Book 3 Unit 8. Communicating With Staff: Group Name: 4 Arya Nugroho Indri Novianti Rahayu Yiyin

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book 3 Unit 8.

Communicating with staff

Group name : 4
Arya Nugroho
Indri novianti rahayu
Dear Staff,
Concerns have been raised about the communication lagging when shifts
change. Medical records are not currently being filled in correctly, meaning that
nurses who are starting their duties are ill·infooned about the patients' current
status. This lack of communication is putting patients at risk. I would like to take
this opportunity to highlight the processes which you must adhere to when you
change shifts. Please make sure you update all medical records. All records must
be listed in chronological order. Make sure you document all medication that the
patient has received and make a full assessment of the patient's current status.
Make sure the patient's plan of care is clearly stated. Make sure your records are
comprehensive. Do not leave out any important details. However, records must
also be concise. Avoid unnecessary wordiness. You must ensure that you write
legibly, as there have been recent problems reading illegible handwriting. Use all
capitals if your cursive is messy, and only use approved standard abbreviations.
Observe these guidelines every time you complete your shift.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Lindsey Davies
Head Nurse
Get ready!
1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.
1 How do nurses communicate with each other about a patient's care?
2 What problems can occur when nurses change shifts?

The answer
1. Please make sure you update all medical records. All records must be listed in chronological
order. Make sure you document all medication that the patient has received and make a full
assessment of the patient's current status. Make sure the patient's plan of care is clearly stated.
Make sure your records are comprehensive. Do not leave out any important details. However,
records must also be concise. Avoid unnecessary wordiness. You must ensure that you write
legibly, as there have been recent problems reading illegible handwriting. Use all capitals if your
cursive is messy, and only use approved standard abbreviations. Observe these guidelines every
time you complete your shift.
2. Medical records are not currently being filled in correctly, meaning that nurses who are starting
their duties are ill·infooned about the patients' current status
2) Read the email from a head nurse. Then, choose the correct answers.
1 What is the email about?
A. problems with patient care
B. nurses arriving late for shifts
C. problems making notes about patients
D. failure to communicate supply issues
2 Which of the following don't need to be written down?
A. the patient's plan of care
B. medication that the patient has received
C. the patient's status at the moment
D.the patient's illness
3 Which of the following does the head nurse ask nurses to do?
A. type their notes
B. write in capital letters
C. highlight the patient's records
D. add as much as information as possible
The Answer :
1.C 3. B
2. D
3) Match the words (1·5) with the definitions (A·E).
1 _legibly
2 _ comprehensive
3 _ concise
4 _ chronological order
5 _ at risk
A. in a way which is easy to read
B. in danger
C. detailed but brief
D.listed according to time or date
E complete

The Answer :
1. A 4. D
2. E 5. B
3. C
4) Read the sentence and choose the correct word.
1 The nurses need to Adhere To I Document all the medication that the patients have taken.
2 There was not a lot of space on the form, so Charlotte used some Assessments I
3 Every few hours, the nurse made An Assessment I A Status of the patient's condition.
4 The nurse told the doctor about the patient's current Status I Abbreviation.
5 Karen noted the patient's Plan Of Care I Assessment on the medical records.
6 The head nurse wamed that nurses who failed to Highlight I Adhere to the rules would face

The Answer
2.Abbreviations assessment
5.plan of care
5) Listen and read the email again. Why is communication important to the
staff when they change shift?

Answer : communication is important to staff when they change shift because

a lack of communication puts patient’s at risk. If nurses on duty are not
properly informed of a patient’s status mistakes couldbe made
6) Listen to a conversation between two nurses. Mark the following
statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 _ The man cannot read the handwriting on the records.
2 _ The records do not mention the patient's current status.
3 _ The notes on the records are too brief.

The answer
1. F
2. F
3. T
7) Listen again and complete the conversation.
N 1: Anything wrong?
N 2: Yes, ifs this 1 _ ___ . I don't understand it at all.
N 1: What's the problem?
N 2: It's 2 __ __ __ that I don't understand.
N 1: 3 _ __ ___ abbreviations?
N 2: It says the patient got 20 milligrams of M. Does that M stand for 4 __ or magnesium?
N 1: I don't know.
N 2: The nurse 5 _ _ ___ it. There's no assessment of the patient's current status.
N 1: let me have a look. Yes, look, it's here. It's iust that the nurse didn't write it in 6 _ __ .
N 2: Oh yes, so it is. It isn't very 7 __ though. It just says 'recovering'.
N 1: Yes, I know we're supposed to be 8 __ but this is really bad.
N 2: It is and I can't find any details about the patients plan of care either.
N 1: We should tell the head nurse. Maybe she can talk to the other nurses.
The answer :
1. Medical record 6. Chronological Order
2. Full of abbreviations 7. Comprehensive
3. What sort of 8. Concise
4. Morphine
5. Didn’t even update
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