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A presentation on

On the basis of degree
i) Constant polynomial – polnomials
having degree 0. e.g. 32, -5

ii) Linear polynomial –

polynomials having degree 1. e.g.
x+5, 6x-3 iii) Cubic polynomial–
polynomials having degree 3.
e.g. 6x³ + 7x² -x-6
ii) quadratic polynomial – polynomials
having degree 2. e.g. 2x² + 3x -8
v) bi-quadratic polynomial -
polynomials having degree 4.
e.g. 2x + x³ - 8x² +5x -8
A real number α is a zero of a
polynomial f(x), if f(α) = 0. The number of zeroes of the
e.g. f(x) = x³ - 6x² +11x -6 polynomial is the degree of the
polynomial. Therefore a quadratic
f(2) = 2³ -6 X 2² +11 X 2 – 6 polynomial has 2 zeroes and cubic
= 0. 3 zeroes.
Hence 2 is a zero of f(x).
 Let α, β and γ be the zeroes of the polynomial ax³ + bx² + cx + d
 Then, sum of zeroes(α+β+γ) = -b = -(coefficient of x²)
a coefficient of x³
αβ + βγ + αγ = c = coefficient of x
a coefficient of x³
Product of zeroes (αβγ) = -d = -(constant term)
a coefficient of x³
I) Find the zeroes of the polynomial x² + 7x + 12and verify the relation between
the zeroes and its coefficients.
f(x) = x² + 7x + 12
= x² + 4x + 3x + 12
=x(x +4) + 3(x + 4)
=(x + 4)(x + 3)
Therefore,zeroes of f(x) =x + 4 = 0, x +3 = 0 [ f(x) = 0]
x = -4, x = -3
Hence zeroes of f(x) are α = -4 and β = -3.
Sum of zeroes = α + β = -4 -3 = -7
-(coefficient of x) = -7
coefficient of x²
Hence, sum of zeroes = -(coefficient of x)
coefficient of x²
Product of zeroes = αβ = (-4)(-3) = 12
Constant term = 12
Coefficient of x²
Hence, product of zeroes = constant term
coefficient of x²
Sum of zeroes = α + β = -4 -3 = -7
-(coefficient of x) = -7
coefficient of x²
Hence, sum of zeroes = -(coefficient of x)
coefficient of x²
Product of zeroes = αβ = (-4)(-3) = 12
Constant term = 12
Coefficient of x²
Hence, product of zeroes = constant term
coefficient of x²
2) Find a quadratic polynomial whose
zeroes are 4, 1.
sum of zeroes,α + β = 4 +1 = 5 = -b/a
product of zeroes, αβ = 4 x 1 = 4 = c/a
therefore, a = 1, b = -4, c =1
as, polynomial = ax² + bx +c
= 1(x)² + { -4(x)} + 1
= x² - 4x + 1

The end

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