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Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient

system to the mathematics .which was rediscovered

from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharti
Krishna Tirathji according to his research all of
mathematics is based on sixteen sutras or word
formulae. For example vertically and crosswise is one
these sutras. These formulae describe the way the
mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in
directing the student to the appropriate method of
solution Vedic mathematics has been created after
some interesting feedback from folks.
In the Vedic system difficult problems or huge
sums can often be solved immediately by the
Vedic method these striking and beautiful
methods are just a part of a complete system
of mathematics which is far more systematic
then the modern system. Vedic mathematics
manifests the coherent and unified structure
of the mathematics and the methods are
complimentary, direct and easy .
Ved By Sri
Bhar -1960)
Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha was born on
march 1884. He is particularly known for his
book Vedic Mathematics. He was the
Shankaracharya of Govardhana matha in Puri,
Orissa from 1925 to 1960. Bharti Krishna
Tirathji’s book Vedic Mathematics is a list of
sixteen terse sutras, or aphorisms, discussing
strategies for mental calculation. Bhāratī Kṛṣṇa
claimed that he found the sūtras after years o
studying the Vedas, a set of sacred ancient
Hindu texts.
• ‘Vedic’comes from Vedas which means the fountainhead
of all knowledge.

•Also because the sources of the Sutras were found in

Ancient Vedic Texts

•According to the Supreme Court of India, Vedic means

‘time factor’

• Vedic Maths is secular, which means anyone from any

where in the world can practice it and take advantage of its
The Advantages of Vedic mathematics
are :-
 It helps a persons to solve problem 10-15 times faster.
 It reduces burden(need to learn tables up to nine only)
 It provide one line answer
 It is a magical tool to reduce scratch work and finger
 It increases concentration.
 Time saved can be used to answer more questions
 Improve concentrations.
 Logical thinking process gets enhanched .
Comparison Between Modern Meth
And Vedic Math's Methods in

‘Squaring of numbers ending in 5’.

Modern Methods Vedic Methods
65 X 65 65 X 65 = 4225
325 ( 'multiply the previous digit 6
390X by one more than itself 7.
4225 Than write 25 )
Some Examples of Sutras :-
Modern Method Vedic Math Method
46 X 43 46 -4
X 43 -7
X43 1978
than the base.
Modern Methods Vedic Method
97 X 94
97 3
X94 X 94 6
388 9118
Case 2: When both the numb
are higher than the base.

Modern Method Vedic Method

103 X For Example :-

103 X 105
000X 103 3
1 0, 8 1 5 X 105 5
1 0, 8 1 5
Modern Method Vedic Method

103 X 98
X 98
103 3
824 X 98 -2
927X 1 0, 0 9 4
1 0, 0 9 4
But the real beauty and effectiveness of
Vedic mathematics cannot be fully
aprociated without actually practicing the
system. One can then see that it is
perhaps the most refined and efficient
mathematical system possible interest in
Vedic math’s is growing in the field of
educations where math’s teachers are
looking for a new and better approach to
the subject.
Even student at IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) a
said to be using this ancient technique for quick
calculations. No wonder, a recent convocation spee
addressed to the student if IIT Delhi by Dr. Murli
manohar joshi, Indian minister for science &
technology stressed the significance of Vedic math’s
while pointing out the important contribution of
ancient Indian mathematicians such as aryabhatta
who laid the foundation of Algebra, Baudhayan, the
great Geometry, Medhatithi, and Madhyatithi the
saint duo who formulated basic framework for
A great deal of research is also being done
on how to develop more powerful and easy
application of the Vedic sutras in geometry,
calculations and computing the Vedic
mathematics research group published
three new book in 1984, the year of the
century of the birth of Sri Bharti Krishna
Tirathji there are obviously many
advantages of using a flexible refined and
efficient mental system like Vedic math’s.

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