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Decision support system

•Interactive computer-based systems that help people use

computer communications, data, documents, knowledge
and models to solve problems and make decisions. Need
good information and provide information that improves
•Companies use DSS to support the decision making of
customers and suppliers.
•Combine information portals, knowledge management,
business intelligence in an integrated web environment.
Type of decisions
• Programmed decisions
– repetitive and routine
– have a definite procedure
• Nonprogrammed decisions
– Novel and unstructured
– No cut-and-dried method for handling problem
Problem solving phases
• Intelligence
– Searching environment for conditions calling for a
• Design
– Inventing, developing, and analyzing possible courses
of action
• Choice
– Selecting a course of action from those available
• Review
– Assessing past choices
Characteristics of DSS
• Should support rather than automate decision
• Should respond quickly to changing moods of
decision makers
 Specific types of DSS
– business intelligence,
- data mining, data warehousing, knowledge
management and on-line analytical processing,
- e-business technologies, world-wide web and
information technologies
Characteristics of DSS
• The computer must support the manager
and not replace his judgment.
• Semi-structured problem where parts if
analysis can be systematized by computer
• Effective problem solving is interactive by
a dialogue between user and system
Characteristics of DSS

• Supports decision making at any level in

an organization (operations, financial
management and strategic decision-
• DSS can support a manager using a
single PC or a large group of managers in
a networked client-server or web
Characteristics of DSS

• DSS include a wide variety of analytical

information systems,
• DSS provide managers more control of
their data, access to analytical tools
• capabilities for consulting and interacting
with a distributed group of staff.
• linked with a large data warehouse and
serves many managers within one
Operational Control Management Strategic planning
Degree of
Accounts Budget analysis-
Problem Structured Warehouse
Receivable engineered costs
Structure and factory
Order entry
Inventory Short-term
control forecasting
Semi-structured Mergers and
Production Variance analysis
scheduling –overall budget

Cash Management Sales and New Product

production planning

R&D planning
Components of DSS
• Database Management System. DBMS
manipulates, updates, maintains and
disseminates data.
-internal data generated by TPS
-external data from newspapers,census data, tax
codes, census figures, competitors
-online data services
-databases (finance, marketing, HR and others)
Components of DSS
• Model Management systems – Stores and accesses
models that managers use to make decisions e.g.
manufacturing facility,analysing financial status,
forecasting demand for product or service, determining
quality of products.
• Expert knowledge –Expert systems (Artificial Neural
Network –knowledge based)
• Support tools -Online help, pull-down menus,user
interfaces, graphical analyses, error-correction
mechanisms – facilitates user’s interactions with the
system. Interfaces –important support tools
DSS Types

Retrieve Analyze Prepare Estimate Propose Make solving
information entire reports decision decisions decisions support
elements files from consequen-
multiple ces

Degree of
Little Much
complexity of the
system 13-11
Three DSS Objectives
1. Assist in solving semistructured
2. Support, not replace, the manager
3. Contribute to decision effectiveness,
rather than efficiency

Functions of a DSS
• Model building –Decision makers identify input
variables, interrelationsips amongst variables,
problem assumptions and constraints
• E.g. sales forecasting- input variables such as
demand, cost and profit, assumptions (e.g.
prices of raw materials increase by 5% over
forecasting period), identify constraints e.g.
production capacity of plant. All information
integrated within system
Functions of a DSS
• What-if-analysis –Assess Impact of changes
to model variables. Used for semi-structured
and unstructured problems. Develop(best-case
scenario, worst-case scenario and realistic
-Spreadsheet packages such as Excel, Lotus 1-
Functions of a DSS
• Goal seeking –determining input values
to achieve goals
• Risk analysis-Assess risks. Decisions
can be low-risk, medium-risk and high-
• Graphical analysis-Visualize impacts of
action, forecast activities, detect trends
- e.g. line or bar charts, grouped line or bar
Development of a DSS
• SQL –relational database systems such as ORACLE,
• 3 methods of developing a DSS
-DSS generator- data management tools, spreadsheets,
report generators,statistical packages, graphical
packages, model-building tools - Excel
-DSS shells – Program to build customized DSS e.g.
financial software to forecast incomes,project cash flow,
balance sheets, analyze financial data
-Custom made software- Use language such as C to
develop procedures. Expensive and time-consuming
Organizational goals

Organizational Organizational
effectiveness efficiency

Decision-making Decision
effectiveness making

Quality of use

Attittude of DSS

Intelligence Information Process

Quality Quality Quality
Organizational Measures
• Organizational effectiveness – greater growth,
better innovation, increased profitability,
technical excellence, return on investment
• Organizational Efficiency- Cost savings,
increased productivity, greater team work, time
• Decision making effectiveness – Ability to
carry out ad hoc analysis, examination of
alternatives, rationality of process
Organizational Measures
• Decision making efficiency- reduction in time
taken for decision making, improvements in
predictive accuracy, greater focusing on key
• Attitude to DSS- enhanced employee welfare,
satisfaction with procedures
• Quality use of DSS- Application in major
problem area, repeat use, widespread use,
• Information Quality- Accuracy, communication,
Organizational Measures
• Intelligence Quality- Better
understanding of organization, generation
of ideas
• Process Quality-Confidence in
decision,enhancement of processes such
as transparency, equal participation etc
• Validity-Content validity
A DSS Model
Individual Other
problem group
solvers members

Report GDSS
Mathematical GDSS
writing software
Models software


Data Communication Information
Database Contents
• Used by Three Software Subsystems
– Report writers
• Special reports
• Periodic reports
– Mathematical models
• Simulations
• Special modeling languages
– Groupware or GDSS

Group Decision Support Systems
• Computer-based system that supports groups of people
engaged in a common task (or goal) and that provides
an interface to a shared environment.
• Used in problem solving
• Related areas
– Electronic meeting system (EMS) -idea generation
Idea categorization –Software –Problem statement
entered for comment. Anonymous consolidation of
comments, Idea ranking, Voting –voting software
– Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW)
– Group support system (GSS)
– Groupware -network, teleconferencing, web meeting, video

How GDSS Contributes
to Problem Solving
• Improved communications
• Improved discussion focus
• Less wasted time
• Conducive to decision making
• Allows all group members to participate
• Greatly enhances efficiency of group
• Generates and processes ideas in parallel
GDSS Environmental Settings
• Synchronous exchange
– Members meet at same time
– Committee meeting is an example
• Asynchronous exchange
– Members meet at different times
– E-mail is an example
• More balanced participation.

GDSS Types
• Decision rooms
– Small groups face-to-face
– Parallel communication
– Anonymity
• Local area decision network
– Members interact using a LAN
• Legislative session
– Large group interaction
• Computer-mediated conference
– Permits large, geographically dispersed group interaction


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