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■ The Colombian Constitution of 1886 was the

constitution that created the Republic of
Colombia. Before 1886, the country was called
United States of Colombia. The coalition of
moderate Liberals and Conservatives that
ended the liberal hegemony and placed Rafael
Nuñez in power repealed the Constitution of
Rionegro and substituted the constitution of
1886. From then on, the country was officially
called the Republic of Colombia.
Rafael Wenceslao Núñez Moledo (September 28,
1825 – September 18, 1894) was a Colombian
author, lawyer, journalist and politician, who was
elected president of Colombia in 1880 and in 1884.
Núñez was the first of three children of cousins
Dolores García Moledo and Colonel Francisco Núñez
García, who were married on October 6, 1824. At 15,
he was accepted by General Francisco Carmona in
the rebel troops to fight in the War of the Supremes.
Little is known about the early years of Núñez, but he
certainly served as a Circuit Judge
in Chiriquí, Panama in 1848.

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