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How does it keep us healthy ?

Sleep is one of the first things to
go when people feel pressed

Many experts suggest that quality

sleep is as important to your
health and well-being as good
nutrition and exercise
17 hours of continuous
sleeplessness leads to a decrease
in performance
Sleep loss may increase the risk of
obesity because hormones that
control weight gain are released
during sleep.
Less of sleep can lead to :
- Tiredness
- Mood change
- Frustration
- Difficulty controlling emotions
- Inability to think abstractly
- Release the stress hormones in
the body
 Need at least 8 hours sleep
 If sleep less than 6 hours, studies
show that
- Stroke is increased by 4 times
- Obesity is increased
- Diabetes is increased
 Benefits of sleep

1. Sleep keeps our Heart Healthy

- heart will be healthier if get 7- 9
hours of sleep each night
2. - make us feel energized and
alert the next day
3. Sleep reduces stress
- when our body is sleep, stress
stress hormones also less
4. Sleep reduces Inflammation
- Creating more risk for heart-
related conditions as well
cancer and diabetes
5. Sleeps makes more alert
- A good night’s sleep makes feel
energized and alert the next
6. Sleeps Bolsters our Memory
- While our body be resting, brain
is busy processing our day
7. Sleep help to lose weight
- people who less than 7 hours
per night are more likely to be
overweight or obese
8. Sleep may reduce risk of
- sleep help to prevent
depression by making sure to
get the right amount of sleep
9. Sleeps help the body make
- sleep is a time for our body to
repair damage caused by
stress, ultraviolet rays and
other harmful exposures
10. Sleep improves our immunity
-a good night’s rest helps to heal
and fight infections better
So, a Good Night’s sleep can

- Heart disease
- High blood pressure And can improve
- Obesity - Life span
- Diabetes - Memory
- Energy and
Thank you

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