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Groups Assignment :


Group Member’s :
1. Dini Rahmadianti (1610531008)
2. Muhammad Rafli Imron (1610531034)
3. Ratu Shavira (1610532025)
4. Rayhan Zuhra Rinaldi (1610532051)
Company’s Profiles
 Name : Bunda Catering Padang

 Owner : Eldawati

 Address: Jl. Pramuka, No 2 RT. 001/007,

Lolong Belanti, Padang Utara, Kota Padang,
Sumatera Barat

 Phone : 0751-82220473
Lists of Users Needs
o Customer
◦ Provided form for membership,
◦ Provide information about description of food
◦ Provide information about tariffs of each types of
food packages,
◦ Provide information about company as whole.
Lists of Users Needs (Cont’d)
 Admin/Staff
◦ Admin can update the tariff of food
◦ Admin can see the customer who already
become member,
◦ Admin can see the report during of
transaction during the period,
Analysis of System

 Context Diagram
 Entity Relationship Model
 Physical Database Design Model
Context Diagram
Entity Relationship Model
Physical Database Design Model
Design of database table
Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Length
Customer_ID Short text 7
Customer_Name Short text 50
Gender Short text 1
Package Short text 255
Address Short text 255
Phone_Number Short text 14
Membership Yes/No 1
Category Short Text 50
Design of database table
Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Length
Customer_ID Short text 7
Customer_name Short text 50
No_Order Short text 7
Package_Code Short text 6
Order_Unit Number 10
Price Currency -
Membership Yes/No -
Membership_Discount Currency -
Staff_ID Short text 7
Staff_Name Short text 50
Order_Time Date/Time -
Delivery_Time Date/Time -
Destination Short text 255
Design of database table

Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute

Package_Name Short Text 5

Package_Code Hyperlink -

Categories Short text 50

Min_Order Number Long Integer
Design of database table
Package Code
Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Length
Package_Code Short text 5
Package_Name Short text 50
Categories Short text 50
Snack Short text 50
Food Type Short text 50
Vegetables Short text 50
Beverage Short text 50
Dessert Short text 50
Fruit Short text 50
Min_Order Number 10
Price/unit Currency -
Design of database table
Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Length
Admin_ID Short text 7
Admin_Name Short text 50
Gender Short text 1
Address Short text 255
Phone_Number Short text 12
Design of database table
Attribute Name Attribute Type Attribute Length
Package_Code Short text 5
Package_Name Short text 50
Price/unit Currency -
Design of identified output
The design
of source
and input screens
The design of source documents and
input screens (Cont’d)
The design of source documents and
input screens (Cont’d)
The design of source documents and
input screens (Cont’d)
The design of system configuration
• Bunda Catering used
centralized with
distributed data
entry as its System
Configuration. The
data are entered at
point of occurence.
It have slow
processing time
when busy, and
vurnerable to down
Time Schedule


Key Stage Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Designing the system

System Testing

System Improvement

Implementation of improved system

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