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Daniela Fonseca

Sebastian Tijarano
Kevin Ruiz

 After WW2, European leaders realised that the best way to

ensure lasting peace was to encourage co-operation and
reconstruction, rather than punish the defeated.

 In 1948 was born the Organisation for European Economic

Cooperation (OEEC) for set up the Marshall Plan.
 USA and Canada joined to OEEC encouraged by its
success in 14 December 1960.
 Officially The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) was born on 30 September 1961.
Expand the economy, employment and
living standarts of countries members
keeping an financial stability and
contributing to the global development

Contribute to an economic growth in the
countries members and no members
developing countries.
Promote policys to improve welfare economic and
social of the pepople in the World.
The OECD offers international fórums where the World
gouvernemets can work together to find experiences

MISSION: and serch solutions to común problems. The

organisation work to understand what drives the
change economical, social and Environmental.
Is committed to help the countries to: Restore markets,
public finances, support the innovation and green

 Today exist 36 members where come

together to identify problems, discuss
and analyse them, and promote policies
to solve them.
 The OECD have cooperation with
another's countries like Brazil, India,
Indonesia, China and South Africa.
 The OECD council decided to open
accession discussions with Costa Rica
and Russia Federation.

 OECD's work is based on

continued monitoring of
events in member countries
as well as outside OECD

 OECD is funded by the

owns members. Are based
on a equation, which takes
account size of each
member’s economy. The
countries can make
voluntary contributions.
 Unlike the World Bank or the
International Monetary
Fund, OECD does not
dispense grants or make

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