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NRM Presidential Manifesto 2016-2021

Education and Sports Sector

Presentation of Progress on Sector Commitments

NRM Manifesto Week

13th -24th MAY 2019
What this Presentation Covers
1) Scope of the NRM Manifesto Commitments for the

2) An overview of the Education and Sports Sector

Financing for FY2016/17 to FY2019/20 estimates.

3) The achievements on key Manifesto Commitments

in respect to the Sector for the period 2016/17 to-
4) Some of the challenges in implementation of the

Scope of the NRM Commitments for
the Sector
The NRM Manifesto Commitments for the Term 2016-2021 in
respect to the Education and Sports Sector cover the following
1) Pre-primary
2) Primary Education
3) Secondary Education
4) BTVET Education
5) School Inspection and Supervision
6) Higher Education
7) Physical Education and Sports
8) Special Needs Education
This presentation only highlights the major achievements over the
period FY2016/17 to-date.
Financing of the Education and Sports Sector from
2016/17 to 2019/20
1) In nominal terms, financing of the Education
and Sports Sector increased by UGX504.65
Billion in FY2017/18 compared with
2) Further more, the NRM Government has
projected to increase financing of the Sector
in FY2019/20 by UGX1.135 Trillion to
UGX3.286 Trillion compared with the
Sector allocation of UGX2.15 Trillion in
2016/17. 5
3,400.00 Allocation (in UGX-Billions) to the 3,285.78
Sector from 2016/17 to 2019/20
3,000.00 2,781.13
2,600.00 2,501.12
2,400.00 2,150.04

Overview of the Education and Sports Sector
Financing 2016/17 to 2019/20 (MTEF)

FY2016/17 FY2017/18 FY2018/19 FY2019/20
Sector 2,150.04 2,501.12 2,781.13 3,285.78

Total National
Budget 20,401.33 22,002.62 25,093.23 32,034.44

Share 10.54% 11.37% 11.08% 10.26%

Achievements in the
Pre-Primary Sub-sector

Government’s Role in the Pre-Primary
Sub - sector
First and foremost, we would like to reiterate the mandate of
government’ in the Pre-Primary Sub-Sector. According to the
Education (pre-primary, primary and post primary) Act 2008,
Section 10 (2):
a) Pre-primary education is to be run by private agencies or
persons to provide education to children aged from two
years to five years and the financing of that type of
education shall be a responsibility of the parents or
b) Government is responsible for Curriculum, guidelines,
minimum standards, teacher-training, licensing,
registration, and inspection.

Commitment-1: - Strengthen Monitoring and
Supervision of ECD

1)The process of reviewing the

Early Childhood Development
(ECD) Policy of 2005 is currently
underway in order to strengthen
regulation and supervision of this

Development in Primary Teachers’ Colleges
1) Under the revised Teacher Education
Curriculum, we have made ECD compulsory
in Year One and elective in Year Two (when
one specializes either in ECD or upper
2) We have trained 4,166 ECD Caregivers at
PTCs across 50 districts.
3) We have trained 45 Master-Trainers and
400 Trainers of ECD Caregivers.
Achievements in the
Primary Sub-sector

Commitment-3: - Construction of Classrooms and provision
of at least one public Primary School per Parish
1) As of end FY2017/18, using Schools Facility
Grant (SFG), we constructed 256 new
Classrooms in 45 Districts while an additional
92 Classrooms in 16 Districts were renovated.
2) We have expanded 145 primary schools that
had less than 03 permanent classrooms by
providing an additional 933 Classrooms using
the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
grant to the government of Uganda. Of these
Schools, 138 have been completed and await
(Continuation of Commitment-3 in the
Primary Sub-Sector)
3) We have identified 23 Primary schools
for grant-aiding in FY2019/20.
4) Due to budgetary limitations, we have
not been able to grant-aid any Primary
Schools since July 2016.
5) We still have 1,135 Parishes and
Wards are without a public primary
school as of March 2018.
Commitment-4: Construction of Teachers’ Houses
1) As of end FY2017/18, we completed construction of 103
two-bedroomed Teachers’ Houses in 16 Districts;
2) We completed construction of nine semi-detached
houses each housing two teachers in 09 schools in the
hard-to-reach district of Bukwo using the GPE grant;
3) We completed construction of five semi-detached
houses (each housing 2 teachers) at Shimoni
Demonstration School.
4) Five semi-detached houses for Tutors were constructed
at Erepi, Kisoro, Ibanda, Rukungiri, and Ngora PTCs.

