Firewalls and Intrusion Prevention Systems

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Chapter 9 – Firewalls and Intrusion

Prevention Systems

Second Edition
by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown

Lecture slides by Susan Lincke & Lawrie

Chapter Objectives
 The student should be able to:
 Describe the different types of firewalls: Circuit,
Application Proxy, Packet, Stateful, Personal including how
they differ in an example attack that each can fend off.
 Describe 3 firewall vulnerabilities
 Draw configurations for network types: double inline, T,
multihomed, distributed, load balanced.
 Describe what a firewall policy is, give an example policy,
and indicate how a policy may be used
 Describe each of the following: border router, static and
dynamic NAT and PAT.
Security: Defense in Depth

Border Router
Perimeter firewall
Internal firewall
Intrusion Detection System
Policies & Procedures & Audits
Access Controls
Firewall Required Functions
Required Functions:
 Serve as an entry point into a network
 Screens all packets entering the network
 Service control
 Direction control
 User control
 Behavior control (access only part of Web service)
 Log and alarm events
 Perform Network Address Translation functions (optional)
 Perform Virtual Private Network functions (optional)
 Support no other functions (that can be compromised)
Network Defense Configuration:
Double Inline Firewalls

Firewall A

VPN External IDS Web E-Commerce

Server DNS Server

Firewall B

Network Database/File
Network Defense Configuration:
Load Balanced Firewalls


Firewall A Firewall B

External IDS Web E-Commerce VPN

DNS Server Server


Network Defense Configuration:
Single T or Multihomed (Separate Zones)



Demilitarized Zone

External IPS Web E-Commerce VPN

DNS Server Server


Network Defense Configuration:
Distributed Firewall

Firewall A

Firewal Firewall Firewall Firewall

lVPN External IDS Web E-Commerce
Server DNS Server

Firewall B

Network Database/File
Bastion Hosts
 critical strongpoint in network
 hosts application/circuit-level gateways
 common characteristics:
 runs secure O/S, only essential services
 may require user auth to access proxy or host
 each proxy can restrict services & hosts accessed
 each proxy small, simple, checked for security
 each proxy is independent, non-privileged
 proxy disk use is boot only; hence read-only code
Firewall Topologies
 host-resident firewall
 screening router
 single bastion inline: One firewall
 single bastion T: with 3 zones
 double bastion inline: Serial firewalls
 double bastion T: with 3 zones
 distributed firewall configuration: double with host
Network Defenses – with Logs

IDS Mgmt Syslog
Vendor A

VPN External IPS Web E-Commerce

Server DNS Server

Vendor B

Network Database/File
Types of
terminal host
firewall Router Packet Filtering:
Packet header is inspected
A A Single packet attacks caught
Very little overhead in firewall: very quick
High volume filter

terminal host
Stateful Inspection
firewall State retained in firewall memory
A A Most multi-packet attacks caught
A More fields in packet header inspected
Little overhead in firewall: quick
Packet Filtering Firewall
 applies rules to packets in/out of firewall
 based on information in packet header
 src/dest IP addr & port, IP protocol, interface
 typically a list of rules of matches on fields
 if match rule says if forward or discard packet
 two default policies:
 discard - prohibit unless expressly permitted
 forward - permit unless expressly prohibited
Packet Filter Problems
 In heavy load may forward all packets without logging
 Cannot catch application-level errors
 ICMP can have invalid contents
 FTP, RPC use ports > 1023, dynamically allocated
 Cannot recognized spoofed IP or port addresses
 Do not support advanced user authentication
 Tiny fragments can hide attacks
 Improper configuration can lead to breaches
 Routers can do packet filtering, most firewalls do more
Stateful Inspection Firewall
 reviews packet header information but also keeps
info on TCP connections
 typically have low, “known” port no for server
 and high, dynamically assigned client port no
 simple packet filter must allow all return high port
numbered packets back in
 stateful inspection packet firewall tightens rules for TCP
traffic using a directory of TCP connections
 only allow incoming traffic to high-numbered ports for
packets matching an entry in this directory
 may also track TCP seq numbers as well
Filter Rules
Stateful Packet Filters
 Tracks TCP/UDP connection status
 Can configure outbound-only connections
 Packets are allowed in if connection is established
 Records source/destination IP and port addresses, protocol (TCP/UDP), timer expiration
 TCP: Also supports TCP state, Sequence numbers
 UDP: Supports expiration timer, pseudo state
 May prevent fragmentation attacks

