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Daya U S Nair

Mebin James
Merin Sunny
Suremya S L
History of Indian economy broadly
divided into three phases:
Post colonial
Pre-colonial:- The economic history of
India starts with INDUS VALLEY civilization.
During this phase Indian economy was very well
developed. Before the advent of the east India
company each village in India was self sufficient
entity and was economically independent.
Colonial: The arrival of East India Company
caused a huge strain to the India economy and
there was a two way depletion of resources.
Post colonial Indian
Economy: After India got
independence from colonial rule in 1947,
the process of rebuilding started. various
policies were formulated. First five year
plan came into implementation in 1952.
Sectors of Indian economy:
on the basis of production
Indian Economy can broadly be
classified into three heads:
Primary sector
Secondary sector
Teritiary sector
Primary sector: This sector consists of
agriculture and its allied activities including dairy,
Secondary sector:
In this category all types of
manufacturing sector like large
scale, small scale and tiny scale
industries include poultry candle,
match box , handloom etc. These
units produce huge employment.
Sevice or teritiary sector:
This sector produces different
services like transport,
insurance, trade and commerce
including national and
international trade.
On the basis of ownership or
organisation Indian economy
can be broadly divided into two
Public sector
Private sector
•Drop in cost of capital goods, lower
inventory and working capital.
•Efficient and low cost logistics.
•Simplification of tax administation and
•Removal of inter - state tax levies.
 A boost to online /e-transactions with elimination of
‘cash on delivery’ model.
 Increased banking penetration and financial
GDP per capita
 The gross domestic product per capita I india was last
recorded at1977.29 USD dollars in march is
equivalent to 16 percent of the world’s average. And
was record low of 304.20 USD in 1960.
Future of Indian Economy
 Strong , wide and stable economy
 High interest rate on loan
 Sensationl
 Presents of international companies
 Tourism - India is a land of which is full of diversity,
responsible tourism, theft and sexual harrasing.
 Medical and Engineering
 Population
 Exporting items - software, textiles, iron ore,
leather products, sugar, tea, chemicals,
electronic goods, gold and silver, jewellery,
machineries and coal

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