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Tutorial question:

what is the study of political

science is all about?
Systematic study of the Studied by political Paul Janet :
state & government scientist, which field of
study include : PS is the part of social
Deals with : science which treats of
• origin the foundations of the
•Equality •Structure & functions of state & principles of
•Freedom state & govt government
•Justice •Political institutions
•Power •Various forms of govt Catlin :
•Sovereignty •Behaviour of political
people PS is an academic &
• relation among nations research discipline that
• political theories and deals with the theory &
• various activities of practice of politics & the
government description & analysis of
political systems &
political behaviour.
Relation of Political Science
with other Social Sciences
Political Science & History
 history is the balance sheet of man in past
which include their political activities
 Dr Seeley : history w/o political science has no
fruit and political science w/o history has no
 Eg : political science deals with state/government
– the origin of the state/govt have their roots in
the history. Hence to understand more they
need to study the history of revolution of
Contribution towards each other
 History provide materials to political science
 History explains how the politics evolve
 Acts as laboratory to politics
 Today’s politics id tomorrow's history

Political Science & Economy

 Political stability is essential for economic to process
 State will formulate economic policies
 State enforce the policies
 Political solutions are formulated when there are
economic problems
 Economic condition will influence political condition of
 Economic inequalities lead to revolution in politics
 Economic activities are responsible for the origin of one

Political Science & Sociology

 Science of society – mother science of social science
 Study of all entire social aspect –
 Study of sociology provide knowledge to the
 State ends social evil
 Social condition influence political organization


State & Political Comparative
government theory politics

International Political Public

relations behaviour administration
State & Government
- Deals with characteristics and origin of the state,
various functions and types of govt
- Also focuses on political inst. Eg : 3 branches,
political parties, election, pressure groups and et.
- Relation between individual and state

Political Theory
- Study of ideas of political thinker/scholars
- Develop theories justice, democracy, liberty,
human rights ets
- Develop types of governments – monarchy/demo
Comparative politics
- Study of politics of different countries – single country or
particular areas of world – southeast asia/europe
- Similarities/dissimilarities – will lead to establishment of
new test theories eg. Revolution/feminism (why?)

Public Administration
- Deals with operations/activities in the govt – policy
making, law enaction, civil service
- Political scientist will find the ways on how to improve
the effectiveness of the process in govt administration
- Lead to the establishment of new concept – eg
reinventing govt/5S system
Political behaviour
- Study of how people involve in political processes,
respond to political activities
- Voting behaviour, public opinions, political

International Relations
- Study of international system – trade, diplomacy,
economy, politics between nations
- International organizations – UN, Asean, WHO et
- Lead to international disputes settlement, peace,
war and defend studies, role of countries.

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