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Denise Stanley VanGils

 How you addressed this competency? I had several opportunities to address this
competency through our Fine Arts Family Fun night, our Community Engagement
night that we hosted for our superintendent. At these events we provided
opportunities for parent to learn and be a part of their student's daily routine and
educated them on college readiness. I had the opportunity of interacting with
parents and community stakeholders.
 What you learned about this competency? I learned that it is important to build
relations with our parents, students, and community stakeholders; as well as to
educated them. We can not assume they know everything about of educational
institution and how it functions.
 What you still have to learn? I feel I still need help on reaching out to community
businesses and asking them to be a part of our organization.
 How you addressed this competency? I addressed this competency during our
various family nights. I was in charged of creating the itinerary and developing the
event roster. I had to communicate with feeder schools' sponsors and directors to
organize a playlist for choirs, dance teams and other school groups performing in
the pre show for our Community Engagement night.
 What you learned about this competency? It is important to have effective
communication skills with all stakeholders.
 What you still have to learn? I will continue to master the craft of effective
communication and the power of social media in promoting school events.
 How you addressed this competency? I implement this competency daily by being
a positive role model by demonstrating positive interactions with staff and students,
having appropriate relationships and professional conversations. I was able to
implement fairness when I acted as the administrator in assigning consequences to
students who did not show up for after school detention (d-hall).
 What you learned about this competency? All students are different, but you must
remain firm, consistent and fair. Follow all legal guidelines to protect all students
and staff.
 What you still have to learn? To continue to grow in this competency I must stay
current on laws to best serve students and staff.
 How you addressed this competency? Serving as Fine Arts department
chairperson I had to research best methods and recourses available for our
teachers. I also had to approve all 3 weeks assessments for my department and
provide teachers feedback. I was also required to assess the data to measure
student's growth in the fine arts classes each nine-week period.
 What you learned about this competency? I must stay educated on all state
standards and constantly conduct research on strategies and materials for all
classroom teachers.
 What you still have to learn? I need find innovative ways to incorporate technology
in all classrooms at all grade levels.
 How you addressed this competency? I was able to address this component by
overseeing lesson plans for all fine arts teachers and providing feedback for well
planned and thought-provoking lessons to ensure high-quality instruction.
 What you learned about this competency? I learned that formal and informal
assessments are a great for determining lesson delivery. Also that providing
students with instant feedback can help in instruction and retention for learning.
 What you still have to learn? I am still learning how to differentiate instructional
practices and alignment.
 How you addressed this competency? I have worked with teachers, skill specialist,
assistant principals, and the principal to organize learning and education
opportunities for students and staff.
 What you learned about this competency? Effective staff development is important
for the success of teachers and students. Staff development should be meaningful,
impactful and relevant to all classrooms and subject areas.
 What you still have to learn? I need to continue learn how to discipline, develope
and evaluate campus staff.
 How you addressed this competency? I have been a member of the campus
leadership team and we were to gather data from our campus assessments and
identify trends. Once were made predictions were to create an action plan and
goal set. Our data is stored in our district assessment program Eduphoria and all
campus leaders have rights to view data.
 What you learned about this competency? It is important to look at data and
identify trends that effect student learning and overall success.
 What you still have to learn? I need work on evaluating data to be able to obtain set
 How you addressed this competency? I am a member of the campus leadership
team and we develop the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP). Managing and
allocation of funds is one of the biggest tasks of our team. We had to budget our
Title 1 funds, state and district fund to be serve all students and staff.
 What you learned about this competency? What I learned is that certain things can
be purchased with certain fund sources and you must be very transparent with all
monies and management of funds.
 What you still have to learn? This competency is very complex, and I will need
continued guidance and education on all fund sources and their functions.
 How you addressed this competency? I am a part of the crisis team for our school,
we oversee locking doors during lock down drills, securing the safety of all
students during fire drills and assisting on getting all stakeholders out of the
building in a timely and orderly fashion. Being CPR certified in the case of
 What you learned about this competency? I learned that there is a protocol for all
crisis situations. You must inform the district of all happenings on campus and the
 What you still have to learn? I need to continue to grow in the implementation of
procedures for crisis planning and for responding to crises. Also, how to apply
local, state and federal laws and policies to support sound decision making.

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