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Assistant Professor IV
School of Technology
Marinduque State College
 This is the course dealing with the application
of the principles and the practices of
engineering in creating a reliable, efficient and
economical software. The course aimed to help
students build up an understanding of how to
develop a software system thru the
development process and with the knowledge of
the fundamental principles of system
development, software process models, project
management, software requirements
engineering process and risk management.
J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Introduction to Software Engineering
 Software Engineering Paradigms

 Project Planning

 Requirements Engineering

 Analysis and Design Workflow

 Risk Management

 Software Implementation and Testing

 Software Maintenance

J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Class Participation 30%
(Recitation, Assignments, Class activities)

 Quizzes 30%

 Major Exams (Oral) 40%

 Midterm – Presentation and Defense of
Requirement Specifications
 Final Term – Presentation and Defense of
Software Project Mgt. Plan
J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Attendance will be checked every meeting
for monitoring purposes. If you exceed your
allowable cuts for the semester, you shall be
dropped from the roll. Provisions related to
class attendance in the Student Handbook
shall be applied.

J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 In case you cut, it will be your responsibility
to know the material covered for the day.
The instructor also reserves the right to
give unannounced quizzes or graded
exercises at any time.

J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 No make up quizzes/tests will be given
unless you have a very valid reason, and
proof supporting it.

J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Playing games, web browsing, reading email,
and entertaining phone calls or text messages
are prohibited, unless done in connection with
the current topic and allowed by the teacher.
Violation of this gives the teacher the right to
send out the offending student. In such a case,
the student will be marked absent for the
remainder of the period and will be prohibited
from accomplishing the class requirements
(e.g., quiz or exercise) missed during the
J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating in
any requirement will result in a minimum
penalty of having a grade of 5.0 for that
requirement, and will be reported to the
appropriate authorities. Duplicate work will
merit penalties for both the student who
copied and the student from whom the work
was copied.

J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 With each submission, students must
include a certification that their work is
substantially their own and not copied from
others. In addition, students must clearly
acknowledge and specify any help from
outside sources such as other classmates,
the Web, books, etc., that they received
while doing their projects. Failure to
acknowledge such may be interpreted as
intellectual dishonesty.
J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Class time must be used wisely. Whenever
the instructor is not present, scheduled
topic/s must be studied and deliverable
scheduled for submission must be done.

J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Strict implementation of submission
deadlines will be observed. Late submission
will not be accepted, and a grade of 5.0 will
be given for that requirement.

J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
 Edmodo Class Code: 7wpjcu

 Advisories related to this class will be posted

 Learning materials will be made available at

 Submission of course requirements will be done


J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
Project Concept Week 3
Project Selection Week 4
Requirements Specification (Oral Presentation & Defense) Week 7-8
Requirements Specification Document Week 9
Software Design Week 11
Project Cost Estimate Week 13
Implementation and Testing Plan Week 14
Installation Plan Week 15
SPMP (Oral Presentation & Defense) Week 16-17
SPMP Document Week 18
J.Q. Nabos. Course Orientation, Software Engineering. School of Technology, Marinduque State College.
[1] Pressman, R., et. Al, Software Engineering : A practitioner’s Approach , 8th
Ed, McGraw-Hill Education , 2015

[2] Ian Sommerville. Software Engineering, 9th Edition. Addison-Wesley

Publishers Ltd. 2011.

[3] Ivan Marsic. Software Engineering. Rutgers University, New Jersey. 2012.

[4] Stephen R. Schach. Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering,

8th Edition. McGraw Hill. 2011.

[5] Joey F. George, Dinesh Batra, Joseph S. Valacich, and Jeffrey A. Hoffer.
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall -
Pearson Education. 2007.

[6] Stephen R. Schach. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Systems Analysis

and Design with UML and the Unified Process. McGraw Hill. 2004

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