Modul 1 IMC - PPTX - Rev1

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Manajemen Penjualan

• Clow, Keneth E., and Donald Baack, 2010,
Integrated Advertising, Promotion,
and Marketing Communication, 4th
Ed.; New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
• Manning, Gerald L., Aherne, Michel, Rechee,
Barry L., 2012, Selling Today:
Partnering to Create Value, 12th Ed.;
New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
Content of Selling Management
Topic Sub-topic Session

1. The IMC Foundation a. Integrated Marketing Communication 1

b. Corporate Image and Brand Management 2
c. Buyer Behavior 3
d. Promotions Opportunity Analysis 4
2. IMC Advertising Tools a. Trade Promotion 5
b. Consumer Promotion 6

3. Review of Topic 1-6 7

4. Developing a Personal Selling a. Relationship Selling Opportunities 9
b. Creating Product Solution 10
c. Developing and qualifying a prospect base 11

5. Developing a Presentation a. Approaching Customer with adaptive Selling 12

Strategy b. Negotiation Buyers Selling 13
c. Closing the Sales 14
6. Review 15

UAS 16
Integrated Marketing

a. IMC Concept
b. Identifying IMC Tools
C. Differentiating every IMC tool
Tujuan Pembelajaran

Mampu mengidentifikasi alat-

Mampu mendefinisikan apa yang alat IMC
dimaksud dengan
Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC) Mampu membedakan fungsi
dari setiap alat-alat IMC
• What is communications ?
• How’s the process ?

Transmitting, receiving, and processing information,

when a person, group, or organization attempts to
transfer an idea or massage.

• Communication occurs when receiver (another person or

group) is able to comprehend the information
The Communication Process

Sender Encoding Transmission Decoding Receiver


The Communication Process


Senders, are companies that manufacture

and sell shoes. The Company wants to get
the customers or Consumers attention.
The Communication Process

Sender Encoding

Encoding, the massage is the second step.

A creative take the idea and transforms it
into attention-getting advertisements
designed for various media
The Communication Process

Sender Encoding Transmission


Transmission devices, massages

travel to audiences. The third
step of marketing
communication process occurs
when a channel or medium
delivers the massage
The Communication Process

Sender Encoding Transmission Decoding


Decoding, occurs when the

massage reaches one or more
of the receiver’s sense
The Communication Process

Sender Encoding Transmission Decoding Receiver


Receiver, quality marketing

communication occurrs when
receivers decode or understand
the massage as it was intended
by the sender
The Communication Process

Sender Encoding Transmission Decoding Receiver



Feedback Travelled to the sender

Integrated Marketing Communication

• Coordination and integration of all marketing

communication tools, avenues, and sources within a
company into a seamless program that maximizes the
impact on customers and other stake holders at a
minimal cost Clow, 2010. p 32
Objective IMC
• Knowledge
• Attitude
• Behaviour
• Sosial Change
• ( Soemanegara , P.5)
The Component of Promotion
Product Price Promotion Distribution

Advertising Sales Promotion Personal Selling

Database Direct Sponsorship E-Active Alternatif Public

Marketing Response Marketing Marketing Marketing Relation
Marketing Mix
• Promotion is one of the four components of the
marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and
• Traditional view was promotional activities
included advertising, sales promotions, and
personal selling activities
• Now, it also includes activities such as database
marketing, direct marketing, sponsorship
marketing, guerrila marketing, alternative
marketing, and public relation
Advertising Tools
• Advertising is a major component of
integrated marketing communication
• Part of the traditional promotions mix of
advertising, consumer and trade promotion,
and personal selling
The Role Advertising
• For some products and companies advertising
is central focus, and the other components
(trade promotion, consumer promotions, and
personal selling) support the advertising
• In other situations advertising plays a
secondary role, such as supporting the
national sales force and a firm’s trade
promotion program
IMC Media Tools
How to reach potential customers:
• Traditional Media Channels: chapter 8
- Television
- Radio
- Magazines
- News papers,
- Out door signs
- Direct mail
• Fungsi Masing-masing media
• Advantage and disadvantage masing-masing


Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Low airtime cost/ Biaya • Only uses audio message/
penayangan murah Hanya menggunakan pesan
• Low production cost/ Biaya audio
produksi murah • Fleeting exposure/ penayangan
• Can be produced and aired cepat
quickly/ diproduksi dan • Listener’s attention often
ditayangkan dengan cepat distracted while doing other
• Massege can be changed things/ Perhatian pendengar
quickly/ Pesan dapat diganti dapat terganggu saat
dengan cepat mengerjakan hal lain


Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Massage can be topical/ Pesan dibuat • Creative treatment and quality often
disesuaikan dengan topik mixed/poor/ Pelayanan kreatif dan
• Sponsorship opportunities/ Peluang kualitas seringkali bercampur/buruk
sponsor • Information content limited/ Isi informasi
• Direct response can be facilitated/ Respon dapat diterima terbatas
langsung difasilitasi • Perceived as lacking in persuasiveness by
• Geographic selectivity/ Seleksi geografis many/ Dikenal luas sebagai media yang
• High acceptance of repeated messeges/ kurang menjual
Penerimaan yang tinggi karena pesan yang • Audience passive receivers of information/
diulang-ulang Pendengar pasif dalam mendapatkan


Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Large and mass audience/ audience • High airtime cost/ Biaya
banyak dan tersebar penayangan yang tinggi
• Highly visible/ Mudah terlihat • High production cost/ Biaya
• High impact/ Dampak yang besar produksi yang tinggi
• Hight creative flexibility/ Fleksibilitas • Fleeting exposure/ penayangan
kreatif yang tinggi cepat
• Can generate excitement/ Dapat • May not reach the target adiences/
menimbulkan ketertarikan belum tentu Dapat meraih target


Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Perceived as having high prestige/ Dikenal • Viewers attention not focused on
luas sebagai media yang sangat prestise the TV advertisement/ Perhatian
• Ability to demonstrate product/ Dapat pemirsa tidak terfokus pada iklan TV
menunjukan produk
• Can take long time to produce/
• Can create strong image-branding/ Dapat
Waktu yang lama untuk produksi
menciptakan imej merek yang kuat
• Good for generating high levels of • Zapping/channel hoping/ Pindah
awareness/ Baik dalam menciptakan chanel TV
pengetahuan yang tinggi • Information content limited/ Isi
• Content synergy with the TV progams/ Isi informasi terbatas
sinergi dengan program TV
• Sponsorship opportunities/ Peluang sponsor
• Direct response can be fadlitated/ Respon
langsung dapat difasilitasi

Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan
• Message can be changed quickly and • Limited Visual presentation/ Dampak
easily/ Pesan dapat diganti dengan terbatas pada visual
mudah dan cepat • Audience not guaranteed/ Pemirsa
• Interactive possible/ dapat Interaksi tidak dijamin
• Can create own pages cheaply/ Dapat • ‘Hits’ may not represent interest/
menciptakan halaman sendiri dengan Kepopuleran tidak menjamin
murah ketertarikan
• Can advertise on other’s web pages/ • Relies on browsers finding page/
Dapat membuat iklan di halaman web Tergantung pada halaman pencarian
yang lain browser


Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Very low cost possible/ Biaya • Can create irritation/ Dapat

produksi yang sangat rendah menimbulkan iritasi
• Very large audience potential/ • Large number of target group
Dapat menjaring audience may not use the internet yet/
potensial Sejumlah besar masyarakat
• Direct sales possible/ dapat belum menggunakan internet
menjualan langsung • Creative limitations/
• High informations content Pembatasan kreatif
possible on own pages/ Informasi
yang padat


Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/

• Selective • Impact limited to visual sense/ Dampak
terbatas pada visual
• Production costs can be very low/ Biaya
produksi dapat rendah • Short life
• Short lead time • Mediocre reproduction quality/ Kualitas
• Frequent publication/ Frekuensi publikasi
• Micro-environment often crowded with
• Geographical selectivity possible/ Seleksi
geografis dimungkinkan advertisements/ Lingkup yang kecil terkadang
dipenuhi dengan iklan
• Newspapers are actively read/ Koran dibaca
secara aktif
• Classified sections actively searched/
Bagian-bagian tertentu dicari secara aktif
• Hihg information content possible/
Informasinya padat


Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/

• Broad acceptance/ believability/
Penerimaan yang luas/ kepercayaan –koran bisa
dijadilan referensi
• Some creative flexibility/ Flesibilitas kreatif
• Direct response facilitated/ Respons
langsung difasilitasi

Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/

• Highly selective/ Seleksi tinggi • Impact limited to visual sense/ Dampak
• Production costs can be low/ Biaya produksi dapat terbatas pada visual
rendah • Micro-environment often crowded with
• High information content possible/ Informasi padat advertisement/ Lingkup yang kecil terkadang
dimungkinkan dipenuhi dengan iklan
• Short lead time
• Frequent publication available for many titles/
Frekuensi publikasi dapat tersedia dengan macam jenis
• Limited geographic options in key titles/
Pilihan geografis pada judul
• Content synergy possible with editorial and
megazine image/ Sinergi antara isi dengan imej editorial • Long lead time for some titles/ dapat
dan majalah membaca beberapa judul secara berkali-kali utk berita
• Can have extended life/ Dapat dibaca lebih lama
• Megazines are actively read/ Majalah dibaca secara

Advantages/ kelebihan

• Classified sections are actively searched/

Bagian-bagian tertentu dicari secara aktif
• Some titles have high prestige and
credibility/ Beberapa judul memiliki prestise
dan kredibilitas yang tinggi
• Creative flexibility/ Flesibilitas kreatif
• Good quality reproduction/ Kualitas
reproduksi yang bagus
• Product placement possible / Penempatan
produk dimungkinkan
• Inserts possible/ Penambahan-penambahan

Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Longer life/Umur yang lebih panjang
• Impect limited to visual sense and could be
very low/Dampaknya terbatas pada apa yang
• Brochure are actively searched and read by terlihat dan dapat sangat rendah
interested group/Brosur dapat mudah dicari • As a complement of other displays,e.g. service
dan dibaca oleh pihak yang tertarik center, point of sales, sales promo/demo
etc./Sebagai pelengkap dari display lain, seperti
pusat servis, titik penjualan promosi demo, dll
• Low product cost/Biaya produksi rendah
• Could cause extra distribution costs/ Dapat
menyebabkan tambahan biaya distribusi
• High selectivity possible/ Alternatif pilihan • More difficult to hit target group if not carefully
pemirsa dimungkinkan distributed and monitored/Akan lebih sulit
mengenai target jika tidak didistribusikan
secara baik dan dimonitor
• High informasi content possible/ Informasi • May easily be discarded/Dapat dengan mudah
yang padat dimungkinkan dibuang
• Limited geographic options/Pilihan gografis
OUTDOOR BOARDS/ Papan reklame Outdoor

Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Reaches broad, diverse audience/ Jarak jauh, • Creative Limitations/ Pembatasan kreatif
dapat dilihat oleh beragam pemirsa
• High repeat exposure( Frequensi) / Dilakukan
• Short exposure time/ Waktu pemaparan
berulang-ulang (frekuensi sering)
• High attention-getting possible with good
design/ Perhatian yang besar dengan desain yang bagus • Message must be simple/ Pesan harus
• Prominent brand identification possible/ sederhana
Pengenalan merek yang kuat
• Relatively low cost/ Biaya rendah • Limited audience selectivity/ Pilihan pemirsa
• Can create strong impact of simple
message/ Dapat berefek besar dengan pesan yang • Seldom attracts readers’ full attention/
Jarang menarik perhatian pemuh pemirsa
• Message can be placed close to point of
sale/ Pesan dapat diletakkan di dekat lokasi penjualan • Poster areasw are highly variable,many
• High geographic selectivity/ Alternatif pemilihan may not have high impact/ Poster sangat
letak geografis beragam, banyak yang tidak berpengaruh besar
• Visible throughout the day/ Dapat terlihat sepanjang
CINEMA/ Bioskop
Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan
• High quality production possible/ Kualitas • Cost of production can be high/
Biaya produksi tinggi
produksi tinggi
• Limited audience size and profile can be • Limited audience size and
appropriate for some/ Segmen dan profil profile/ segmen dan profil pemirsa
pemirsa dapat dibatasi dan disesuaikan
dengan produk
• Captive audience/ Pemirsa yang tanggap
• Extended length advertising is possible and
acceptable/ Panjangnya iklan masih dapat
• High selectivity trough film and cinema
choice/ Alternatif pilihan dari pilihan film dan
• Product placement in film available/
Penempatan produk di film
• High creative flexiiiiibility/ Fleksibilitas kreasi
DIRECT MAIL/ Surat langsung

