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ILMI-Spare Intervention in Reducing

Depression Status in the Elderly Group


The increase in the elderly population in 2010-2050 is expected to

be focused on all the developing countries in terms ranging from
524 million to nearly 1.5 trillion elderly, namely in China and India
(WHO and the National Institute on Aging US, 2011)
The upward trend the elderly population in the world same with
the Indonesian. Enhancement the elderly population is very
significant happened since three the last decade (1980-2010),
starting from 4.48% of the total population of Indonesia in 1980 to
8.37% in 2009 (Commission Elderly, 2010).
The aging process affects different problems caused either physically
as well as mental and social economy. These conditions resulted in
the elderly will be susceptible of contracting some disease of disease
as well as the elderly mental condition one of them depression .
Estimated prevalence of depression in the elderly is by 1-2%.

2013 basic health research data report the prevalence of mental

disorders in Indonesia, but not have data on elderly depression.
disruption Identified soul is a mental disorder emotional by 6%, lower
than the prevalence of severe mental disorders (9.3%).

Based on some of the research and analysis related efforts to

handling late – life depression in society, the author combines several
basic intervention prevention of depression with intervention
spiritual care and stress management.
ILMI-SpaRe Intervention

intervention is a acronym of “i” that is input positive feelings and high

motivation, “L” for relief feeling with sincerity, “M” is doing activities
inside and outside the home, “I” for spiritual balance with care
intervention, religious and social activity on muscle relaxation

The survey results in the Village Sukamaju Baru, Tapos Depok sub-
district, West Java in September-October 2014, found 50 elderly in
society at risk of depression. Of the 60 elderly, examination depression
status by using GDS-SF or GDS-15 ( Geriatric Depression Scale-Short
Population in the community nursing care that
the elderly (age ≥60 years) who are depression
(mild, medium and risks depression) in the
village of X Depok. Samples been using the
technique purposive been using the technique
purposive sampling, total of samples is 25
Input feeling, positive thingking
and motivation high life

Elderly activity Elderly accept the

inside and outside conditions of aging
the house ILMI-SpaRe with sincerity

Elderly offset by
Coaching held 8 meetings
intervention spiritual care
with duration of about 45-
and progressive muscle
60 minutes.
relaxation as an effort to
stress management.

intervention ILMI-Spare show decrease in the level of depression in the

group the elderly based on the result before and after ILMI-SPARE
intervention that is from 6,52 to 4,06 that is the elderly group RW A
which is a lowering GDS score from 6,6 to 4,28 (SD: 1.228) and the
elderly grub RW from 6.44 to 3.84 (SD: 1.555)

Strategies to improve the self-satisfaction of the elderly will

prevent depression. When the elderly to understand and
integrate the individual, the elderly will learn to improve
them selves, to change to live better with high self-esteem.
Nursing care in the elderly population is more effectively
done in the form of a group, so as to give strength to each
other with an intervention that can reduce the grief of elderly
and make them happier

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