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Mokh. Satya Ali Ridho
Kinds of test receptive skills
 Test of Listening Comprehension
 Test of Reading Comprehension
Test of Listening
 Deviding into two
 A. Test of Sound Descrimination
 B. Test of auditory comprehension
Test of Sound Descrimination
 One of the early steps in much modem language
instruction is to teach the learner to discriminate
between phonetically similar but phonemically
separate sounds in the target language. Quite often
this instruction includes drill with minimal pairs—sets
of words which differ from each other in just one
phonemic contrast
 Example:
Sleep slip
Team Tim
Item types of sound discrimination
 Word sets in isolation
In the simplest form of objective sound discrimination
test, the examiner pronounces pairs of words and asks
the examinees to indicate whether the two words in each
pair are the same or are different
1. "cot – caught” 1. S ©
2. "ship – sheep” 2. S ©
3. "law - law" 3. © D
 words in context
The next step is to insert the minimal pair problems into
complete sentences, that is, to use sentences which
might be misunderstood because of the examinees’
failure to perceive one phonemic contrast. Sometimes
these tests make use of pictures.
Tests of auditory comprehension
Auditory comprehension tests are designed to measure
the accuracy with which the subjects are able to
decode samples of speech in the target language.
These samples may be one-sentence requests,
questions, or statements of fact; they may be brief,
simulated conversations; or they may be extended
stretches of expository discourse
Item types of auditory comprehension
 Directions requiring action responses
 Questions and statements (multiple-choice)
 Dialogues (multiple-choice)
 Lectures (multiple-choice)
Directions requiring action
 In the testing of young children, an effective test can
be constructed using a series of oral directions or
instructions eliciting simple action responses
Example :
1. Please bring me the green book.
2. Please open the window just a little bit.
3. Please turn the light on and then turn it off again.
Questions and statements
 The question items are to be answered by the selection of the one logical answer from
among several printed in the test booklet. The statements are answered by the selection
of the one printed alternative which accurately paraphrases the statement heard.
 Question item
The examinee hears: The examinee reads:
“When did Tom come here?” A. By train.
B. Yes, he did.
C. To study history.
D. Last night.
Statement item
 The examinee hears: The examinee reads:
“John dropped the letter
in the mailbox." A. John sent the letter.
B. John opened the letter.
C. John lost the letter.
D. John destroyed the letter
Dialogues (multiple-choice)
 Another type of auditory test item using oral stimuli and printed alternatives
consists of a brief dialogue followed by a comprehension question asked in a
third voice. The question is answered by the selection of the correct answer
from among several printed in the test booklet.
 Example:
 The examinee hears The examinee reads:
(man) “Hello, Mary. This is Mr. A. At the office.
Smith at the office. Is Bill B. On his way to work.
feeling any better today?" C. Home in bed.
D. Away on vacation.
(woman) “Oh, yes, Mr. Smith. He's
feeling much better now. But
the doctor says he'll have to
stay in bed until Monday."

(third voice) “Where is Bill now?"

Reading Commprehension
 Testing of reading is to measure the students’ ability in
understanding the text. This is about the students’
knowing about the understanding the text and out of
the text
Eight skills of reading ability
 Recalling word meaning
 Drawing inferences about the meaning a word in
 Finding answer to question answered explicitly in
 Waving together ideas in context
 Drawing the inferences from the content
 Recognizing the writer’s purpose, idea, tone, and
 Identifying writer’s technique
 Following the structure of the passages
 Haris, D. 1969. Testing English as Second Language,
New York, Hill Publishing , 58
six components that influents
reading comprehenson such as
 Automatic recognition skills
 Vocabulary and structural skills
 Formal discourse structure knowledge
 Content or word organization
 Synthesis and evaluation skills /knowledge
 Met cognitive knowledge and skills monitoring
The abilities that needed in
reading language included at
least the following
 Language and graphic symbols
 Ideas
 Tone and scale

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