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Urban Transportation Planning: Issues &

• 3C: Coordinative – Continuous - Comprehensive

• Type and intensity of land use: Determinant of activity

level – Trips

• Four Stage Modeling (FSM)

Sequential Approach

• Disaggregation
Spatial Purpose
Modal Temporal
Socio-economic base
Development of Transportation planning
Process: Assumptions & Principles

• Travel patterns are Tangible , Stable and predictable.

• Movement ( Transport) Demands are Directly related to the

distribution and intensity of land uses, which can be accurately
determined for some future data.

• Decisive relationship exists between all modes of transport and future

role of a mode can not be determine without giving consideration to
all other modes. The Transportation system influences the
development of an area , as well as serving that area.
• Areas of continuous urbanization needs region wide consideration of
transport situation.
• Transportation study is an integral part of the overall planning process.

• Transportation planning Process is a continuous, coordinated &

comprehensive process. STTP - APUTP09
Urban Transportation Problems

• Congestion • Mobility
Urbanisation Equal ability to travel

Specialisation Equal access to Travel

Supply & Demand Gap  Ancillary Impacts

Level of Service
Energy Consumption
Land Consumption
Environmental Impacts
Land use Trips

Land value needs

Accessibility facility

Land Use - Transportation Cycle


A system can be defined as an organised or

connected group or set of objects,
principles, or ideas related by some common
function, goal or belief.
Systems Approach to Transport Planning

Problem definition Solution Generation Solution Analysis

Formulation of Goals

Evaluation of
Performance Assessment Alternative and
and Review choice
The Continuing Urban Transportation - Planning Process
Stages in Transport Planning
I: Survey and Analysis of Existing conditions

• Goal Setting in view of the relevant , Social , legal,

aesthetic, Political , Economic and Technical

• Defining Survey Area and divisions of the Same

• Data Collection
Inventory of existing Travel Patterns
Inventory of existing Transport facilities
Inventory of Land Use & Economic Activities

Analysis for Determination of

quantifiable interrelationship
Land use and
Transport Economic
Facilities Activities
Classic Four-Stage Sequential Travel Demand Model

Trip Generation
Trip Distribution Demand
Modal Split
Traffic Assignment Supply

Environmental Protection
Mathematical Models

No of Trips Trip Land use and Socio

Produced/Attracted in a Generation economic
Zone Model characteristics

Trip Distribution Models

Modal Split

Trip Assignment
Example of Travel Estimation Tijmrsp Tijmrs
Process Edud. 2 (Income)

Work 6 High 3
Pi Medium
Other 1 5
9 9
1 47
2 66
3 110 F Tijmr
To Zones
Tij Tijm
o 1 2 3 Mode I Route A 5
m 25 Route B
1 10 18 19 47 Mode II 15 17
Aj Z
2 30 32 4 Route C 3
o 66 40
Attraction e
3 5 40 65 110 Tijmrp
s 45 90 88 223 Trip Purpose
1 45
2 90 Education 3
3 88 Work 12
Other 2
II. Forecast, Analysis of future conditions and
Plan Synthesis

Long term Planning…………… 20-25 years

Prediction of (I) Economic Activity in future

(II) Population
(III) Employment Pattern
(IV) Changes in land use Pattern
III: Evaluation :
Selection of best alternative for maximum fulfillment of
set objectives/ goals.

IV: Programme adoption and Implementation:

• Adoption & implementation of the best alternative
• Resource Mobilization for implementation
IV: Continuing Study:
Plan readjustment in light of the gap between predicted and
real situation perceived through periodic surveys of
predicted parameters of transport planning.

The dynamic nature and complexity in the transport

planning are due to stochastic nature of the input
What we want?
Move vehicles or Move persons????


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