Advantages/ kelebihan Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Highly audience selectivity/ dapat menentukan • Can be associated with ‘junk
audience yang dikehendaki mail’/ Dapat diasosiasikan sebagai surat
• Can be personalized/ lebih personalized sesuai
• Circulation is controlled by advertiser/ Sirkulasinya • Each exposure is expensive/
Setiap usaha berbiaya mahal
dapat dikontrol oleh pengiklan
• Circulation can be limited to what is affordable/
Sirkulasinya dapat dibatasi dengan kemampuan dana
• Can be used to encourage action/ direct response/
sales/ Dapat digunakan untuk mendorong suatu
perbuatan/respons langsung/penjualan
• Aspects of its performance can beeaslly measured e.g
responses/ Aspek-aspek performansinya dapat
mudah diukur, misalnya jenis respons
• High information content possible/ Informasi lebih
akurat/ terjamin
Standing Banner
Advantages/ kelebihan
• Reaches broad, diverse audience /Jarak jauh, dapat terlihat oleh beragam
• High repeat expoosure (frequency)/ Dilakukan berulang-ulang (frekuensi
• High attention-getting possible with good design/ Perhatian yang besar jika
desain yang bagus
• Prominent brand identificationpossible/ Pengenalan merek yang kuat
• Low cost/ Biaya rendah
• Can create strong impact ofsimple message/ Dapat berefek besar dengan pesan
yang sederhana
• Message can be placed very close to point of sale/ Pesan dapat diletakkan di
dekat lokasi penjualan
• High geographic selectivity/ Alternatif pemilihan letak geografis
• Visible during working hours/ Dapat terlihat pada jam kerja
• Flexible and portable/ Fleksibel dan dapat dipindahkan
Standing Banner

Disadvantages/ kekurangan

• Not as broad as outdoor board (limited target)/

Tidak seluas papan outdoor (target terbatas)
• Creative limitations/ Pembatasan kreatif
• Message must be simple/ Pesan harus sederhana
• Limited audience selectivity/ audiecenya terbatas
• Seldom attracts readers’ full attention/ Jarang
menarik perhatian pemuh pemirsa
• In high potential area, it could be very crowded
with standing banners/ Di area yang berpotensi
tinggi, akan sangat sesak jika dipenuhi dengan
standing banner
IMC Media Tools
• Internet
- E-active marketing integrates e-commerce program
with more recent that have involved with internet
usage (include social network and blogs)
• Alternative Marketing
- Buzz marketing
- Product placement and branded entertainment
- Life style marketing
Question and Answer
• Apa yang dimaksud dengan IMC
• Sebutkan tools IMC
• Fungsi tools IMC
Tujuan Komunikasi
 Membujuk orang untuk berfikir, merasakan atau bertindak
dengan cara tertentu dalam hubungan dengan merek
 Menentukan sasaran secara logis
 Unsur utamanya :





Medium Keunggulan Keterbatasan
Fleksibel, tepat waktu, dipercaya, diterima luas, Tidak awet, mutu reproduksi rendah, pass-
local market coverage along audience rendah
Gabungan penglihatan, bunyi dan gerak;
Biaya absolut tinggi, high clutter, fleeting
Televisi menggelitik panca indera, atensi tinggi,
exposure, selektivitas audiens kurang
jangkauan luas
Audiens terseleksi, fleksibel, tidak ada pesaing
Direct Mail Biaya agak tinggi, citra surat sampah
dalam medium yang sama, personalisasi
Massa, seleksi geografis dan demografis, biaya Audio saja, atensi rendah ketimbang TV,
rendah struktur tarif tidak baku, fleeting exposure
Seleksi geografis dan demografis, kredibel dan
Antrian giliran iklan, sebagian sirkulasi sia-
Majalah prestis, reproduksi, berkualitas, awet, goog pass-
sia, tidak ada jaminan posisi iklan
along readership
Fleksibel, exposure berulang, biaya rendah,
Luar Ruang Selektifitas terbatas, kreatifitas terbatas
persaingan rendah
Local coverage bagus, dipercaya, jangkauan Persaingan tinggi, antrian lama, kreatifitas
Halaman Kuning
luas, biaya rendah terbatas
Newsletter Selektifitas tinggi, kendali penuh, biaya rendah Biaya bisa tak terkontrol
Banyak pengguna, peluang untuk sentuhan Biaya relatif tinggi, kecuali menggunakan
pribadi sukarelawan
Internet Selektifitas tinggi, interaktif, biaya rendah Media baru dengan pemakai terbatas
Fleksibel, kendali penuh, bisa mendramatisir Produksi berlebihan bisa membuat biaya tak
pesan terkontrol
Why Marketing Management? (1)

Marketing as a social and
managerial process by
which individuals and
groups obtain what they
need and want through
creating and exchanging
products and value with Fig.1. The Core Marketing Concepts

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