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Paganism represents a wide variety of traditions that emphasize reverence for nature and a revival
of ancient polytheistic and animistic religious practices. Some modern forms of Paganism have their roots in
19th century C.E. European nationalism (including the British Order of Druids), but most contemporary
Pagan groups trace their immediate organizational roots to the 1960s, and have an emphasis on archetypal
psychology and a spiritual interest in nature. Paganism is not a traditional religion per se because it does not
have any official doctrine, but it does have some common characteristics joining the great variety of
traditions. One of the common beliefs is the divine presence in nature and the reverence of the natural order
in life. Spiritual growth is related to the cycles of the Earth and great emphasis is placed on ecological
concerns. Monotheism is almost universally rejected within Paganism and most Pagan traditions are
particularly interested in the revival of ancient polytheist religious traditions including the Norse (northern
Europe) and Celtic (Britain) traditions. Many Pagan traditions are intentionally reconstructionist in that they
aim to revive many of the lost rituals of the ancient traditions, including holy days and seasonal celebrations.
Besides Nature, many Pagans also worship a variety of gods and goddesses, including spirits which can
represent national and local heroes as well as deceased family members. In this sense, many Pagans try to
honor their ancestry and ancestors. Some Pagan traditions include ritual magic, but this practice is not
Quick Fact Details:

■ Formed: Since the religious traditions that contemporary Paganisms draw on and seek to
restore are ancient, the early 20th century date reflects only the revival of the practices
and the communities that are sustained by them.
■ Origin: The diversity of Pagan traditions includes myths, histories, and lore from a wide
variety of pre-Christian sources, including northern Europeans as well as those of
ancient Mediterranean communities.
■ Followers: The diversity of Pagan traditions has made a comprehensive census nearly
impossible. Practioners also point out that social discrimination against Paganism has
kept many from practicing openly.
Quick Facts


ADHERENTS 1,000,000





■ Beginnings
Rooted in ancient magical spirituality while finding new expressions in the postmodern age,
Paganism encompasses many different beliefs and practices.
■ Influences
A wide array of spiritual, cultural, and philosophical currents combined to affect the rebirth of
Paganism in the post-modern world.
■ Founders
Numerous people have played key roles in the development of Paganism, particularly in its mid
20th-century renaissance.
■ Sacred Texts
Paganism by definition has no written sacred scripture. Its "sacred text" and source of authority is
the natural world and the personal experience of each individual practitioner.
■ Historical Perspectives
Whether they see themselves as returning to ancestral practices or creating a new Paganism for
today's world, contemporary Pagans constantly deal with questions of authenticity, identity, and historicity.

■ Early Developments
Paganism has many roots the world over, including the largely prehistoric practices of the Proto-Indo-
European people.
■ Schisms and Sects
When humankind began to write, sacred myths were recorded, with each distinct culture preserving its
own set of stories about the gods and goddesses.
■ Missions and Expansion
Throughout ancient Europe, Paganism evolved into a variety of forms, adapting itself to local regions
and venerating gods and goddesses anchored in specific places.
■ Exploration and Conquest
The story of Paganism in the context of empire, particularly the Roman Empire, is not so much a story
of conquest as a story of ultimately being conquered.
■ Modern Age
Combining vestigial Paganism and modernist sensibilities, key figures like Gerald Gardner and Doreen
Valiente revived (or, recreated) nature spirituality for their time.

■ Sacred Narratives
Mythology both ancient and modern contributes to the sacred stories through which Pagans find
meaning in themselves, their community, and the cosmos.
■ Ultimate Reality and Divine Beings
Pagans vary widely in their understanding of deities or spirits, although most revere the natural world as
both good and spiritually enchanted.
■ Human Nature and the Purpose of Existence
Generally speaking, Pagans see both the foundation and the purpose of humanity as embedded in the
physical environment. Humans are not "given" nature and purpose so much as they create it.
■ Suffering and the Problem of Evil
Suffering and harm are natural aspects of life; therefore, Paganism aims for pragmatic and virtuous
ways to respond to these unavoidable realities.
■ Afterlife and Salvation
Pagans regard death as simply part of life, and therefore nothing to be feared. Beyond death lies either
some form of paradise or reincarnation (or both).

■ Sacred Time
Cycles of the sun and moon establish a sense of sacred time for Pagans, while some ancient fertility or
agricultural festivals are still celebrated today.
■ Sacred Space
A variety of mythical and ritual approaches to sacred space can be found within Paganism, including
ancient ceremonial sites and mythical other worlds.
■ Rites and Ceremonies
From elaborate Wiccan Circles to the simplest of "do-it-yourself" meditations, Paganism encompasses a
wide array of ritual practices.
■ Worship and Devotion in Daily Life
Because it is less about obeying an external authority than about trusting one's inner guidance,
Paganism fosters a daily practice of balance and harmony.
■ Symbolism
While no single symbol is universally held within the Pagan community, several are widely recognized
and revered, with the pentagram perhaps the most commonly used.

■ Community Organization
In most settings, contemporary Paganism is a minority religion, which enables Pagans to gather in
informal, small-scale communities; many practitioners work as solitaries.
■ Leadership
Instead of a professional clergy, many Pagan groups have an egalitarian priesthood, open to most
practitioners who assume ritual or organizational leadership positions.
■ Principles of Moral Thought and Action
While moral perspectives within Paganism are as diverse as nature itself, many Pagans adhere to
principles such as personal freedom, honor, and respect for the rights of others.
■ Vision for Society
While Paganism offers no consensus vision for the common good, many adherents believe in caring for
the environment and creating a non-sexist, non-homophobic society.
■ Gender and Sexuality
As a postmodern religious tradition inspired by ancient fertility practices, Paganism generally celebrates
freedom and diversity in regard to human sexuality and gender.

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