Okut Primary School; one of the 138 Schools expanded
under the GPE grant

Okut Primary School – Alebtong 16

Commitment-5: - Provision of Instructional
and Scholastic Materials
1) We provided P.1 to P.7 textbooks for
English and Mathematics to all public
primary schools. As a result, the Pupil-to-
Book Ratio (PBR) has improved from 14:1
to 2:1 and 3:1 in the respective subjects.
2) We supplied textbooks for P.4 Social
Studies and Integrated Science; as such,
the pupil-to-book ratio has improved 14:1
to 5:1 in these subjects.
Commitment-6: - Enhancement of Salaries
for Primary School Teachers
1) The Wage bill for Primary School teachers has increased by
UGX239.226 Billion from UGX779.450 Billion in FY2015/16 to
UGX918.676 Billion in FY2018/19; and is estimated to grow to
UGX921.702 Billion in FY2019/20.
2) There has been NO salary enhancement for Primary School
teachers in the last 3 years because increment prior to FY2016/17
put them above the pay targets in the Pay Policy approved by
3) Currently, the entry monthly salary for a Primary School Head
teacher is UGX588,359/= whereas a Grade-III teacher receives
UGX469,355/= per month. Before the enhancement, the average
salary for a Primary School teacher was UGX 280,000/=.

Commitment-7: - Implementation of the
Karamoja Primary Education Project (KPEP)
1) Under the Karamoja Primary Education
Project (KPEP), civil works were
completed in 21 primary schools. This
project was completed and the schools
handed over in FY2016/17.

Commitment-8: - Increase Community
participation in Education

1)We have trained 4,790 members

of School Management
Committees (SMCs) about their
roles and responsibilities in
providing leadership in their
respective School.

Commitment-9: - Provision of a mid-morning
meal and school uniforms
1) According to Section 5(2) (c) of the Education
Act, 2008; it is the responsibility of parents and
guardians to provide food and school uniform
for their children among other responsibilities
such as providing parental guidance, promoting
spiritual, cultural, and moral growth and
2) Nevertheless, as a Ministry, we were able to
conduct a 6-week long nationwide sensitization
campaign about feeding children in schools
and the roles of the parent/guardian. 21
Achievements in the
Secondary Sub-sector

Commitment-10: - Provision of a Public
Secondary School per Sub-county
1) In FY2016/17 and 2017/18, we completed the construction
of nine (09) Seed Secondary Schools.
2) We also grant-aided 120 Community Secondary schools
in FY2016/17 and 2017/18. An additional 62 Secondary
Schools shall be grant-aided in FY2019/20 at an
estimated cost of UGX15.88 Billion.
3) There are Three Seed Schools at various stages of
construction; namely Katikekile Seed S.S in Moroto,
Nyangoma Seed S.S in Kyotera, and Nyakatonzi Seed
S.S in Kasese.

Continuation of Commitment-10 under
the Secondary Sub-Sector
4) Under the Uganda Inter-government fiscal transfers for Results
Program (UgIFT), 117 sub-counties without a public secondary
school received funds in FY 2018/19 to construct new seed schools
and an additional 115 new seed secondary schools shall be
constructed starting in FY 2020/21;
5) This time round, we are building comprehensively complete
Secondary Schools in terms of the infrastructure we are going to put
up; these include 06 Classrooms, a multi-purpose Hall, staff houses
for 6 Teachers, an ICT laboratory, a Library, and Science Labs. Our
estimated cost for a complete school is UGX 2 billion.
6) However, we do still have 428 sub-counties, Town Councils, and
Divisions without a public Secondary Schools as of March 2019.
Abok Seed Secondary School (Oyam District)
completed in FY2017/2-18

Phasing-out of Public-Private
Partnership (PPP) in
Implementation of Universal
Secondary Education (U.S.E.)

1) In FY2015/16, H.E. the President directed
that PPP be progressively phased-out in
implementation of U.S.E.
2) Under the PPP arrangement, Government
provides capitation grant of UGX47,000/=
and UGX85,000/= per Student in O-level
and A-level respectively.

