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Linux Operating

By: Julie Dunbar

 Definitions
 History and evolution of Linux
 Current development
 In reality
◦ United States
 Business users
 Individual users and manufacturers
◦ World Wide
What is Linux?

 Linux is defined as a “Unix-like” operating

system assembled under the model of
free and open source software
development and distribution.
…Open Source?

 Open Source is a type of software liberally

license to grant users the right to use,
copy, study, change, and improve its
design through the availability of its
source code.
…Operating System?
From the Beginning
 Unix

◦ Released from AT&T’s Bell Laboratories in


◦ Open source until 1984, which led to an initial

growth of popularity.
Further Ahead
 GNU Project
◦ 1983 through the early 1990’s.
◦ Richard Stallman.
◦ Goal: create a Unix compatible software system
composed of entirely free software.
◦ The Free Software Foundation.
◦ GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
◦ Wrote Unix like applications including libraries,
compilers, text editors, Unix shell, and a windowing
◦ Where’s the kernel?
Even Further Ahead
 Minix

◦ Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

◦ Fully completed Unix-like operating system.

◦ Catch: Designed and licensed for computer

educational use only.
In the End
 Linux
◦ Linus Torvalds
◦ Step 1 – Took Minix and wrote a kernel to replace the
Minix kernel.
◦ Step 2 – Adopted GNU applications to work with the
Linux kernel.
◦ Step 3 – Applied the GNU GPL to his product.
◦ Step 4 – Complete integration of GNU applications and
Linux kernel to create the fully functional and free
operating system.
Current Development
 Embedded systems
 Servers
 Supercomputers
 Desktops
 Most popular Linux Distributions:
◦ Linux Mint
◦ Ubuntu
◦ Fedora
◦ Debian
◦ OpenSUSE
 Torvalds remains working on the kernel.
 Stallman leads the Free Software Foundation and develops
GNU applications.
 Third party developers.
Business Users
 The Linux Foundation conducted a survey with 1,900
people, 428 respondents of whom work for organizations
with sales of more than $500 million or 500+ employees

 Key points
◦ Continuing use of Linux
◦ Linux is able to handle “Big Data”
◦ Top reasons for businesses choosing Linux
Continuing use of Linux
 Relative to other operating systems, in the next five
years do you think the use of Linux in your company
or organization will:

Increase 79.8%
Stay the same 11.3%
Not sure 7.5%
Decrease 1.4%
Big Data
 In the next 12 months, what are your company’s
plans to support Big Data?

Adding more Linux 71.8%

Adding more Windows 35.9%
Adding more Unix 28.7%
Have no plans to add
more servers 17.6%
Top Reasons for Linux
 What are your drivers for adopting Linux?

Lower total cost of ownership (TCO) 70.0%

Features/technical superiority 68.6%
Security 63.6%
In-house talent experience with Linux 52.7%
No vendor lock-in 52.5%
Openness, ability to modify code 50.8%
Long-term viability of platform 47.5%
Choice of software 38.5%
Choice of hardware 37.1%
Other (please specify) 5.0%
Single Users

 Not that many

◦ Many people do not want the trouble.

 Solutions
◦ Buy a laptop/desktop with Linux installed on it.
Eight Virtues
 Price $799 - $1699
 Intel Core 2 - 3 GHz Dual Core 64 bit processors
 2 – 4 GB memory
 120 – 256 GB Hard Drive
 Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, openSUSE,
PCLinuxOS, Sabayon Linux, Linux Mint.
Emperor Linux
 Price $1230 - $5810
 2100 - 2700 MHz processors
 2 - 8 Gb RAM
 128 – 500 GB Hard Drive
 Fedora, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE
Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED), openSUSE, Fedora,
Debian, and SlackWare
Los Alamos Computers
 Price $1095 - $1760
 2.4 – 3.5 GHz processors
 4 – 8 GB RAM
 160 – 500 GB Hard Drive
 Fedora 15, Ubuntu 11.04 and 10.10, and Tisquel
 **Clearance Units**
 Price $670 - $1879
 2nd Generation Intel Core i7 and Extreme i7 CPU's
 8 – 32 GB memory
 750 GB - 2.25 TB hard drive
 Ubuntu 11.04 only
 Servers
 Price $599 - $2299
 2 – 3.06 GHz
 4 – 12 GB
 250 – 750 GB
 Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Edubuntu
and others

World Wide Users
 Today Linux is being used in…

◦ The Federal Government of Brazil

◦ Russian Military
◦ Indian State of Kerala’s High school’s
◦ China
◦ Spain
◦ Portugal
◦ France
◦ Germany
 Operating Systems
 Evolution and current status of Linux
 Statistics on business users
 Provided manufacturers for individual
 Listed some users around the world

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