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Robotics group
What are robotics?
 Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of
engineering and science that includes mechanical
engineering, electronics engineering, computer
science, and others. Robotics deals with the
design, construction, operation, and use
of robots, as well as computer systems for their
control, sensory feedback, and information
processing. These technologies are used to
develop machines that can substitute for humans
and replicate human actions.
Three laws of robotics.
 A robot may not injure a human being or,
through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm. A robot must obey orders
given it by human beings except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as
long as such protection does not conflict with
the First or Second Law.
Who is father of robotics?
 Widely known as the father of the modern
robotics industry, Engelberger worked closely
with inventor George Devol, licensing patents
and developing the first industrial robot in the
United States under the brand name
Edison the robot.
 The Edison robot is a powerful, engaging tool for teaching
kids computational thinking and computer programming in a
hands-on way.
 With more built-in sensors than any robot in its class as well
as lights, sounds and autonomous behaviour capabilities,
Edison makes true robotics education accessible to students
of all ages.
 Not just a remote-controlled robot, Edison can:
 Respond to light and sound
 Follow lines and avoid obstacles
 Communicate with other Edison robots
 Connect to other Edison robots and LEGO bricks
 And so much more!
Working of Edison
Clap controlled driving
 What’s happening: Edison’s sound sensor
is responding to loud sounds, such as
claps. Edison will turn right when it detects
one clap or drive forward about 30cm if it
detects two claps.
Avoid obstacles
 The avoid obstacles program uses the
Edison robot’s infrared (IR) light LEDs and
IR sensor to detect objects directly in front
of the robot. Once the pre-set program is
activated, the Edison robot will drive
forward, turning as needed to avoid
obstacles it encounters.
Follow a torch
 In this program, Edison’s two light sensors at the
front-left and front-right of the robot take light
readings of the amount of visible light each one
detects. The readings are then compared to each
other. If the level of light detected by the right
sensor is higher than the level of the left sensor,
then Edson’s left motor is driven forward, turning
Edison right, towards the light. This movement will
continue until the level of light detected by the left
sensor has the greater value. At that time, the left
motor will stop, and the right motor will be driven
forward, driving Edison, once again towards the
Follow a line
 The line tracking program uses the Edison robot’s
reflected light sensor to detect differences between
dark and light surfaces beneath the robot. Once the
pre-set program is activated, the Edison robot will drive
until it finds a dark coloured line, then follow that line. In
this program, Edison’s line tracking sensor shines light
from its red LED on to the surface beneath the robot.
The sensor then measures the amount of light that is
reflected back to the robot. White surfaces reflect a lot
of light, giving a high light level reading while black
surfaces reflect very little, giving a low light level
reading. Edison adjusts direction according to these
lightlevel readings. When Edison is off the line, it turns
right to get on the line. However, when Edison is on the
line, it turns left to get off the line. This functionality is why
Edison ‘waddles’ back and forth at the edge of the line.
Bounce in borders
 What’s happening: Like the line tracking
program, the bounce in borders program
uses the Edison robot’s reflected light
sensor to detect differences between
dark and light surfaces beneath the
robot. Once the pre-set program is
activated, the Edison robot will drive until
it encounters a dark coloured line. It will
then turn around and drive in a different
direction without crossing that line.

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