3) The President’s directive took effect in
FY2016/17 starting with S.1 and S.5. The
PPP Phase-out shall be completed in
4) Phasing-out of PPP in U.S.E. has enabled
the Government to save UGX36 Billion. Part
of the savings will be used for grant-aiding
Community Schools and infrastructure left
incomplete in APL-1 Project.
Commitment-11: - Provision of Instructional
materials for Secondary Schools
1) We procured 5,250 textbooks for S.1 and S.2
in the 20 newly grant-aided Secondary
Schools of FY2016/17. The subjects included
Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
2) We procured 1,104 Science-subject
textbooks to be used at the 30 Regional
Training Centres to improve the teaching of
practicals in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Commitment-12: - Rehabilitation of
traditional Secondary Schools
1) Kyenjojo S.S and St. Balikuddembe Mitala
Maria S.S each received a multi-functional
academic block, an ICT lab, and a library.
2) Ntare School received a multi-purpose
science laboratory block that is nearing
3) Kigezi College Butobere and Sir Samuel
Baker Secondary School have been included
for rehabilitation and expansion under the
Inter-governmental fiscal transfers program.
Commitment-13: - Recruitment of Secondary
School Teachers
1) We have recruited a total of 4,520
teachers within the last 3 years.
2) We have also advertised for an
additional 3,610 positions of
Secondary School teachers of
which 1,945 are for Sciences and
1,665 for Arts.
Commitment-14: - Reforming the Lower Secondary
Curriculum and introduction of Continuous Assessment
The review of the Lower Secondary Curriculum is complete and UGX29
Billion has been provided in FY2019/20 to fund the roll-out activities for
the first year.
a) The subject menu has been reduced from 44 subjects to 20; content
made lighter, and obsolete content removed.
b) It integrates approaches that will increase learners’ motivation to
pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
c) It introduces project-based and problem-based learning so that
learners become oriented towards a culture of problem-solving and
d) The Curriculum seeks to promote entrepreneurship so that our young
people can become engaged in production and not just job-seeking.
e) It is founded on competence-based learning to prepare the learner for
the 21st Century world-of-work.
Strategic Directive:

No imposing extra charges in UPE

and U.S.E. Schools

Strategic Directive on Extra School Charges in
UPE and U.S.E. Schools
1) As a Ministry, we would like to reiterate the
government’s position previously communicated to all
Schools and Local Governments directing them not to
impose extra charges on pupils/students.
2) The respective Departments of the Ministry together
with the Directorate of Education Standards shall
continue to make regular follow-ups to ensure
compliance by School managers.
3) In addition, U.S.E. Schools are required to submit their
budgets to the Commissioner Secondary Schools for
scrutiny and approval.
Achievements in the
BTVET Sub-Sector

Commitment-15: - Provision of Vocational/Technical
Institute per Constituency
1) As government, we are currently, grant-aiding one-hundred forty-nine (149) BTVET
Institutions in the following categories:

a) Six (06) Technical Colleges and Centres of Excellence

b) Eleven (11) Nursing and midwifery
c) Eight (08) Schools of Allied Health
d) Seventy-five (75) Vocational Training Institutes,
Technical Institutes, and Farm institutes
e) Five (05) Uganda Colleges of Commerce
f) Thirty-nine (39) Community Polytechnics and
Technical Schools
g) Five (05) Departmental Institutes 36
Commitment-15: - Provision of Vocational/Technical
Institute per Constituency
2) As a Sector, we realized that the Commitment of
providing a Technical/Vocational Institute per
Constituency could not be achieved in the medium-
term because existing similar Institutions are largely
under-enrolled, under-staffed, and under-equipped.
3) Therefore, as a Ministry, we have prioritized
operationalization of the existing BTVET institutions by
rehabilitating, expanding, equipping, and staffing them.
4) In the last 3 years, 28 various categories of BTVET
Institutions have been renovated, expanded, and
Kalongo Technical Institute,
Administration Block and Dormitory

Commitment-16: - BTVET Curriculum enhancement
and Assessment
1) All Curriculum for Oil and Gas course modules are now
internationally accredited to ensure that the learners who
come out of our institutions meet minimum international
standards – The target of students to graduate by end of the
project in 2021 is 500.
2) All BTVET Curricula have now become competence-based;
implying that 70% of the learner’s time is focused on
acquisition of practical skills required in the world-of-work.
3) The private sector is now deliberately involved in designing
and developing our curricula in order to ensure that learners
are trained in trades and skills that are relevant in the world of
Commitment-17: - Promote and establish Regional Centers
of Excellence among BTVET institutions for production
of a critical mass of relevant technical skills
1) We have created Two Centres of
Excellence under the Albertine Regional
Sustainable Development Project
(ARSDP); namely:
i. Uganda Technical College (UTC)
Kichwamba for Construction Industry.
ii. Uganda Petroleum Institute Kigumba
(UPIK) for Oil and Gas Industry.
Continuation of Commitment-17 under
BTVET Sub-Sector
2) We also created Four Centres of Excellence under the Uganda
Skills Development Project (USDP); in the following are:
i. Construction Industry at UTC Elgon,
ii. Agriculture Industry at Bukalasa Agricultural College,
iii. Manufacturing Industry at UTC Bushenyi, and
iv. Road Construction at UTC Lira.
3) We have identified to develop a new Institute at Nwoya as a
Centre of Excellence in Agro-processing.

