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 Heredity factor

 Anatomic abnormalities
 Central nervous disorders
 Fovea can not capture the shadow
 Abnormal quantity of stimulus in the
eyeball muscle
 Sensory abnormalities
 Inervation abnormalities
1. Muscle and nerves
a. Empat otot rektus
 Muskulus rektus medius
 Muskulus rektus lateral
 Muskulus rektus superior
 Muskulus rektus inferior
b. Dua otot obligus
 Muskulus obligus superior
 Muskulus obligus inferior

2. Fasia
 crossed eyes
 Eyes don’t lead in the same
 Uncoordinated eye movement
 Double vision
 Eyestrain
 Headache
 Ambliopia
 Cross-fixation
 Hipermetropia
 Diplopia
 Hyperopia
 Eye diviation
Paralytic strabismus can be overcome with
glasses consisting of a prism lens (which
refracts light so that both eyes receive almost
the same picture) or can be treated surgically,
untul the age of 10 years, children should
undergo reguler eye examination

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