcohols found in nature and
combined w/FA’s (e.g., cholesterol)
Nutritional Uses of Lipids

We already know that lipids are concentrated

sources of energy (9.45 kcal/g)
other functions include:

1) provide means whereby fat-soluble nutrients

(e.g., sterols, vitamins) can be absorbed by the body
2) structural element of cell, subcellular components
3) components of hormones and precursors for
prostaglandin synthesis
Omega fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids like DHA and EPA are added to

many foods to due to their nutritive value. They are present
naturally to the highest levels in fish oils.

The three fatty acids in a single fat molecule may be all alike (as
shown here for tristearin) or they may be different. They may
contain as few as 4 carbon atoms or as many as 24.
Essential Fatty Acids
Needed by body but cannot be synthesized so
external source required

18:2 n-6
18:3 n-3
20:5 n-3
 The control of protein structure builds information
into the molecule that translates into function
 Proteins are the most common biological
macromolecules in the extra cellular matrix
 Perform structural and functional tasks
– Collagen (triple helix – gly-X-Y) where proline and hydroxy
proline is often present is the basic stuctural protein
– Enzymes perform specific catalytic tasks
– Adhesive proteins are bind cells to substrates –
fibronectin, integrin, etc.
– Provide signal transduction between cells and ECM
Peptide Synthesis
Protein Structure Hierarchy
 Secondary structure refers to local chain
conformations – four types are known:
  helix – regular helix
  sheet – extended zig-zag
  turn – puts fold into  sheet
– Globular or random coil
 Tertiary structure refers to secondary structure
stabilized by H bonds – defines protein folding
DNA Chemistry
 DNA is a complex molecule which is built of
three basic types of monomers:
– 1. Sugar (deoxyribose)
– 2. A phosphate PO4
– 3. One of four “nitrogenous bases”
 Adenine (A)
 Guanine (G)
 Cytosine (C)
 Thymine (T)
– These four monomers are collectively called
The DNA Nitrogenous Bases:
Differences between
DNA construction
 The double helix:
– Resembles a twisted ladder
 The “rails” of the DNA ladder are made of the
sugar and phosphate

 The “rungs” of the ladder are composed of one of

four pairs of the nitrogenous bases
– Either AT, TA, GC or CG
DNA Letters, Genes
 The rungs of the double helix are like the map
on the floor. They spell out which amino acid
should line up where
– Each rung can have one of four possible “letters”
 AT
 TA
 GC
 CG
– Each slot where an amino acid will line up is formed
of three rungs of the double helix
 A set of three rungs is called a “gene”
DNA and amino acids
 Each gene (three rungs) matches up
chemically to one of the 20 amino
acids used by life
• Each gene ‘spells’ the name of an amino acid!
• The amino acids line up along the double helix
according to the map spelled out by the
sequences of sets of three rungs
• They the amino acid monomers join together
The Nucleic Acid

Complex structures used to

maintain genetic information
 DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid
serves as the “Master Copy” for
most information in the cell.
 RNA – Ribonucleic acid acts to
transfer information from DNA to
the rest of the cell.
 Phosphoric acid
 Ribose ( a pentose)
 Organic (nitrogeneous) bases:
– Purines: Adenine & guanine
– Pyrimidines: Cytosine and Uracil
DNA is a polymer known as

• Each nucleotide consist of

-5 carbon sugar
-Nitrogen containing base
attached to the sugar

• There are 4 nucleotides

- Adenine
- Guanine
- Thymine
- Cytosine
Translation of RNA to Protein
  U C A G  

UUU = Phe UCU = Ser UAU = Tyr UGU = Cys

UUC = Phe UCC = Ser UAC = Tyr UGC = Cys U
UUA = Leu UCA = Ser UAA = Stop UGA = Stop C
UUG = Leu UCG = Ser UAG = Stop UGG = Trp A

CUU = Leu CCU = Pro CAU = His CGU = Arg

CUC = Leu CCC = Pro CAC = His CGC = Arg U
CUA = Leu CCA = Pro CAA = Gln CGA = Arg C
CUG = Leu CCG = Pro CAG = Gln CGG = Arg A

AUU = Ile ACU = Thr AAU = Asn AGU = Ser

AUC = Ile ACC = Thr AAC = Asn AGC = Ser U
AUA = Ile ACA = Thr AAA = Lys AGA = Arg C
AUG = Met ACG = Thr AAG = Lys AGG = Arg A

GUU = Val GCU = Ala GAU = Asp GGU = Gly

CUC = Val GCC = Ala GAC = Asp U
GCG = Gly
GUA = Val GCA = Ala GAA = Glu C
G GGA = Gly A
GUG = Val GCG = Ala GAG = Glu
GGG = Gly G

AUG = start codon

UAA, UAG, and UGA = stop (nonsense) codons
Amino Acids
Phe = phenylalanine His = histidine
Leu = leucine Gln = glutamine
Ile = isoleucine Asn = asparagine
Met = methionine Lys = lysine
Val = valine Asp = aspartic acid

