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• N U R A Q I L A B I N T I TA S A L I M
• FA R H A N A H N A S U H A B I N T I A H M A D S U H A I L I
This film is about Billy McMahon and Nick Campbell who seek employment after being laid off
from their positions as watch salesmen when their employer goes out of business. Despite their complete
lack of technological savvy, Billy applies for an internship at Google for the two of them. They are accepted
due their unorthodox interview answers although they are lack of relevant experience. They will spent the
summer competing in teams against other interns, also known as “Nooglers” in a variety of tasks. Only the
members of the winning team will be guaranteed jobs with Google. Billy and Nick are teamed with other
interns seen as rejects : Stuart, who is usually engrossed in his phone, Yo-Yo Santos, an Asian- American
boy who was home schooled by a stereotypical Asian mother and Neha, an Indian-American girl who is
enthusiast of nerd-related kink. Their team is led by Lyle, who constantly tries to act hip in order to hide his
insecurities. Another intern, Graham Hawtrey aggressively bullies Billy and Nick’s team. Mr. Chetty, the head
of internship program, also express his doubts about the older men’s abilities. They make it through a series
of competitive team challenges together in order for their team to be declared as winner and receive jobs at

The scene chosen depict a situation in which during the helpline task, Billy was comfortable with
the material. However, at the end of the task, Billy and his team received no score since Billy failed to
properly log his call for review. Billy tried to ask Mr. Chetty to consider but he ignored Billy’s request.

Paralanguage Listening Skill


Loss of Face Work Ethics


 
• Billy does not listen to Mr Chetty’s • Billy should listen attentively to Mr
briefing about the task given and busy Chetty’s briefing and not being distracted
talking to Lyle. Because of his action, he so that he can prevent himself from
failed to log his call for review. making mistakes.

 
• Billy reveals very poor work ethics and • Billy should show good work ethics and
unprofessional behaviour during making professional behaviour when serving his
call for helpline task. He tries to interact customer. He must only focus on trying to
with the customer in an interesting way solve customer problems.
but he does not that he had touch on his
customer personal matters

 
• Billy does not respect Mr Chetty as his • Billy should respect Mr Chetty as his
Head of Internship Programme. He tried leader and admit his mistake. He should
to argue with Mr Chetty so that Mr make apologise and try to discuss nicely
Chetty receive his work but the way he for Mr Chetty to be considerate
argue look a little bit rude.

 
• Mr Chetty scold Billy in front the other • Mr Chetty should call Billy personally and
intern when he failed to log his call for scolds him for his mistake so that he will
review. This humiliate Billy and make him not repeat the same mistakes. This will not
feel ashamed and foolish. injuring Billy’s dignity and feelings.

 
• Graham shows sarcasm in his tone when • Graham should show sympathies towards
talking to Billy and his team after they had Billy and his team and tries to comfort
been humiliated by Mr Chetty. them.

 
• Mr Chetty giving briefing continuously • Mr Chetty should ask their intern either
without considering how the interns react they are understand or not about the
whether they understand or not his helpline briefing.

There is much we can learn from this video excerpt in terms of professional and
unprofessional behaviour at the workplace. This excerpt touches on the following aspects: the
importance of paralanguage and work ethics, what is listening skill and oncoming message can
reveal and how personality impacts communication. Loss of face also play an important role in
workplace interaction. Lastly, hierarchical relations influence the behaviour of individuals.

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