Critical Journal Review: EDI WARDANA NAIBAHO (4173131007) SRI RAMADHANI (4172131023) TATI JUSTIKA GEA (4173131041)

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SRI RAMADHANI (4172131023)
TATI JUSTIKA GEA (4173131041)
Author • Maria Michella Salvatore dan Francesco Salvatore

• Understanding Complexometric Titration of Metal Cations with

Title Aminopolycarboxylic Acid (EDTA and Analogs) within the Frame of the
Notion of Reaction between Groups of Chemical Species

Volume/Issue/Page • Vol. 3, No. 1, 5-21

Publication year • 2015

• The making of a framework in which complexometric titration with

aminopolycarboxylic acid can be collocated and which allows
Aim of study
reasonably simple presentations and evaluations of the relevant
analytic aspects of this type of titration
In this study, the method used was complexometry titration in which
Aminopolycarboxylic acid was a titrant. In this titration indicators are
used which also act as their own complexes, namely metallochromic
(acid-base indicator). As well as pH buffer as a point far from the
equivalence point of complexometric titration because
Aminopolycarboxylic acid is very sensitive to pH.
Sufficient Eriochrome Black T indicator is added to develop a distinct blue colour. The
blue solution is titrated with the magnesium sulphate standard solution until a red colour
is developed. Finally, the initial blue colour is reestablished with the standard EDTA
solution. The number of moles of calcium can be calculated from the difference
between the number of moles of EDTA and the number of moles of magnesium
consumed in the titration (which, in turn, are calculated from the consumed volumes of
the two standard solutions and from their concentrations). Evidently, this procedure
avoids the formation of the inert CaEDTA’ complex, because the indicator is added
after a controlled excess of EDTA (which effectively mask the calcium) has been added.
The chemical origin of the complexity of complexometric titrations of metal
cations with aminopolycarboxylic acids is fully displayed and it is districated
by introducing a chemical model based on the notions of groups of chemical
species and reactions between groups of chemical species. This should help
undergraduates to get a better understanding of the old concept of
conditional complex formation constant.
• Jie Gao, Yafei Guo, Shiqiang Wang, Tianlong Deng, Yu-wei Chen
and Nelson Belzile

• Interference of Lithium in Measuring Magnetium by Complexometry :

Title Discussions of The Mechanism

Volume/Issue/Page • Pages : 1-4

Publication year • 2013

• relationship between the relative error related to the number of

Aim of study drops of the indicator and the NMR spectra of anhydrous ethanol
and n-butanol,with or without LiCl
Methodology. Solutions that contain 25.00 mg Mg2+ and 6.02 mg Li+
were added into an Erlenmeyer Flask; six to 18 drops of Na Indindicator
were added followed by 10 mL of the NH4Cl-NH3⋅H2O buffer
solution.Each solution was titrated with the standard solution of EDTA
from the tartaric red to azure.LiCl was dissolved into ethanol and n-
butanol,respectively, and then the solutions were analyzed with a
Bruker AM 300 NMR.
• 3.1. Interference of Li+ to the Measurement of Mg2+ .
The relationship between the amount of indicator added and the relative error (RE) of
the titration was plotted in Figure 1. It was found that when the Li/Mg mass ratio was
less than 1,
• 3.2.The Interference Mechanism ,
the stability of the complex formed with Li+ is much lower than that formed with Mg2+
• 3.3.1.Analysis of the NMR Spectrum
The stability constant of Li+ with alcohols is far larger than that of LiInd-
• 3.3.2.Analysis of the Experimental Values
It was found that a volume ratio of n-butanol and anhydrous ethanol between 1:7 and
1:10 could have an optimum effect. When the ratio was greater than 1:8, the relative
error increased as the amount of n-butanol decreased. It indicated that Li+ would react
mainly with n-butanol to form a complex

• The presence of high concentrations of the lithium ion Li+ can interfere with the
determination of Mg2+ by EDTA complexometric titration.It is possible to
control this interference by using a mixture of anhydrous ethanol and n-
butanol.It is proposed that a complex is formed between Li+ and n-butanol,
thus preventing the formation of a complex of Li+ with the indicator NaInd at
the proximity of the end point, which is causing a delay in the color change in
the complexation of Mg2+ by EDTA. This is an important aspect of the titration
to consider in water containing high Li+ levels such as salt brines.

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