Advantage: Supports higher loads than Circuit-Level Firewalls at same memory/processor

speed levels
 ICMP: Messages may come from intermediate node, not destination. Must accept/reject
all ICMP messages of type N
 DOS Attack: Establish connections to fill table
 Applications change ports or use multiple ports: e.g., ftp
 Application attacks not detected since application protocols not scanned
 Some routers support Stateful packet filtering; nearly all firewalls do
Stateful Firewall Connection
State Table

Source Source Port Destination Destination Connection

Address Address Port State 2011 80 Established
84.22.428.143 1027 80 Established 1022 23 Established 88 80 Established
terminal host
firewall Circuit-Level Firewall:
Packet session terminated and recreated
A B via a Proxy Server
A B All multi-packet attacks caught
Packet header completely inspected
High overhead in firewall: slow

terminal host
Application-Proxy Firewall
firewall Packet session terminated and recreated
A B via a Proxy Server
A B Packet header completely inspected
Most or all of application inspected
Highest overhead: slow & low volume
Firewall & Router Protection Levels
Packet Filter
IP Header TCP Header Application Header & Data
Pr Src Dest … … Src Dest
… ot Addr Addr Port Port

Stateful Packet Filter – Circuit Level Filter – Proxy Server

IP Header TCP Header Application Header & Data
Prot Src Dest … … Src Dest Fl Seq
… Addr Addr Port Port ag No

Application Proxy Firewall

IP Header TCP Header Application Header & Data
Prot Src Dest … … Src Dest Fl Seq Appl
… Addr Addr Port Port ag No Hdr

Guard Firewall – Sophisticated Application Proxy Firewall – IDS/IPS

IP Header TCP Header Application Header & Data
Prot Src Dest … … Src Dest Fl Seq Appl Appl
… Addr Addr Port Port ag No Hdr Data

Fields shown are monitored by these types of Firewalls

Circuit-Level Firewalls or Proxy
 Establishes a TCP connection with remote end before passing information
 Creates two sessions: one with sender & one with receiver
 Does not filter based on packet contents (other than state)
 Also known as Pass-Through Proxy or Generic Proxy
 Advantages: If firewall failure, no packets are forwarded through firewall
 Catches fragmentation errors

 Does not detect invalid application data
 Moves security issues from service to firewall: e.g., DOS attacks
 Less able to handle high loads since each connection becomes two
 Requires much greater memory and processor at application level (Web page is
> 1 connection)
 Slower interfaces can result in poor performance for streaming applications
Application Proxy Firewall
 Examines packets and their contents at the Application
 Can cause delay due to additional processing
 May strip info on internal servers, server version on
outgoing messages (e.g., email)
 May allow only certain types of sessions through:
 FTP: May permit receives, no sends. Or sends of specific files
 Email: Encrypts email between all of company’s offices
 HTTP: May filter PUT commands, URL names. Can cache
 Authentication: Perform extra authentication for external
access (via dialup or internet)
Application-Level Gateway
 acts as a relay of application-level traffic
 user contacts gateway with remote host name
 authenticates themselves
 gateway contacts application on remote host and relays
TCP segments between server and user
 must have proxy code for each application
 may restrict application features supported
 more secure than packet filters
 but have higher overheads
SOCKS Circuit-Level Gateway
 SOCKS v5 defined as RFC1928 to allow TCP/UDP
client-server applications to use firewall
 components:
 SOCKS server on firewall
 SOCKS client library on all internal hosts
 SOCKS-ified client applications
 client app contacts SOCKS server, authenticates,
sends relay request
 server evaluates & establishes relay connection
 UDP handled with parallel TCP control channel
Host-Based Firewalls
 often used on servers
 used to secure individual host
 available in/add-on for many O/S
 filter packet flows
 advantages:
 taylored filter rules for specific host needs
 protection from both internal / external attacks
 additional layer of protection to org firewall
Personal Firewall
 controls traffic flow to/from PC/workstation
 for both home or corporate use
 may be software module on PC
 or in home cable/DSL router/gateway
 typically much less complex
 primary role to deny unauthorized access
 may also monitor outgoing traffic to detect/block
worm/malware activity
Virtual Private Networks
Network Address Translation
External Internal Addresses:
Organization IP:
Static NAT: External IP address
T translates into Internal IP address.

