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Alfian Indra Wijaya 1117040010

Live in big and small city are two different things. We

know, one of the differences is the facilities and
natural environment. Facilities in the big city are far
better than in small city such as education,
employment and shelter. Unlike the natural feel, the
small city has a better natural environment because
there are still many plants there and have beautiful
scenery. So, the point of this is that big city and small
city have their own characteristics, such as the city
having good facilities and the small city having a good
natural environment.
Big city and the small city has its own advantages and
disadvantages. In the city we get good facilities, but
high individualism in the big city. Whereas in the
small city, the people still have good social relation to
others. in the small city we might be familiar with our
neighbors, but sometimes in the big city we don't
know their neighbors. So, there is an advantages of the
big city that is not owned by the small city and the
disadvantage of the small city that is not owned by the
big city
Comfortable living in a big city or small city depends
on each person. For example, if we want to pursue
education and facilities, we can choose to live in big
city. If we want to live in peace and far from crowded,
it's better to live in the small city. It does not matter
that we live in the small city but keep up with the
developments such as the people of the city and vice
versa, it does not matter to live in the big city, but it
must have good social relation with others. Last, living
in the big city is not necessarily better than the small
city because it depends on the thinking and comfort of
each person

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