Ser = serine Glu = glutamic acid

Pro = proline Cys = cysteine
Thr = threonine Trp = tryptophan
Ala = alanine Arg = arginine
Tyr = tyrosine Gly = glycine
Spontaneous Mutation
•Substitution of a nucleotide (point mutations)
Spontaneous Mutation

•Deletion or addition of a nucleotide

Results of Spontaneous Mutation
 Missense mutation This is usually seen
with a single substitution mutation and
results in one wrong codon and one
wrong amino acid
 Nonsense mutation - If the change in the
deoxyribonucleotide base sequence
results in transcription of a stop or
nonsense codon, the protein would be
terminated at that point in the message
 Sense mutation - This is sometimes
seen with a single substitution
mutation when the change in the
DNA base sequence results in a new
codon still coding for the same
amino acid.
 Frameshift Mutation - This is seen when a
number of DNA nucleotides not divisible
by three is added or deleted.

• Enzymes endow cells with the remarkable capacity

to exert kinetic control over thermodynamic

• Enzymes are the agents of metabolic function

– Enzymes as Biological
 Increase reaction rates
by over 1,000,000-fold
 Two fundamental
– Increase the reaction rate
with no alteration of the
– Increase the reaction rate
without altering the
 Reduce the activation
– Enzymes as Biological Catalysts
 The substrate binds to a specific region called the
active site
– Enzymes as Biological
 Two popular models
provide an aid to
understanding the
mechanisms of enzyme
– Lock-and-key
– Induced fit
The Michaelis-Menten Equation

Louis Michaelis and Maude Menten’s theory

It assumes the formation of an enzyme-substrate
It assumes that the ES complex is in rapid equilibrium
with free enzyme
Breakdown of ES to form products is assumed to be
slower than 1) formation of ES and 2) breakdown of ES
to re-form E and S
Plot initial velocity against substrate concentration


k1 k2
E + S k-1
ES k-2
E + P

The following assumptions allow Michaelis-Menten model to

explain V vs S kinetics

1. Enzyme and substrate combine to form ES complex

2. Assume reverse rxn, k-2, is negligible

3. Assume [ES] is constant, steady state assumption: d[ES]/dt = 0

4. [E] <<<[S]
k1 k2
E + S k-1
ES E + P
[Et] [S]
[ES] = -------------------------
[S] + (K2+ K-1) / K1

Define Km as (K2+ K-1) / K1

(as the Michaelis-Menten constant)

[Et] [S]
[ES] = -----------------
k1 k2
E + S k-1
ES E + P
V0 = K2 [ES]

K2 [Et] [S]
= ------------------
[S] + km

Maximum velocity (Vmax) occurs when [ES] = [Et]

Thus, Vmax = K2 [Et]

Vmax [S]
V0 = ------------------ (Michaelis-Menten equation)
k1 k2
E + S k-1
ES E + P
Vmax [S]
V0 = ------------------
km + [S]

When V0 = 1/2 Vmax

Vmax Vmax [S]

--------------- = ------------------
2 km + [S]

Solve for km

Km = [S] when V0 = 1/2 Vmax

Let's find Vmax & Km on the graph

Vmax = v at highest [S]

Km = [S] at 1/2 Vmax

Understanding Km

The “kinetic activator constant”

Km is a constant
Km is constant derived from rate constants
Km is, under true Michaelis-Meten conditions,
estimate of the dissociation constant of E from S
Small Km means tight binding; high Km means weak
Understanding Vmax

The theoretical maximal velocity

Vmax is a constant
Vmax is the theoretical maximal rate of the reaction –
but it is NEVER achieved in reality
To reach Vmax would require that all enzyme
molecules are tightly bound with subtrate
Vmax is asymptotically approached as substate is
The dual nature of the Michaelis-
Menten equation
Combination of 0-order and 1st-order kinetics

When S is low, the equation for rate is 1st-order in S

When S is high, the equation for rate is 0-order in S
The Michaelis-Menten equation diescribes a
rectangular hyperbolic dependence of v on S!
The turnover number

A measure of catalytic activity

kcat, the turnover number, is the number of substrate

molecules converted to product per enzyme
molecule per unit of time, when E is saturated with
If the M-M model fits, k2 = kcat = Vmax/Et
Values of kcat range from less than 1/sec to many
millions per sec
Vmax [S]
V0 = ------------------
km + [S]

1 km + [S]
--------- = ------------------
V0 Vmax [S]

1 km [S]
---------- = ------------ + ------------
V0 Vmax [S] Vmax [S]

1 km 1 1
---------- = ------ ------ + ------
V0 Vmax [S] Vmax
Lineweaver-Burk Plot: 1/V0 against 1/[S]
Not all enzymes obey Michaelis- Menten kinetics:
allosteric, regulatory enzymes
Enzyme Inhibitors

Competitive vs. Noncompetitive

Competitive Inhibition v max S
KM  S  I
Non-Competitive Inhibition

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