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Military and Political Concern

Race, Law, and Pu

World War I ~ 1914-1918
● Blacks had suffered oppression in the United
States due to slavery
● After the declaration of war over 20,000 blacks
enlisted for the military
● Selective Service Act (1917)- Authorized the
United States to raise a national army for service
in World War I
● Segregated military training camps were created
“World War I” (Library of Congress)
so that blacks could not train with whites.
World War I ~ A Black Delawarean at War
● William Henry Furrowh was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1918
● Served in World War I and was sent to a segregated unit
● Received a bronze victory lapel-button for his service
World War I ~ Black Medical Doctors
● Around 104 Black medical doctors volunteered during World War I
● Cared for all the black units
● Most of these men graduated from the three black colleges
World War I ~ Aftermath
● Reactions after World War I proved that the United States had a long way to go
with race relations

“African American Odyssey” (Library of Congress)

World War I ~ Conscription Laws
● The Conscription Act- Required states to draft men to serve in World War I
● Men who were conscripted into the armed forces had no choice but to fight, even
if they had no desire to.
● During WWI it only applied to men.

“Conscription Laws” (Library of Congress) “World War I” (Library of

World War I ~ Defence of the Realm Act (DORA)
● Secured public safety
● Gave government the power to prosecute anybody whose actions were to assist
the enemy.
World War I ~ Espionage and Sedition Acts
● Espionage Act- Federal law passed in 1917 shortly after the United States became
involved in World War I.
● Stated that writing or thinking anything critical of the American involvement in
war was illegal.

● Sedition Act- Passed in 1918 by congress which extended

the Espionage Act of 1917
Vietnam ~ 1955-1975
● Racial tensions were present during the Vietnam War
● The Vietnam war saw the highest proportion of blacks to ever serve in an
American war.
● During the Vietnam War African Americans faced a much greater chance of
being on the front line
Militia Act ~ 1862
● Legislation enacted during the American Civil War allowing African Americans
to participate as war laborers and soldiers for the first time since the militia act
● The National Defense Act- A federal law that updated the militia act.
Militia Act ~ Article
● Those fighting for the “United States shall be paid for their services, already
performed, as is now provided by the law for the payment of officers”. (Ante, pg
● Supporting the Sedition Act the Militia article states that “an act to prevent and
punish frauds on the part of officers entrusted with making contracts for the
government” approved (Ante, p. 411)

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