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Week 5-Day 1

Listening Comprehension
EN6LC-IIe- 2.2
Note down relevant information from text
Vocabulary Development
EN6V-IIe- 12.3.3
Infer meaning of borrowed words and
content specific terms using
-context clues -affixes and roots -other
strategies (ICT terms)
Let’s Learn This

In the previous week, you

learned about various types of
context clues. Today, you will
learn more about this.
Task 1. I Can Do This!
Listen to your teacher and note down
relevant information while he/she
reads the selection. Be ready to
answer the comprehension questions
about the text afterwards.
What Computers Can, Cannot, and
Should Not Do
Are you intimidated by computers? Do you
worry that computers might eventually take
over everything?
Computers exist to benefit and assist
people, not to replace them. Computers
cannot, for example, make emotional
judgments, disobey instructions entered by
humans, read people's minds, or replace
interpersonal relationships. On the contrary,
people must be extremely explicit in instructing
a computer to perform even the simplest
commands. What computers can do, however,
is extremely helpful.
They can
• Store data in vast amounts
• Process data quickly and accurately
• Simulate possible outcomes based on a given set
of conditions
• Recommend or take action based on output
Computers cannot be effective
unless the people using them are
able to identify the results they
need and how to achieve those
results. Ultimately, computers are
dependent upon people.
Accordingly, people should not relinquish
their decision-making responsibilities to
computers. Humans need to be on hand to
interpret conditions reported by computers,
particularly if medical treatment, national
defense, air traffic control, or even loan
processing is involved. Nonprogrammable,
human factors must complement computer
read-outs for a complete and fair analysis.
At times computers may appear to make
decisions. For example, in monitoring a
refinery (a site where substances such as
oil are processed), a computer might
trigger a fire-extinguishing system.
Another computer, used for monitoring
vital signs, might regulate the flow of
oxygen to a patient.
In both cases, however, although the computer
initiates action, it does not make a decision.
Rather, the decisions of these process control
systems were made by the human beings who
programmed the machines to respond to a
particular set of conditions. Therefore, people
must take complete responsibility for a
computer's actions. They must anticipate all
potential problems and direct computers to
avoid them.
While computers may be able to enhance
a person's capabilities, they can never
adequately replace interpersonal
relationships. Even the most sophisticated
computing machinery cannot supplant
parent-to-child and teacher-to-student
relationships. Similarly, the rapport
between physician and patient is essential
for successful treatment.
People, then, are an integral part of any
computer system that accepts input, processes
it, and delivers output. People control computer
systems through program design, by monitoring
operations, and by making final decisions based
upon computer output. They should not give up
decision-making responsibilities because the
human qualities of analysis, reasoning, and
compassion are required to interpret computer
delivered results.
Comprehension Questions:
Read the following questions. Choose the letter of
the best answer.

1. Which of the following are computers not able to

replace interpersonal relationships

simulate possible outcomes based on a given set


of conditions
store vast amounts of data

process data accurately and quickly

2. With regard to decision making, computers
A) are able to make fast, accurate decisions.
B) make decisions and store data related to
the decision.
C) only appear to make decisions.
D) make more logical decisions than people do.
3. People control computer systems in which
of the following ways?
A) by designing the program
B) by monitoring operations
C) by making final decisions based on the
D) all of the above
4. Computers can
A) make emotional judgments.
B) assist people.
C) disobey instructions entered by
D) read people's minds.
5. Complete responsibility for a
computer's actions ultimately rests
A) people.
B) control systems.
C) sophisticated computing machinery.
D) data stored in the computer's system.
Let’s Study This

Remember that context clues are hints that

the author gives to help define a difficult or
unusual word. The clue may appear within the
same sentence as the word to which it refers,
or it may follow in a preceding sentence.
Because most of your vocabulary is gained
through reading, it is important that you be
able to recognize and take advantage of
context clues.
Let’s recall the types of context clues.
There are at least four kinds of context clues that are
quite common.

1. Synonym
A synonym, or word with the same meaning, is used in
the sentence.

My opponent's argument is fallacious, misleading –
plain wrong.
2. Antonym
A word or group of words that has the opposite
meaning reveals the meaning of an unknown

Although some men are loquacious, others
hardly talk at all.
3. Explanation
The unknown word is explained within the
sentence or in a sentence immediately
The patient is so somnolent that she requires
medication to help her stay awake for more than
a short time.
3. Example
Specific examples are used to define the
Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon,
and stars, are governed by predictable
Context Clues. Accessed June 27, 2017.
Let’s Do This

Task 2. Don’t Be Blue, There’s Clue!