Commitment-18: - Establishing a Skills
Development Authority
1) In January 2019, Cabinet passed the TVET Policy
which paves the way for the establishment of a
TVET Council instead of an Authority.
2) Through the TVET Council, the TVET Policy
provides for enhanced participation of the Private
Sector in informing the priorities of TVET through the
respective Sector Skills Councils that are constituted
based on priority Sectors of the economy as guided
by the National Development Plan.

Achievements in the
School Inspection and Supervision

Commitment-19: Enhancement of School Inspection
and setting up a Semi-autonomous body
1) Since FY2016/17, government has increased
the Budget allocation for the Directorate of
Education Standards which is responsible for
School Inspection and Supervision by
UGX1.55 Billion; from UGX3.18 Billion in
FY2016/17 to UGX4.734 in FY2019/20;
2) Furthermore, the Local Government
Inspection Grant has increased by UGX3.3
Billion from UGX2.2 Billion in FY2015/16 to
UGX 5.5 Billion in FY2019/20.
Continuation of Commitment-19 under the
School Inspection and Supervision Sub-Sector
3) We have adopted integration of ICT
solutions into the Inspection System to
enhance the quality and responsiveness to
inspection reports. Currently, the ICT
Solution is being piloted in 46 Local
Governments as of 2018.
4) ICT biometric system is being piloted in 60
Primary Schools in 10 districts to check
Head teacher and teacher attendance and
teacher-time on task. 45
School Inspection and Supervision Sub-
5) We procured and distributed 185
motor-cycles of which 100 were
supplied to districts, 70 to
Coordinating Centers under various
Core Primary Teacher Colleges, 10 to
UTSEP Construction Unit, and 5 to
the Directorate of Education

Continuation of Commitment-19 under School
Inspection and Supervision Sub-Sector
6) As a result of the above interventions:
a) There has been increased vigilance in inspection
by inspectors and Associate Assessors, and
monitoring by more Local Government
stakeholders including RDCs.
b) Teacher attendance has improved from 70% in
2015 to 85% in 2018.
7) However, plans to create a semi-
autonomous Inspection body were put on
hold following Cabinet’s Decision on the
rationalization and merging of government
Achievements in the
Higher Education Sub-Sector

Commitment-20:- Supporting training of courses whose
graduate are currently needed by the local job market
• Through the Higher Education Student Financing
Board, 8,190 students have benefited from the
loan scheme in the last 5 years to pursue 130
degree programmes and 76 undergraduate
diploma courses mainly in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
programmes with the exception of learners with
Special Needs who are allowed to access the
loans to pursue programs in Business and
Commitment-21:- Rehabilitation of Public

New Blocks put up at Busitema University

Continuation of Commitment-21 under
the Higher Education Sub-Sector
• Through a government loan from the Africa Development
Bank, government has been able to put up additional
infrastructure at 8 public universities; namely:
1. Busitema University,
2. Gulu University,
3. Kyambogo University,
4. Muni University,
5. Makerere University Business School,
6. Makerere University,
7. Mbarara University of Science and Technology,
8. Uganda Management Institute)

Other Government interventions in Higher
1) In July 2016, two new public universities became operational,
bringing the number of public universities to eight (8); of which
Lira university, formerly a constituent college of Gulu University
was built using Government of Uganda funds.
2) Soroti University has been constructed using purely
Government funds, and is expected to open in FY2019/20.
3) The operationalization of Uganda Petroleum Institute, Kigumba
is steadfastly continuing. The Administration Block is complete,
an Oil-Rig simulator is being procured, and students’
accommodation being built.
4) We have allocated funds and put in place a Task Force to
spearhead the establishment of a constituent College of Gulu
University in Karamoja.

