Culture and Social Beliefs

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 It includes factors such as language, knowledge,

laws, religions, food customs, music, art,
technology and many more.
 Is a society’s personality
 Culture can be defined as, “ the sum total of
learned beliefs, values, and customs that serve
to direct the consumer behaviour of members of
a particular society
 There are three components of culture. They are beliefs,
values and customs.
 Beliefs are a large number of mental and verbal
statements that reflects a person’s knowledge and
assessment of something.
 Values are also beliefs but they differ in certain ways as
they met certain criteria.
They are fewer in number
They serve as a guide for culturally appropriate
They are enduring or difficult to change
They are widely accepted by the members of the
 Customs are behavioural patterns that constitute
culturally approved or accepted ways of behaving in
specific situations.
 It consists of everyday routine behaviour. For example:
putting ketchup on scrambled eggs.
 By this it is easy for any marketer once he understand the
different beliefs, values and customs of his customers.
 Culture exists to satisfy the needs of the people within a
society. It offers order, direction and guidance. Eg:
Culture provides a standard and rules about eating.(
When to eat, where to eat, what to eat, what can be
served to the guests etc.
 Cultural beliefs, values and customs continue to be
followed as long as they yield satisfaction. When a
particular standard no longer satisfies members of the
society it is modified or replaced.
 Cultural beliefs and practices can be used efiectively
and innovatively by the brands.

It focuses on the content of verbal, written and pictorial

Trained researchers select a small sample of people from a
particular society and carefully observe their behaviour.
They draw conclusions on the values, beliefs and customs
of the society under investigation.
The characteristics of fioeld observation are:
• Takes places within a natural environment
• Subject is unaware that it is performed
• Focuses on observable behaviours

 Subculture is defined as distinct cultural group that consist as an

identifiable segment within a larger more complex society
Eg nationality,social class,religion,language

 Nationality subculture(within a particular country;like india)

Eg anglo Indians,parsis,Mughals,pathans.

 Religious subculture
Eg sikh,hindus,Christians,muslims
 Geographic subculture
Eg south Indian,north Indian,north east Indian

 Racial subculture
Eg Asian,Indian,African,American

 Age subculture
generation Y-generation X-Baby Boomers-Older Customers
 Gender subculture
Eg male,female

 Marketers focus on satisfying traditional tastes& preferences.

 Companies are now focusing more on age sub-culture&gender


This age grouping often referred to as Xers, busters, slackers

consists of almost 50 mil individuals born between 1965- 79
Aws consumers, these 25 to 40 years represented $1.4
trillion in spending power in 2004.
They do not like labels, are cynical and do not want to be
singled out and marketed to.
Gen Xers understand the necessity of Money but do not
view salary as a sufficient reason to stay in a company.
The quality of work and the relationship build on the job are
much more important.
It is more important to enjoy life and to have a lifestyle that
provides freedom and flexibility

Referred to a group of individuals born between 1977-95

Children of the baby boomers
These members are also known as “ëcho boomer” or
millennium generation
This generation can be divided into three subsegments
 GenY adults (19-28 years)
 GenY teens (13-18 years)
 GenY kids or tweens (8-12 years)

Born between 1946-64

Broad Age category 40-60 years old
They represent 40 percent of the adult population
They are a more sought after segment
Marketers must understand that it is important to
understand them as they have the money and they want
to spend it on what they feel advances quality of life
Yuppies are the most sought after subclass
They are financially well off and well educated.
They constitute 5 percent of the population
Consumer Characteristics of BABY
 They tend to be motivated consumers
 They enjoy buying for themselves
 They are getting ready for retirement- looking for products, plans to
enter into retirement.
 Yuppies are associated with STATUS , Brand names etc.
 As Yuppies are maturing their attention shifts from expensive status
to travel,fitness etc.

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