This task gives you the opportunity to use context
clues to deduce the meaning of certain words from the
selection. The first sentence for each item comes from
the selection and contains a vocabulary word, which
appears in italics. The second sentence is not from the
selection, but it uses the vocabulary word in the same
sense as in the first sentence, and it contains
additional context clues. Choose the correct answer
and write it on the blank before each number.
_____1."On the contrary, people must be extremely
explicit in instructing a computer to perform even the
simplest commands."
In order to prevent any accidents in the chemistry lab,
the professor give explicit instructions for every
A) long; lengthy
B) boring; uninteresting
C) Patient
D) absolutely clear in meaning
_____2."Accordingly, people should not relinquish
their decision-making responsibilities to computers."
When the parents were found to be guilty of neglect,
they were forced to relinquish their children to foster
A) abandon suddenly
B) give over control of
C) retrieve; take back
D) Minimize
_____3. "Nonprogrammable, human factors must
complement computer read-outs for a complete and
fair analysis."
After my brother selected a suit, the clothing salesman
suggested a pale blue shirt and a striped tie to
complement the outfit.
A) make complete
B) brighten up
C) Maintain
D) construct; design
_____4. "Another computer, used for monitoring
vital signs, must regulate the flow of oxygen to the
Since the spleen is not a vital organ, a damaged
one can be surgically removed without
endangering the patient's life.
A) pertaining to the body
B) pertaining to medicine
C) pertaining to life or being alive
D) pertaining to health
5. When the government initiates its new health
care program, more children will be able to
receive medical treatment.
A) Finishes
B) Records
C) Limits D) Starts
Reading Selection.Accessed June 28, 2017.
Let’s Do More

Task 3. Mix and Match

Based on context clues, match the following
underlined word/s to their meaning inside the
box below. Write the letter on the blank before
each number.
____1. I don’t have internet
connection. Check on the modem and
find out if it is connected to our
____2. Do you allow file transfer in
your PC? Are you not afraid of virus
when uploading and downloading files?
_____3. I have been downloading this file for an
hour. When I check on my connection speed, I
found out that it is too slow during day time and
fast during night time.
____4. Download files on the internet so you
can have your own copy of your report.
____5. Always indicate the website url or the
address where you downloaded your article.
a. where the web pages are located on the Internet
b. device which connects your computer to your
Internet Service Provider
c. determine how fast or slow you will be able to
pass information between your home and the
d. get a file from the LMS onto your computer
e. uploading and downloading files
Let’s Test Ourselves

Task 4. Lend Me Your Ears!

Go with your group. Assign speaker who
will represent your group.
Listen carefully as your teacher reads an
informative text. Each group will be given
different questions based on the text
which you will talk about and answer as a
Task 5. CLUErific!
Read the following sentences and define the bold-faced word
based on the context clue. Then identify which of the four
types of clues is used then write it on the blank before the
_______1. The girl who used to be very vociferous doesn't
talk much anymore. Meaning:___________________
_______2. Pedagogical institutions, including high
schools, kindergartens, and colleges, require community
support to function efficiently.
_______3. He was so parsimonious that he refused to
give his own sons the few pennies they needed to buy
pencils for school. It truly hurt him to part with his money.
_______4. His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause
of most of his trouble.
_______5. Rather than be involved in clandestine
meetings, they did everything
quite publicity.
(For Teachers’ Use Only)

Task 1. I Can Do This!

1. A
2. B.
3. C
4. B
5. A

Task 2. Don’t Be Blue, There’s Clue!

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D

Task 3. Mix and Match

1. B
2. E
3. C 4. D.
Task 4. Lend me your Ears!
(Answers may vary)

Task 5. CLUErific!
1.Type of Context Clue -contrast
definition of vociferous -talkative; outspoken 2. Type of Context
Clue -example definition pedagogical -having to do with teaching
3. Type of Context Clue -explanation definition of parsimonious
- stingy; tightfisted 4. Type of Context Clue -synonym definition
of pertinacity -mulish; stubborn 5. Type of Context Clue -
contrast definition of clandestine - secret; hidden
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