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Elements of

Choice Writing Assignment
Quarter 1
The Seven Elements:
 Plot
 Setting
 Atmosphere
 Characterization
 Theme
 Point of View
 Figurative Language &Literary Devices
 Whathappens in the story; the events that
occur from beginning to end.
 All plots have a conflict, which is a struggle
between forces. Common conflict choices
 Human vs. Human
 Human vs. Nature
 Human vs. Society
 Human vs. Him/Herself
 TheWHEN and WHERE the story occurs
(time and place).
 Place: The geographical location; where
does the action of the story take place?
 Time: When is the story taking place?
(historical period, time of day, year, etc.)
 Weather Conditions: Is it hot and sunny?
Rainy and cold? Snowing, etc.
 Social Conditions: What is the daily life of
the characters like? Does the story
mention mannerisms, clothing ,dialect,
etc. of a particular place?
 Protagonist: The main character or “hero”
of the story. The character whose actions
form the basis of the plot.
 Antagonist: The character who opposes
the protagonist and/or creates obstacles
for him/her. Also can be the forces that
work against protagonist's success (ex.
Protagonist’s own character flaws/traits)
 Dynamic (or Round) Character: A
character that changes throughout story;
is complex and has many sides.
 Static (or flat) Character: A character that
never changes throughout the story; is
 Atmosphere or Mood: The feeling the
created during the story. Is it bright and
cheery, or dark and frightening? This
element can stay throughout the story or
evolve over time and change.
 The
main point or central idea around
which the story is focused.
 Can be a statement about life or human
nature that is explicitly conveyed or
 Can be the author’s message or central
insight the he/she is trying to communicate
through the story.
 Like a moral to a story.
 Examples: love, hate, betrayal, friendship,
Point of View
 Positionor positions from which a literary
work is told to the reader.
 First Person Narration: Uses “I”, “me” , “my”,
 Toldfrom the perspective of the narrator
speaking directly about him/herself.
 Third Person Narration: Uses “he”, “she”, etc.
 Told from the perspective of an outside
narrator who Is not a character within the
Figurative Language & Literary
 FigurativeLanguage: The use of words to
affect a meaning other than the usual or
literal meaning of those words.
 Literary Devices: a technique a writer uses
to produce a special effect in their writing.
 irony, imagery, metaphor, pun, oxymoron,
hyperbole, analogy, personification, paradox,
simile, cliché, alliteration, onomatopoeia,
allusion, assonance, euphemism, idiom,
consonance, flashback, foreshadowing.
Requirements of Your
 Plot-one common plot evident.
 Setting-place and time well established.
 Characterization-includes a protagonist and
antagonist; more points will be given for
dynamic characterization.
 Atmosphere/Mood-established early and
continues throughout story.
 Theme-reader should easily be able to identify
at least one major theme to the story.
 Point of View-FIRST PERSON ONLY!
Requirements of Your
 Figurative Language & Literary Devices-
 Need to have AT LEAST 2 different literary
devices used at least 3 times correctly in your
 More devices=more points!!
 Narrative may be nonfiction (true story) or fiction
(not true).

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