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Kuliah I Sanitasi Negara


Pengantar Sanitasi Negara Berkembang

Suphia Rahmawati
Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan UII

1. Sanitasi Lingkungan
2. Silabus dan SAP Google classroom
3. Penilaian  berbasis tugas mandiri dan kelompok
4. Referensi
“Sejarah manusia dicerminkan dalam sejarah saluran air kotor
(gorong-gorong); Gorong-gorong adalah
nurani kota; Gorong-gorong itu nyinyir. Ia mengisahkan apa saja”
(Victor Hugo, dalam novel “Les Miserables”/Orang-orang
Once Upon a Time.......
Penyediaan Air (Water supply)
• Pada Abad 3 M, orang-orang
Romawi telah membangun
banyak pemandian dan
mencapai keterampilan yang
tinggi di dalam desain dan
• Sistem penyediaan air dan
drainase memerlukan
perencanaan yang cermat untuk
menjamin aliran yang cukup
untuk kolam-kolam panas dan

• Diperkirakan pemandian-pemandian tersebut memerlukan air

sebanyak 15-20.000 m3/hari.
• Pemandian-pemandian di Kota Roma dialiri dengan cabang Aqua
Marcia aqueduct, yang membawa air murni dari mata air di bukit di
dekat Subiaco, kira-kira berjarak 90 Km.
What did the Aqueducts mean to the
Roman Civilization?
• The Romans could not have built
their big cities without aqueducts.
• Some Roman cities wouldn't have
existed at all.
• Romans sometimes built cities on dry
plains, which would not have been
possible without the transported
• With the water, they could have their
baths, their fountains, and their
drinking water.
Parts of an Aqueduct

• Covered Trench
• Channel
• Tunnel
• Pressurized Pipe
• Wall
• Arcade
Did the Romans have any mechanisms for
cleaning their water?

• They didn't use chemicals, but they

had other ways.
• First, they used settling basins. It was
like a pool. The basins would slow
the water down. As it slowed, the
impurities or the load, as it's called, Settling Basin, Metz, France
dropped out of it. That would remove
some of the sand and other
• They also purified water by aerating
it. The water in the aqueducts was
exposed to air throughout its journey,
although we don't know if the
Romans knew this improved the
quality of their water.
Settling Basins

Cologne, Germany

Water Purification
• Instead of a settling basin, one
of the aqueducts had zigzags
built into it. These zigzags
caused the water to slow down,
which would unload impurities.
• Occasionally the Romans would
have to shut the water off.
Someone would climb into a
tunnel from the surface through
a well hole.
• There would be little hand- and
footholds carved into the walls
of these shafts. Sometimes
they'd go down 30, 50 feet.
• Slaves would shovel out
impurities that would be hauled
to the top in buckets.
View encrusted calcite
and minerals along walls.
Toilets / Latrines
• Romans were far less shy about
bodily functions than we are.
• Acts we consider private—
bathing and going to the toilet—
were done by the Romans in public
and without shame.

• Some privacy was provided by the Roman's loose togas, since they
were hiked up rather than pulled down.
• Bathhouses had large public latrines, often with marble seats over
channels whose continuous flow of water constituted the first “flush
• A shallow water channel in front of the seats was furnished with
sponges attached to sticks for patrons to wipe themselves.
• Water from the baths, latrines,
palaces, fountains, etc., as well
as other urban runoff was
discharged into Rome's
drainage and wastewater
collection system.
• Several centuries before the
birth of Christ, Etruscan
engineers built the initial
drainage system whose main
outlet into the Tiber River still
exists 28 centuries later.

The covered drains were designed on such a large scale that in

certain sections wagons loaded with hay could drive through
with ease.
Rome's sewers and drains emptied directly into the Tiber,
whose polluted state must have been a constant problem for
the Roman populace.
Indonesia (Tamansari-Yogyakarta)
Back to reality

• Istilah berkaitan dengan sanitasi:

1. Sanitasi dasar
2. Sanitasi Lingkungan
3. Ecological Sanitation
4. Sanitasi makanan
• Sanitasi: (dalam arti higiene/penjagaan kesehatan) adalah
mencegah manusia berkontak dengan bahaya untuk
menjaga kesehatan.
• Bahaya disini diartikan sebagai agen penyakit yang berupa
bahan kimia, biologis, mikrobiologis atau fisik
• Contoh: kotoran manusia/hewan, sampah, air limbah
domestik, limbah industri dan limbah pertanian
• Konsep sanitasi berkaitan erat dengan konsep penyebaran
penyakit (epidemilogi)
Negara Berkembang (Wrold Bank, 2011)
Negara berkembang (IMF dan UN)
Negara berkembang
• The development of a country is measured with statistical
indexes such as income per capita (per person) (Gross
Domestic Product,GDP), life expectancy, the rate of
literacy, et cetera.
• The UN has developed the (Human Development Index,
HDI), a compound indicator of the above statistics, to
gauge the level of human development for countries where
data is available.
• Developing countries are in general countries which have
not achieved a significant degree of industrialization
relative to their populations, and which have, in most cases
a medium to low standard of living. There is a strong
correlation between low income and high population
Negara berkembang vs sanitasi

