Biomass Defined: Biomass Resources - An Integrated Biobased Products and Bioenergy Industry

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BioMass Defined

• Biomass is any plant or tree matter in large quantity. It is used in a variety

of ways as a feedstock for numerous industrial processes now. These
include food processing, papermaking, electricity generation, building
materials and pharmaceuticals to name a few.

Biomass resources — An integrated biobased products and bioenergy industry

will produce power, fuels, chemicals, and materials from crops, trees, and

helping to grow the economy, energy security, protect the environment,

reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and revitalize rural
75 %
• Sosial ekonomi : pengembangan ekonomi pedesaan, membuka
lapangan kerja, memunculkan industri baru
• Lingkungan : perubahan iklim, hujan asam, erosi tanah, polusi air,
habitat yang nyaman, dll

What are some BioMass Industries?
• BioMass Fuel
– Gasification/Pyrolysis
• Producer gas
• Methanol
– Ethanol
• Acid Hydrolysis
• Cellulosic Hydrolysis
– Diesel
• Oilseed crops
• Oil producing trees and crops
– Methane
• Anaerobic digestion
• Municipal Waste Treatment
What are some BioMass Industries?
– Electricity • Textiles
• Technical & Industrial fabrics
Use methane produced • Geo-textiles
by anaerobic digester • Cordage
– Co-fire with coal to reduce • Composites
stack gas emissions • Building materials
• Injection molded (Automotive parts)
– Direct combustion for
• Polymers or binders, biodegradable
heat & power plastic
• Absorbents
• Oil absorbent can then be combusted
with coal to make power
• Bioremediation of contaminated soils
• Paper products
• High quality paper – high value pulp
• Newsprint and other high volume
• Add fiber to recycled paper to extend

* Source:
Konsumsi Energi Primer
1970 & 2002 (%)

1970 2002

88% Minyak Bumi

Gas Bumi 54% 23%
Batubara 17%
Tenaga Air
Panas Bumi
5% 6% 4%
1% 2%

Total Konsumsi : 50 juta SBM Total Konsumsi : 715 juta SBM

Peran dari :
• M.Bumi : 88% pada 1970 menjadi 54% th 2002 (menurun)
• Gas Bumi : 6% menjadi 23% (meningkat)
• Batubara : 1% menjadi 17% (meningkat)
• Panas Bumi : 0% menjadi 2% (meningkat)
• Tenaga Air : 5% menjadi 4% (menurun)
Pemanfaatan Biomassa

R.Tangga Industri Transport Listrik

• pembakaran • pembakaran • biodisel • PLT Biomassa

langsung langsung • gasohol • PLT Sampah
• biogas • biogas
• listrik • listrik
Isu Pengembangan Biomassa

• Data.
Data potensi biomassa secara komprehensif belum lengkap

• Teknologi.
Teknologi konversi biomassa pada umumnya masih mahal

• Pendanaan.
Harga energi yang dihasilkan oleh teknologi biomassa relatif
mahal sehingga minat lembaga pendanaan masih rendah

• Industri penunjang.
Teknologi konversi biomassa pada umumnya masih di import

• Daya Beli.
Daya beli masyarakat masih rendah

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