N Dynamic NAT: Single external IP
address may translate into many IP

Hide NAT or PAT: IP/Port translates
T to IP/Port
Network Address Translation
Static NAT: One external IP address translates into one
fixed internal IP address
Dynamic NAT: Internal IP addresses are assigned an
external IP address on a FCFS basis.
Port Address Translation (PAT) or Hide NAT: Translates
one incoming IP address/port into an internal IP
address/port. Multiple internal IP addresses can map
to one external IP address
Firewall Capabilities & Limits
 capabilities:
 defines a single choke point
 provides a location for monitoring security events
 convenient platform for some Internet functions such as
NAT, usage monitoring, IPSEC VPNs
 limitations:
 cannot protect against attacks bypassing firewall
 may not protect fully against internal threats
 improperly secure wireless LAN
 laptop, PDA, portable storage device infected outside
then used inside
Firewall Vulnerabilities
 Firewalls can be bypassed via other means (e.g., modem,
 Data transmitted to the outside may be vulnerable
 Firewalls may lie: in heavy loads attack packets may get
through without logging.
 Extra software on the firewall device increase vulnerability
 Firewalls are vulnerable if installed above a general-
purpose OS
 Firewalls do not prevent malicious acts within the network
 Layers of defense are safer than a single firewall
 Auditing: Scan weekly or at every change
 Retain a baseline of perimeter device configurations
Designing Firewalls/Routers
 Before creating a firewall configuration, create firewall
 Firewall policy: An Access Control List (ACL) item in
 Policies can be reviewed, turned into ACLs, and tested
 Example Policy: IP addresses with internal source
addresses shall not be allowed into the internal network
from the outside.
 Often ports > 1000 cannot be closed due to applications
like FTP
 Other policies may deal with failover protection, detecting
malicious code, …

Configuring Firewalls/Routers
 Put specific rules first, then general rules
 When a rule matches, no further testing is done.
 Minimize tests & speed processing by placing common
rules first
Auditing Firewalls
 If there is no security policy, speak with mgmt about their
expectations of the firewall
 After configuring the firewall, test the firewall by launching
an attack
 Use a sniffer to determine which attack packets get through
 Other required operations include:
 Log Monitoring and Notification
 User Mgmt and Password policy
 Patch Update and Backup
 Change Control
 Secure build for firewall platforms
Audit Testing
 Scan all TCP and UDP ports 0-65,535 on the firewall
 Ping devices to see if Echo Requests pass
 Scan using ‘TCP Connect Scan’ (Full SYN-ACK)
 Do a slow SYN scan (with 15 second delay) to se if port scans are
detected (by IDS)
 Scan with FINs, ACKs, and fragmented ACKs , Xmas Tree scans (URG,
PUSH, FIN flags) to see how all perform
 Scan the subnet using UDP ports to look for open applications
 Check routing capability, including NAT
 Test other blocked source IP addresses: Spoofed, private, loopback,
 Test other protocols: ICMP, IP fragmentation, all policies, all directions.
 Verify logging occurs for illegal probes
 Always get signed-off permission first!!!
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
 enhanced security product which
 inline net/host-based IDS that can block traffic
 functional addition to firewall that adds IDS capabilities
 can block traffic like a firewall
 alternatively send commands to firewall
 uses IDS algorithms
 may be network or host based
Host-Based IPS
 addresses:
 modification of system resources
 privilege-escalation exploits
 buffer overflow exploits
 access to email contact list
 directory traversal
 identifies attacks using:
 sandbox applets to monitor behavior
 signature techniques
 anomaly detection techniques
 can be tailored to the specific platform
 e.g. general purpose, web/database
 may protect file access, system registry, I/O, system calls
Network-Based IPS
 inline NIDS that can discard packets or terminate TCP
 can provide flow data protection
 reassembling whole packets
 monitoring full application flow content
 can identify malicious packets using:
 pattern matching, stateful matching, protocol anomaly,
traffic anomaly, statistical anomaly
 cf. SNORT inline can drop/modify packets
Unified Threat
 Firewall filters packets
 Types of networks
 double inline, T or multihomed, distributed, load balanced,
screening router
 Types of firewalls
 packet filter, stateful inspection, application and circuit gateways
 Other capabilities
 Virtual Private Network (VPN), Network Address Translation
 Advanced configurations:
 IPS, Unified Threat Management

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