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they are pagan and ancestral traditions with modern
festivals, always with a vertebrador element: fire and its
purifying power. Parades of torches, fireworks, smoking
chimneys and bonfires. It is the biggest celebration of

En the biggest celebration of New Year's

Eve in Scotland is the Hogmanay in
Edinburgh, a spectacular three-day party
that gathers more than 100,000 participants
including concerts, torchlight parades,
¿Where and when is it celebrated?

The Scottish festival of Hogmanay

takes place between the 29th of
December and the 2nd of January,
in the city of Edinburg.
¿What does it mean?
On December 31, the flames burst into the cold to scare away the evil spirits of the
year, and to release January with renewed enthusiasm. The Hogmanay tastes of
shows, ceilidh, traditions, whiskey ... and lots of magic!
Event preparation
Being the Hogmanay the greatest
festivity of the new year in Scotland
great preparation of this is needed; from
November 30, preparations begin, such
as making more than two thousand balls
made with wire, which are irrigated with
fuel and ignited with fire. It is also
customary to make much more than five
thousand torches for young relatives they
are forced to learn the "hymn of
friendship" that is song January 1 of the
new year.
The celebration of the Hogmanay comes from the
the term comes ancient rites of the solstice, and was merged with
from the name of a Christian Christmas from the year 1600. Mainly the
legendary Celtic Vikings very fond of celebrating the winter solstice
character named with great splendours. In fact, in the remote
Hogmanay the Shetland Islands they still call these festivals Yules,
Terrible or perhaps derived from the Nordic festival of Yule.
from a mysterious
saint named St
Hogmanay, who
also would have
invented the
bagpipe and
pilgrimage to the
Holy Land as a
if you want to stay in Scotland for that season and enjoy it you must book 5 months
in advance, bring enough thick coats since this festival is in winter. Visit the high
street that changes completely for the inauguration of the festival.

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