Commitment-22:- Development and
Commercialization of innovations
The following are a few of the Innovations that have taken place within the Higher
Institutions of Learning in the Sector; namely:

1) Diary Value-chain at Makerere University

2) Cassava processing cottage at Gulu University

3) Innovations Court at Makerere University Business School

4) A Forest Gorilla Trekking and Lodging Camp at Mbarara University for Science
and Technology

5) An IT Research Lab and Technology Support Centre at Muni University

6) Management Consultancy at Uganda Management Institute, and

7) A Technology and Business and Innovation Workshop at Busitema University.

Achievements in the
Physical Education and Sports Sub-

Commitment-23:- Facilitate National teams to participate in
international tournaments when they qualify
1) Government increased the Sports Budget by UGX14.7
Billion in FY2017/18 to facilitate talent development and
support to National Federations and Teams of which UGX10
Billion went to FUFA.
2) After 38 years of absence, Uganda Cranes participated in
Africa Cup of Nations tournament in Gabon in 2017 and has
also qualified for AFCON Egypt in July 2019.
3) Government fully-funded the She Cranes preparation and
participation in the 2017/2018 Africa Netball Championship
where we emerged as the Tournament’s winners.

Continuation of Commitment-23 under the
Physical Education and Sports Sub-Sector
4) The She Cranes have also qualified for the World
Netball Cup to be hosted in Liverpool in 2019.
5) Government contributed UGX2.5 Billion towards
Uganda’s participation in the 21st Commonwealth
Games in Gold Coast, Australia (2018) where we
emerged with 6 medals; namely 3 Gold, 1 Silver, and
2 Bronze medals.
6) Government contributed UGX5 Billion towards the
2018 World University Netball Championship hosted
at Makerere University; mainly toward construction of
the Sports facility. 56
Commitment-24: Support the Construction of
Sports facilities
1) Construction of the National High Altitude Training Centre in
Kapchorwa is at 68% (as at February 2019) completion level
and the facilities include Jogging Track; Artificial Turf; 6 Lane
Running Tracks; 1 Hostel Block; Site Roads & Parking.
Completion of Phase 1 is January 2020;
2) Nakivubo Stadium is undergoing re-construction under a
Public-Private Partnership arrangement with Ham
Enterprises Ltd, estimated at US$ 50m;
3) Following guidance given by H.E the President, the Ministry
of Education and Sports has made a formal application to
the Ministry of Finance for construction of Akii Bua (Lira) and
Buhinga (Kabarole) Stadia using Grant and Interest-free
Financing from China. 57
Commitment-25:- Emphasize physical
education and sports at all levels of education
and training in the country
1) 32 Secondary Schools that were selected in the first
phase to benefit from sports facilities received 1000
balls for volleyball, soccer, netball, basketball.
2) UGX30 million was given to each of 13 Secondary
Schools out of the selected 32 to facilitate the
construction of a basketball court.
3) 244 Sports tutors , teachers, and selected district
officials from Schools, NTCs, and PTCs around the
country received training in Physical Education and
Sports management.

Achievements in the
Special Needs Education Sub-Sector

Commitment-26:- Operationalize the Special Needs and
Inclusive Education Policy to improve access, retention and
completion rates of children with disabilities
The Special Needs and Inclusive policy
has been merged with the Non-formal
Education Policy to create the National
Inclusive Education Policy.
Consultations on the new draft policy
are on-going.
Commitment-27:- Progressively revamp four regional institutions for People
With Disabilities (PWDs) – Salama Primary School, Mbale S.S., Wakiso S.S., and
Laro Primary School and introduce marketable courses

1) We provided the following facilities at Mbale School

for the Deaf; namely: 2 Vocational Workshops, 2
Classroom Blocks, 1 House Block with 4 semi
detached units for 4 teachers, boys and girls’ VIP
Latrines), installation of 3-Power Phase electricity,
and provision of Cookery Equipment for Home
Economics Section.
2) We constructed 2 Classroom Blocks each at Laro
and Salama Primary Schools.

Continuation of Commitment-27 under the
Special Needs Education Sub-Sector
3) We facilitated the supply and fitting of
Hearing Devices/Aids for 1,600
children with hearing impairments.
4) We have commenced the
construction of 2 Teachers’ Houses
and 2 Classroom Blocks at Wakiso
School for the Deaf.

1) The levels of community participation in
Education are still low; e.g. school-feeding for
school-going pupils.
2) Dilapidation and deterioration of infrastructure
in government Education Institutions.
3) Inadequate resource envelope to construct a
government Secondary School in each Sub-
county, and Primary School in every parish.
4) The rapid increase in enrolment in Schools is
not matched with the requisite resources
particularly facilities and teachers. 64
Thank You
God Bless You All


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