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Design and development of an

automatic traffic density

measurement using Image
Sanjog Maiti
ICE, MIT Manipal
O Digitization and automation are the next evolutionary
steps for mankind. We as a society are currently
working toward creating devices or systems that
handle mundane tasks in a quick, efficient manner
thereby reducing our workload. However, it is
important that we define clear rules and SOPs to
ensure that these systems are functional to a point
where there is smooth functionality while minimizing
risk. Machine vision is quite simply the way in which
machines process visual data. This allows for
machines to make judgement calls based on the
analysis of image files. Our system aims at
automation of traffic regulation.
Why is there a need for this?
O India relies on a network of timer regimented
traffic lights supplemented by policemen to
regulate the smooth flow of traffic. However,
traffic patterns are often erratic with peak hours
happening at the beginning and end of
business. It is estimated that India loses Rs
60,000 crore due to traffic congestion per year
including fuel wastage. This can be reduced by
implementing a dynamic system that is able to
make decisions based on the immediate
parameters keeping the big picture in mind.
Current scenario
O Obviously this kind of model has been
researched and put into place for testing.
What we intend to do here is first study the
current model and algorithm and then
enhance it to make it more efficient for use.
More importantly our motive is to make
image processing efficient to detect moving
objects specifically automobile.
•Research existing algorithms
and find out possible problems

•Design and modify the existing

algorithm with enhancements

•Implement the algorithm into a

virtual system for testing
O Different traffic patterns at different times of
the day.
O Distinguishing between moving automobile
traffic and pedestrians.
O Relationship establishment between traffic
density and traffic lights duration.
O Formulating a paper for the same at
completion for getting the system developed
in for implementation/improvement.
O Preeti Mohanty, Assistant Professor, ICE, MIT

O Hetal Patel, Professor, ECE, ADIT V. V. Nagar

O Sample Traffic Data
O Automobile size chart
O Algorithm Developer software
O Image Processing software
O Applications of Machine Vision by Remiguisz and
O Video Based Effective Measurement for Wireless
Traffic Control Application by Awan and Rani.
O Application of Image Processing in Real Time
Traffic Light by Traffic Jam Detection by
Thank you

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