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Einstein’s theory of Matter Radiation

The distribution of atoms in the two energy levels will

change by absorption or emission of radiation.

(1)Stimulated Absorption
(2) Sponteneous Emission
(3) Stimulated Emission
(1)Stimulaled Absorption :
R1 = B12 M1 E ........(1)
(2) Sponteneouse Emission :
R2 =A21 N1 ..........(2)
(3) Stimulated Emission :
R3 = B21 N2 E .........(3)
According to Einstein’s theory ,
therefore with symbol R1 = R2 + R3

Using equactions (1) ,(2) & (3)

We get , B12 N1 E = A12 N2 + B21 N2 E
therefore ( B12 N1 – B21 N2 ) E = A12 N2
E= A12 N2
B12 N1 – B21 N2

Thermodynamically prove , B12 = B21

E= A21 N2
B12 ( N1 – N2 )
E= A21 N2 .....(4)
B13 [ (N1 / N2) – 1 ]
According to Boltzmann distribution law ,
N1/N2 = E hf/kT = E(E1-E2)/kT .............(5)
Using equation (5) in (4) ,
E= A12 .......(6)
B21 (ehf/kT – 1 )
According to plank’s hypothesis ,
E= 8piHf3 1 ........(7)
C3 ehf/kT
• Comparin equation (6) & (7) ,
A21 / B21 = 8pihf3 / C3
The above equation gives relation between Einstein’s
coefficients . The relation between This coefficients suggest tha
the ratio of spontaneous emission and stimulated emission is
proportional to the cube of incident frequency (f) in thermal

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