Media-Based Art and Design in The Philippines

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Media-Based Art and Design in the

 Photography
 Film
 Animation
 Print-Media
 Digital Media
 A film, also called a movie, motion
picture, motion picture, or photo play,
is a series of still images that, when
shown on a screen it create the illusion
of moving images.
What role does technology play in the
development of contemporary Philippines Film?
 Digital technology has made filmmaking
for the Filipino affordable. Going digital is
cheaper and faster to screen or process. The
distribution and duplication of film copies
are now easier than how they used to be, so
reach is many times greater.
Digital Technology has also mad its
innovations user-friendly.
Photographers are basically ready
once they know how to set their
digital cameras or phones up,
connect to a Wi-Fi network, and
open their camera apps.
What are independent (indie) films? How did it all
begin? What are some contributions of indie film to
Contemporary Philippine Film industry?
Advent of digital technology was indeed
a blessing for the Philippines film
industry. It paved the way for a new
generation of filmmakers to flourish
outside of mainstream or commercial
film studios.
Students filmmakers who might not
have the means to finance a
professional film kit or set can use a
simple video camera.
 Print media are publications printed on paper and
circulated as physical copies in forms we call
newspapers, magazines, brochures, comic books, etc.
 They hold informative and entertaining content that is
of general or special interest .
Is concerned with selling products and services to
people. The history of advertising can be traced form
long ago. People with goods and services to sell or
messages to deliver realized that they would be more
successful if they could communicate to as many
people as possible.
 Is a medium used to express ideas by images, often
combined with text or other visual information.
Advertising Art Director and
The team usually works together to devise a plan or
concept- the “big idea”’- for the advertisement.
*Art Director- is tasked to do visual aspect

*Copy writer- is tasked to do the textual

Art Director
 The art director/copywriter team of the advertising
firm works with other departments who gather
information about the potential market and the
consumer. After closely studying this information, a
selling strategy is agreed upon and formally presented
to the clients.
Digital Media
 Computer designers can assemble text
materials, select type, create images,
and plan the layout to produce a
What is a web page
We associate the web with a different kind of weaving.
Instead of threads, we form a different kind of
connection- a digital connection, from one computer to
another, to various computer- and the web that emerged
from these connections are as complicated as complex
any spider’s web.
WWW(World Wide Web) is a system accessing
information stored on computers worldwide using the

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