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Zamenice su reči koje se upotrebljavaju

umjesto imenica.

Dijele se na: lične (personal), povratne

(reflexive), prisvojne (possesive), upitne
(interrogative), odnosne (relative), pokazne
(demonstrative) i neodređene (indefinite)
Lične zamenice (Personal Pronouns)
• I – ja
• You – ti/vi
• He – on
• She – ona
• It – ono (za predmete, pojmove, životinje)
• We – mi
• They – oni, one, ona
Prisvojne zamenice (Possessive

Označavaju pripadanje i zamjenjuju imenicu.

I have a book. The book is mine.

1. I – mine (ja – moje) 1. we - ours

2. you – yours 2. you - yours
3. he – his 3. they - theirs
she – hers
it - its
Povratne zamenice (Reflexive
Upotrebljavaju se kada je subjekat rečenice isti
kao objekat.
I don’t want you to pay for me. I will pay for
He is really odd. He always talks to himself.
1.myself 1. ourselves
2. yourself 2. yourselves
3.himself/herself/itself 3.themselves
Pokazne zamenice (Demonstrative

Za pokazivanje: this book, those cars

Jednina Množina
This book (ova knjiga) These books (ove knjige)
That chair (ona stolica) Those chairs (one stolice)

Do you see that car over there?

I can’t bring all these books with me.
Upitne zamjenice
• Upitne zamjenice:
• Za lica: who, whose, whom, which
• Za stvari: what, which

• Upitni pridjevi:
• Za lica: what, which, whose
• Za stvari: what, which
Odnosne zamenice (Relative

• Who – za ljude
• Which – za predmete, mjesta, pojmove,
• Where – za mesta
• That – može da zameni ‘who’ i ‘which’.
We know a lot of people who live in the country.
Odnosnu zamenicu who koristimo samo za
ljude, osobe. Umesto who može se koristiti i

What was the name of the person that phoned


The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

Ovu složenu rečenicu možemo podijeliti na
dvije proste rečenice:
 The woman lives next door.
 The woman is a doctor
Za nežive stvari, objekte, pojmove, često i
životinje, koristi se odnosna zamenica which ili

Where is the cheese? – it was in the fridge

Where is the cheese which/that was in the
I don’t like films that have unhappy endings.
U govornom jeziku, češće se čuje that nego
Postoji još nekoliko odnosnih zamenica:

WHOSE koristi se u odnosnim rečenicama

umesto his/her/their, tj. prisvojnih prideva –
dakle, označava pripadnost.

We saw some people – their car broke down.

We saw some people whose car broke down.

Whose se uglavnom koristi za ljude:

I met a man who knows you. (he knows you)
WHERE koristi se da bi se označilo mjesto:
The restaurant where we had dinner was near
the airport.
I recently went back to the town where I grew

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