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Infrared is the combination of the words 'Infra 'which

means beyond and red means the red visible part of
electromagnetic spectrum
Infrared waves continue........
• Infrared refers to the energy in the region of
electromagnetic radiation spectrum at wavelength
longer than those of visible light but shorter than
those of Radio wave.
• They are just below visible Red light in
electromagnetic spectrum.

Source of infrared waves
• Infrared waves are given of by;
• -Stars
• -lamps
• -frames
• -some living organisms
• Including you

Characteristics of infrared waves
• They are between 700nm and 1mm
• Where 1mm is equal to 1000000nanometers.

• They produce heat.

• Can be reflected.

• Can be associated with heat and light.

• They are invisible to human eyes.

Characteristics continue.....
• They can be absorbed by water vapour in atmosphere

• Their wavelengths are longer than those of visible light
but shorter than those of Radio waves.

• Their power can be measured by spectrometer.

• They can be detected by CCTV camera.

• They moves in straight line.
Uses of Infrared waves
• One of the mist common uses of Infrared waves is for
wireless communication.
• Garage door opener.
• Car locking system.
• Hand held remote control for television and other
• Hight vision and heat.
• Astronomy.
• Weather forecasting.
• They give us warmth to our body.
• Detection of fire.
Disadvantageous of Infrared
• They can cause burn.

• Skin irritation.

• Dehydration.

• Eye damage.

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