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Smart Blind Stick
People who suffer from a severe
reduction in vision that cannot
be corrected with conventional
means, such as refractive
correction or medication and
reduces a person’s ability to
function at certain or all tasks.
Presently, blind people use a white stick as a
tool for direction, when they move or walk.

Here, we develop a tool which can serve as a

blind stick being more efficient and helpful
than the conventional one.
• Atmega8 microcontroller
• IR sensor
• Dig sensor
• Power supply section (+5V)- onboard
• 7805 and 7812 regulators
• In4007(diode)
• ISP (in-system programmer)
• Capacitor
• Dc jack male /female
• Transformer
Tracking circuit
mainly consists of
• Atmega8
• IR sensor
• Dig sensor
• Crystal
• Resistor
• Capacitor
• Transformer
• Diode
Software development
Firmware for the modules has been developed
with the help of WinAvr compiler and AVR
studio. The controller is programmed with
help of AVRDUDE.
The software is written in c language and
compiled using the open source compiler Avr-
gcc. For project management AVR studio was
• Help blind people to easily walk to
• Help blind people for obstacle detection.
• Alert blind people about dig.
• Auto detection.
• Having feature to left & right turn alarm
• Obstacle detection with indication support.
• Dig information with indication alarm.
• Simple to use & low cost
• Auto detection of station & speech message
will help blinds& physical disables to
recognize the destination.
• Auto alarming system
• Fully paperless system
• With little software & sensor up gradation,
can extensible to any other application &
• Limited & fixed route to follow daily
•Till now, GPS can’t attach in it due to 40
meter to change coordinate as to follow
the path/ new path.
• Little sensor support in these fields
Future scope
• GPS can help blind peoples to source &
destination route information.
• GPS can help to find the shortest & best
path as accordingly to Google/ Bing map
based on real time coordinates.
• GSM attachment can help in future for
any immediate causality help

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