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STUDENT NO:1810140

1. Introduction
2. Aim and Objective
3. Summary of LR
4. Methodology
5. Software Implementation
6. Result
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion
9. Limitation

When a scene is presented to humans, they are able to quickly identify the
scene or object, i.e., within a short period of exposure, by using this
concept absorb the incredible capability of the human vision system into
their algorithms for image processing(Zhang, 2016).

For example If the criminal is roaming around in the mall or in the middle
of the city to commit a crime, if it is recognized by a human, it take time to
respond and inform the authorities. Using scene classification with deep
learning and computer vision, it will be detected without any delay.

The aim of the project is to load, train and test different categories of images
using deep learning in matlab and to obtain result accuracy on test images
using SVM classifier for scene classification.
• To load different types of images in matlab
• To train by extracting feature for scene classification
• To test images for scene classification

What is AI ?

What is Machine Learning ?

What is deep learning?


• The images were categorizing when the data was uploaded in matlab. The bag of
feature method was used to extract the different feature from different images.
• In the classification learner, using the SVM classifier the prediction of the images
was modelled in confusion matrix and accuracy 71.9% were obtained.

• The matlab was able to classify the scene with different test image categories.
• The features of the different images were extracted by the method bag of feature.
• 71.9% accuracy was obtained by support vector machine algorithm classifier in the
classification app of matlab.
• Prediction of all data image categories were taken place in the confusion matrix,
where it classifies all 4 classes of different image categories and how many scenes
are predicted to each other due to similar features

The biggest limitation of deep learning models is that they learn through
observations. This means they only know what was in the data they trained on. If
a user has a small amount of data or it comes from one specific source that is
not necessarily representative.
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