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American romanticism

Group 2

• Riandini
• Rahma Erlina Farha
• Ulfi yatuzzuhriyyah
• Zara Azkiyah Dimyati
• Anita Ratnasari
Is a literary and artistic movement that takes inspiration from
the beauty and integrity of nature to try enlightenment

developed with a romantic movement in Europe

In the U.S., it ran from 1820 -1865

emphasizes individualism and human unity with nature and

with God
American Romanticism
In 1820, only fifty years after the Revolutionary War, America was still
very young, but its citizens were eager to make their own identities unique
to America and not too dependent on European values. Therefore, the
Romantic American movement challenged the very rational thinking that
we saw in the Age of Reason during the Revolutionary War. This period
produces fewer teaching texts and more stories, novels, and poems.In this
story, novel and poem, there are five characteristics that we can use to
identify Romantic American literature.

• Imagination
• Individuality
• Nature as a source of spirituality
• Looking to the past for wisdom
• See ordinary people as heroes
Characteristic of American Romanticism
1.Value of feeling over reason

2.Fights for the individual’s freedom

3.Shuns civilization and seeks nature

4.Prefers innocence to sophistication

5.Places faith in the imagination

6.Reflect on nature to gain spiritual


7.Finds beauty and truth in

supernatural or immaginative realms
What is Transcendentalism???
Transcendentalism has been defined philosophically as "an
acknowledgment in man of the capacity to know truth intuitively,
or to acquire knowledge that surpasses sensory reach."
The idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the
universe, the self, and other important matters, one must
transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the
physical world.
Transendentalis setuju bahwa pengetahuan tentang lingkungan
fisik (atau "materi") diperoleh dengan cara ini, mereka menyatakan
bahwa setiap individu juga dapat belajar tentang realitas yang
lebih tinggi, "dunia roh," melalui kekuatan bawaan. Dikenal
sebagai akal sehat atau "intuisi," kekuatan trans-skendental ini
berfungsi di atas dan di luar panca indera
The difference between British Romanticism and
American Romanticism
British romanticsm American romanticsm

Begins and develops with the understanding

It starts with poetic meetings with nature,
of the rhetoric of salvation of the divine /
theories and imaging criticism, gothicism
divine guilt from the wilderness of equality
and romantic irony
and rhetoric that is thirsty for freedom

Imagination and emotion over reason and

Humanitarism and reform

Humanity is seen as a god and nature

Nature is used as inspiration and renewal
becomes one
British and american romanticism equations


There is nothing romantic about romanticism

It’s movement a movement that revolts against neoclassicism

Romanticism dwells on man and nature ; they celebrate the function of intuitions and the
imagination,methaphysical,revolutionary and the spontaneous rather than reason.morals,
objectivity,tradition social conformity and control
Works from the period of American Romanticism

• Novel • Fiction
The scarlet letter Ligeia
Moby Dick Uncle Tom's Cabin
The house of the seven gables

• Poetry • Essay
Tied up with snow The American Scholar
For Dandelion Woman in the Nineteenth
My youth is gone Century
One of America's romantic literary figures

Edgar Allan Poe

An artistic movement of the late 1700s, Romanticism led
poets such as Edgar Allan Poe to revere originality, free
thinking, idealism, the supernatural and mystic, beauty, love,
passion and the natural world. Poe’s lyrical poems and dark
tales are a reflection of the darker side of Romanticism as
they address topics such as death, supernatural forces, loss of
love, a flawed society and the evils of human nature.

Examples of Poe's Romanticism

 The Beautiful Annabel Lee

 Ligeia's Recorporeal Incarnation
 Nightmare in Dream-Land
 The Search for Eldorado

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