Permasalahan Sanitasi di Negara Berkembang menurut

PBB dapat ditingkatkan dengan:
1. Menghilangkan Stigma di sekitar sanitasi
2. Mengurangi kemiskinan, meningkatkan derajat
kesehatan dan keuntungan lain yang berawal dari
penjagaan kesehatan yang baik, sanitasi keluarga dan
pengolahan air limbah domestik
• 2000: Diluncurkan program Millenium Development
Goals (MDGs)
• 2008: Tahun sanitasi
• 2015 : Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Posisi MK Sanitasi Negara berkembangdi dalam Kurikulum TL


Etika Profesi
Ibadah dan Akhlaq
T ugas Akhir Kewirausahaan
Konsep Iptek
M uam alah

Kepem im pinan
Rancang Bangun KP Islam
Peradaban dan
pem ikiran Islam
Perencanaan Perencanaan
T eknologi Sem inar T A
Instalasi Instalasi
Lingkungan T epat
Pengolahan Air Pengolahan Air Guna
Lim bah Dom estik M inum

M anajem en
Ilm u Budaya M etode Penulisan
Dasar Karya Ilm iah
Pengelolaan Pencem aran
Lim bah Industri Udara
Penyediaan Air Pengelolaan
M Inum Persam pahan

Drainase dan
M atem atika Satuan Operasi Praktikum Labling
Penyaluran Satuan Proses II
Rekayasa Lim bah Perkotaan

Pengelolaan Pengelolaan
Kualitas Pencem aran
Plam bing dan Lingkungan Kerja
Hidrologi dan Pengetahuan M ekanika F luida II Lingkungan Pesisir dan Laut
Geohidrologi Struktur Pom pa
Praktikum Labling
I Bahasa Inggris
M ekanika Praktikum Epidem ilogi dan
Rekayasa T anah M ekanika F luida I
Rekayasa M ekanika F luida Kesehatan
Laboratorium Lingkungan
Statistik T L
Prakt. M ikrobio
F isika Dasar II
Kim ia Lingkungan

F isika Dasar I Prakt. F isdas Perpetaan dan M ikrobiologi Ilm u Lingkungan

Kalkulus II GIS Kim ia Dasar II Lingkungan

M atrikulasi
Pem rogram an M enggam bar Pengantar T eknik
Kalkulus I Kim ia Dasar I Prakt. Kim das
Kom puter T eknik Lingkungan

BT AQ M atem atika Bahasa Inggris

Silabus dan SAP
• Rencana perkuliahan
Minggu Materi

I Pendahuluan
II Permasalahan dan Kerangka Acuan Sanitasi di Negara Berkembang
III Penyediaan Air Minum I: Kondisi, Kualitas dan Kuantitas, Air Baku
IV Penyediaan Air Minum II: Pengolahan dan Distribusi
V Penanganan Air Limbah I: Karakteristik AB, Blackwater-Greywater
VI Penanganan Air Limbah II: On Site Treatment
VII Penanganan Air Limbah III: Ecological Sanitation
VIII Penanganan Air Limbah IV: Simplified Sewer
IX Penanganan Air Hujan: Pilihan sistem drainase, Pemanfaatan dan Pengolahan
X Penanganan Buangan Padat <sampah>: Karakter, Komposting, Insenerasi
XI Community Based Sanitation (teori)
XII Community Based Sanitation II (praktik)
XIII Studi Kasus
• Tugas Mandiri 40% (3-4 tugas)
• Tugas review Paper/artikel
• Tugas resume
• Tugas membaca dan kuis
• Kuliah tamu
• Tugas Kelompok 50%
• Makalah dan persentasi

No Komponen Parameter Prosentase

1 Kehadiran Min 75% (10%)
2 Utama Tugas mandiri 40%
Tugas kelompok dan 50%
3 Bonus Keaktifan
Tugas Individu 1
• Terangkan apa yang dimaksud dengan Millenium Development
Goals (MDGs)?
• Terangkan hubungan antara sanitasi di Indonesia dan MDG? Dan
bagaimanakah hasilnya
• Apakah hubungannya antara MDGs dan Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)?
• Apakah target Indonesia dalam SDGs?

• Pengerjaan 1 minggu
• Diketik font times new romans 11 spasi 1, margin semua 3cm kec kiri
4 cm. Maks 3 hak diluar daftar pustaka
• Cantumkan nama, NIM, dan no kelas
• Submit ke googleclass dengan email UII 1 jam sebelum kuliah
minggu depan

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