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1. Why did God make us?

God make us to know

him, love him, and
serve him, and
thereby reach heaven.
2. Why did God make other
God make other
creatures to help us
reach heaven.
3. How do creatures help us reach
Creatures help us reach
heaven if we use them
for the purpose of
knowing, loving, and
serving God.
4. Why does God wants us to know him,
love him, and serve him?
God wants us to know him
because he is the eternal
Truth; to love him because
he is our most lovable Good;
and to serve him because he
is sovereign Lord
5. How are we to use creatures in
this life?
We are to use
creatures according to
the will of God.
6. What does it mean to use creatures
according to the will of God?

To use creatures
according to the will
of God means to
posses, desire, and
acquire things,
and enjoy or endure
them as God wants to
in our position and
state of life.
7. What does it mean to avoid
creatures if they hinder our eternal
To avoid creatures if
they hinder our
eternal destiny means
not to posses things
nor want them,
Insofar as they are
contrary to God’s will
for us.
8. What is necessary if we are going to
deal with the world wisely?
To deal wisely with the
world, we must, with the
help of God ‘s grace, train
ourselves to be free of
undue attachment to
person, places, and things.
We must learn to
control our likes and
dislikes, in order to free
ourselves internally to
praise, reverence, and
serve God as we should.
9. Where do we mainly learn what is
the will of God and how we are to do
We mainly learn God’s
will and how to fulfill
it from the teaching of
the Catholic Church.
10. Where does the Catholic Church
teach us the will of God?

The Catholic Church

teaches us the will of
God in Christian
11. What do we call summary of
Christina doctrine?
We call summary of
Christina doctrine the
12. What does the catechism
especially teach us?
The catechism
especially teaches us
three things:
What we are to
believe on the word of
God as found in
Scripture and
What we are to do in
order to love God by
doing his will as
expressed in the
Commandments and
What means of grace
are available through
the sacraments and
prayers in order to
serve God as we
13. What is divine revelation?

Divine revelation is the

manifestation which God
has made to us of what
we should know about
him and his will in our
regard, and how we are to
worship him.
14. Why is this revelation called
This revelation is
called divine because
it comes from God
and leads us to the
possession of God.
15. How does God revealed himself
to us?
God Has revealed
himself to us in two
ways, naturally, and
16. What does natural revelation
Natural revelation is the
knowledge that we
acquire about God by
human reason through
the wonderful works of
his creation.
17. Why is it called natural?

It is called natural because

we can rise to some
knowledge of God by the
light of our native reason
through the reflection on
the objects and activities
of nature.
9. Where do we mainly learn what is
the will of God and how we are to do
We mainly learn God’s
will and how to fulfill
it from the teaching of
the Catholic Church.
We can know that
God exists by
concluding from the
effects in the universe
to existence of a First
Cause who is himself
not caused.
18. What is supernatural
Supernatural revelation is
the knowledge that God
discloses in a special way
about himself and beyond
what we can know o0f
him by our reason.
19. Why is it called supernatural?

It is called supernatural
because God directly inspires a
holy person or sacred writer
and thus gives him a share in
his own divine authority to
communicate the word of God
to the rest of mankind.
20. Did God have to give us a
supernatural revelation?
God did not have to give
us a supernatural
revelation. But in his
love he wanted to help
us know him better.
21. What is supernatural revelation
commonly called?
revelation is
commonly called
22. How does revelation help us to
know God better?
Revelation helps us to
know God better in two
ways. It enabled
everyone to arrive at
the knowledge of the
one true God
With ease, firm
certainty, and without
contamination of error.
Moreover, revelation
makes known to us the
divine mysteries.
23. How do we know from reason that
God actually revealed himself?
We know from reason
that God actually
revealed himself by
considering the miracles
he has worked to
confirm the fact of
Indeed, he continues to
perform miracles in
order that our faith may
be reasonable. Speaking
of the miracles of the
Savior, the evangelist
“These are recorded so
that you may believe
that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God, and
that believing this you
may have life through
his name” (John 20:31)
24. How does miracles differ from the
extraordinary actions?

Miracles differs from

other extraordinary
actions in three ways:
•They occur in answer
to a holy person’s
desire or to prayer;
•They surpass the
ordinary powers of
visible nature
•They have the
religious purpose of
showing God’s special
25. How do miracles show that God
is really with someone who claims
to have received a revelation?

Miracles shows that

God is really with such a
person because only
God can work a miracle;
so he would be
confirming a lie if he
worked a miracle in
favor of a false
26. How was revelation completed with
the apostolic age?

Revelations was
completed with the
apostolic age in Christ is
the fulfillment of all the
prophecies before him,
And his Incarnation is
the perfect self-
manifestation of God
to the human race.
27. Has there been any addition to the
revelation handed on by the apostles?
No, there has not been any
addition to the public
revelation handed on by the
apostles. The revelation of
what the world needs to be
saved and sanctified was
completed with the death of
the last apostle.
28. Do we continue to receive
supernatural revelation in modern
We do not receive any
new supernatural
revelation. All the divine
truth necessary for
salvation were revealed by
the end of the apostolic
age, about A. D. 100.
However, the Church
will continue to teach
and explain these
revealed truths until
the end of time.

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