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Design Thinking Workshop

By- Viplav Upadhyay

The First Secret Of a great design
Good Habituation
What is the difference between Normal Person and Comedian and a Designer
So as a designers innovators and entrepreneur our job is not just to notice things
But to go one step further and fix the problems
Bad Habituation
Mary Anderson, New York City (1902)
Now as a UX Designer I try to learn from people like Marry to try to see this world
the way it is not the way we think it is.
Because Its easy to solve a problem that everyone sees. but its
hard to solve a problem which no one sees.
Staying Beginners
Today you get almost every product you get is 100% Charged. No More Charge
Before use
Why I am telling you this?
Its about seeing the invisible problem not the obvious problem because its
important if you see there is invisible problem all around us the once we can solve
But we need to see them and feel them
Tips to fight Habituation.
Look Broader.
Take a step back and Look Broader maybe you can change some of the boxes before
the problem maybe you can combine them maybe you can remove them .
Take a Thermostat as a example in 1900 when they came the were really easy to
use you can turn up and down people understood them
But in 1970 Energy Crises struck and customers starts thinking how to save energy
so thermostat designers designed this.
Take a step back and Look at all the boxes maybe you can change some of the boxes
before the problem maybe you can combine them maybe you can remove them so
that you can make the process much simpler .
Look Closer.
You need to have right screw for right job.
If we focus on tiny details the once we may not see and if we look at it we say are
those important or that is the way we have always done it, May be there is way we
can get rid of it
Think younger.
The good things to learn from kids
Why can’t cars can fly around the traffic
Why Don’t my shoes has Velcro instead
Why Don’t mailbox check itself and tell us when it has mail
My advice is to have a young mind because if you have that young mind they cause
everyone to think younger
Every child is an artist the problem is when He/She grows up is how to remain an
artist. - by Picasso
We all saw the world more clearly when we saw it for the very first time before a
life time of the habits get in our way our challenge is to get back their to feel that
frustrations to see those little details To Look Broader Look Closer and to think
younger so that we can stay beginners.
Our challenge is to wake up each day and say how can I experience the world better
and if we do may be we can get rid of
These dumb Little stickers
How to think Out of box
Why should we go out of the box
Solve this problem.
Solve this problem.

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