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Current Business processes

 Eg. Deployment in PHP Team

 Coding
 Git pull branch
 Git push to server
 Take database backup.
 Git pull from server
Current Business processes

 Content team
 Import product excel files to Content Central
 Import attribute excel files
 Get images from studio
 Import the images in Content Central
 Publish images
 Push to Production/ Manually generate impexes
 Upload to Hybris
SimplifyBot chat

 Php team Process each person follows

 Coding
 Git pull branch
 Git push to server
 Take database backup.
 Git pull from server
 SimplifyBot Steps (Just 2 steps)
 Coding
 Deploy instanceName to UAT / Deploy instanceName to Production
SimplifyBot Chat

 Content team Process

 Import product excel files to Content Central
 Import attribute files
 Get images from studio people
 Import the images in Content Central
 Publish images
 Push to Production/ Manually generate impexes
 Upload to Hybris

 SimplifyBot Steps
 Get new base ID’s from RMS
 Check If all base’id have all the concerned data
 Push the baseid’s which have all the concerned data
How this would enhance the business

 Chatbots work perfectly without internet

 Chatbots work just fine over SMS, the basic text messaging that’s been standard on every mobile phone network for over a decade.

 Chatbots work perfectly in low bandwidth

 Because they’re short and text-based, messages from chatbots don’t need high-speed internet.

 For employees in remote locations, chatbots are an ideal way to send communications.

 Most chatbot messages are read within minutes

 According to study, 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of delivery

 That’s the kind of instant and complete penetration that email, intranets and magazines can only dream of.

 Chatbots are fully accessible by users with disabilities

 Two good friends are blind, and the two of them message each other all the time.

 The underlying messaging apps and operating systems used by chatbots are fully accessible and work very well for users with disabilities.

 You don’t have to log in to a chatbot

 Chatbot messages are easier to read and Write
How this would enhance the business

 You don’t have to log in to a chatbot

 The underlying messaging app knows who you are and shares that information
with the bot.
 Chatbot messages are easier to read and Write
 The title says it all
How does this affect the business

 More work in less time

 Better Understanding
 Can Employee disabled people
 We can become leading automation partners to e-commerce
Thank you

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